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Cravings when fatigued


I get horrible hunger it is as if when I crash my body can only get energy from food (does not know how to make it from body), so the fast converting food into energy are the best: Mandarin oranges, sugary.....
If I take a nap and skip the food, the craving gets better.
Interestingly (I also get an increase on sexual appetite). Sorry to bring this up but if it can give somebody some clue on hormone that is at play might be helpful.


Senior Member
San Francisco Bay Area
I get horrible hunger it is as if when I crash my body can only get energy from food (does not know how to make it from body), so the fast converting food into energy are the best: Mandarin oranges, sugary.....
Interestingly (I also get an increase on sexual appetite). Sorry to bring this up but if it can give somebody some clue on hormone that is at play might be helpful.

That is interesting
May I ask are you male or female I ask that because because I am trying to determine if the increase in sexual desire is a male or female characteristic when undergoing a crash


That is interesting
May I ask are you male or female I ask that because because I am trying to determine if the increase in sexual desire is a male or female characteristic when undergoing a crash
Female. I think there was another thread about this part, But for me is funny that they go together with the hunger. My husband think I am crazy because I can barely move and I am winking at him, and he is like " But you cannot even form words!!, how can you be flirty!!!
Also it is as strong as the food craving so the cravings are increasingly as proportional. If I go to sleep, they both end also.


Senior Member
upstate NY
constant craving all my life until I switched to high nutrient diet (70% green veg. plus fruits) for last 3 years...lost weight and zero to minor craving that I can tolerate without going dizzy or sweating....learned from Dr Joel Fuhrman's book on immunity solutions...I don't buy any of his products...you can figure it out yourself using readily available vegetables....try it for a month...I saw results in a month....however your body may be different of course


Senior Member
Interestingly (I also get an increase on sexual appetite). Sorry to bring this up but if it can give somebody some clue on hormone that is at play might be helpful.
This happens to me as well; I would really like to know why!

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
When I'm sleep deprived, I'm very vulnerable to acting on cravings. What I want then are salty, crunchy carbs such as tortilla or plantain chips or popcorn.

I can usually refrain from unhealthy carbs by eating enough protein, fats, and produce at meals, but still, when I'm sleep deprived, it takes huge willpower for me not to pig out on carbs.

The worse thing about these carbs is that it's so hard to eat a small amount. I don't want a cup of popcorn. Give me the whole bag!

While we are on the subject, why must carbs be so tasty?


Senior Member
upstate NY
@gettinbetter ; my biggest improvement on this diet has been cognitive : almost gone brain fog, dizziness, can use computer longer etc.....activity improved at least one level....overall lethargy reduced....officially CFS since 2003..initial symptoms since 1980's...yes still get crashes after overexertion but do not crave for junky food during crash.


Senior Member
Not sure I understand.

I try to avoid becoming really hungry as it seems to trigger weakness, dizziness, sweating and headaches. These are then not relieved by eating if I don't eat soon enough.

Also I have to be careful not to eat too quickly it too much in one go as this triggers gastric problems and OI issues.

I do get hungry but I try to be prepared. Eating little and often helps me stay ahead if it.

Cravings & hunger are not the same thing I find. From my days of giving up smoking I will stop and consider a I hungry or is it a craving? Sometimes it is simply a craving.

The trick is to try to stay ahead if it so it doesn't happen so often. That makes it sound a bit easier than it actually is ;)

I now try to eat before the cravings as you've mentioned above. This has been very good.

Before I craved a lot of sugar actually fructose and eating them gave me a fix initially but, made me so unwell later. Very sick, lethargic, almost depressed.

Nowadays I crave for red meat, especially meat, slightly burnt (I don't know why) but I cant eat it much of it. I always liked raw green vegs, salads -very lemony wity olive oil. I had to reduce this as now I suffer from gastritis.

Never enjoyed carbs and dairy (except white cheeses and natural yoghurt). Noe it appears that I'm allergic to gluten and lactose. I have nausea constantly since couple of months, I've lost 8kgs and loosing more. Not happy about this. My energy level is OK'ish.

My crashes are different nowadays, they now come from my gut. I feel like all the energy and blood stuck there somewhere in my tummy.


Simple carbs meaning?
High sodium broth like chicken or something else?
When you eat these simple carbs and broths do your cravings go away for the duration of the flare?
Do you lose or gain weight?

I quickly gained about 25 lbs. when I relapsed and have been unable to lose the weight. I no longer give into the carb cravings (pasta/bread/crackers), but will have soups. I went gluten-free a few weeks ago which has eliminated IBS symptoms. Yes, chicken and beef broth-based soups are satisfying. During a flare, I cannot be sated...I'm hungry all of the time, quite frustrating!

Invisible Woman

Senior Member
I'm hungry all the time too. I'm getting used to it slowly. It's quite strange. I could not stand hunger before but food gives me so much pain nowadays I prefer not to eat most of the time.

I get this too but have managed to find a way to manage it most of the time.

If it flares up I take metoclopramide four times a day for about four or five days to get back on track.

I like my veg slightly crunchy but this sets my stomach off so I slightly overcook em.

Certain foods like broccoli can be hard on the stomach and can cause bezoars to form. I think oranges are another.

Bezoars are clumps formed by food that can form in the stomach if the stomach isn't working or doesn't empty properly.


Senior Member
San Francisco Bay Area
When I am healthy I might have a craving for a salad or a certain vegetable
I consider these healthy cravings because the body is telling you what it needs
During a crash or when very tired it is different and I can't quite find the words to describe
I may still crave healthy foods but it gets crazy. When I was sicker the appetite would get ravenous but since I have been using bacteria killers that does not happen anymore.


Senior Member
Do you get insomnia when you overexert yourself?
How does eating sugary things stop a crash?
Can you tell me what you mean by crash?

I have constant insomnia so I take mirtazapine every night which puts me to sleep. If I don't take, then I don't sleep. After an overexertion, I feel wired and weird the next day. Then on the second day, I am barely able to get out of bed. This is a crash for me - I go from my normal housebound state to being mostly bedbound.

When I'm overexerting myself, it feels as if my body can't access sufficient fuel for energy. So I eat! Not good for my weight but it seems to make the crash when it comes, a bit less severe. Although I'm sure the sugar is bad for the adrenals and not a healthy way to deal with the problem. Best not to overexert!