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My apologies in advanced for punctuation, don't have access to my computer and my tablet is insane when it comes to auto correct.


I've noticed a strong trend of folks figuring they have copper toxcicity who end up avoiding copper everywhere they can, taking large amounts of molybdenum and vitamin C and zinc to remove excess copper etc.

I'd strongly recommend that anyone concerned with copper in any way checks this out, trust me it's worth your time. Things have gotten out of control with this copper fear, and I believe it's making a lot of people worse if you consider two things.

Firstly, Copper is involved in just about every antiviral, anti-inflammatory, neurogenitive, pro cardiovascular, pro digestive and pro detoxification enzymes and pathways in the body. It's also crucial for energy production and the entire endocrine system.

Do you have gut issues?
Skin problems?
Yeast overgrowth?
Nutritional deficiencies?
Depression/lack of motivation?
Low energy?
Chronic illness?
Joint pain?
Serious potassium disregulation? Magnesium?
Heavy metal burdens?
Mental illness?
Do you take molybdenum/zinc or vitamin C in large quantities?
Do you have anemia?

Well, you can do it for yourself or wait for me to finish the write up I'm working on, I plan to do a fairly comprehensive review of the importance of copper. And how it's been swept under the rug.

But to give you an idea. Copper is involved with neurotransmitter production and breakdown, with ATP synthesis, with our antioxidant system (CuZnSOD), our means of biliary excretion of heavy metals (metallothienine), with lysyl oxidase, cardiovascular function, electrolyte regulation, iron utilization (consider that, and think about the many interactions in anemia and b-vitamins involve iron), skin pigmentation, testosterone production, estrogen maintenance, the functioning of the central nervous system, the alkalinity of our blood, glucose management, adrenal function, sodium utilization and the sodium potassium pump, intestinal permeability (leaky gut, chrohns), the list goes on for a while, like I said I want to be comprehensive because as far as I've seen copper is probably one of the least understood and most vilified nutrients I've come across, and it's not a big surprise to me that people continue to become more ill as they push away from it.

Second, there are no tests. Hair, blood, RBC, urinary elimination or otherwise that can determine in any way whether or not a person is copper toxic. Only unreliably whether they are deficient. Aside from a liver biopsy there is only one speculated test that may determine copper toxcicity, the CCS test, and I haven't been able to find a citation for it. Check out the paragraph below, then check out the link above. Trust me it's important.

"Although a number of indicators are useful in diagnosing copper deficiency, there are no reliable biomarkers of copper excess resulting from dietary intake. The most reliable indicator of excess copper status is liver copper concentration. However, measurement of this endpoint in humans is intrusive and not generally conducted except in cases of suspected copper poisoning. Increased serum copper or ceruolplasmin levels are not reliably associated with copper toxicity as elevations in concentrations can be induced by inflammation, infection, disease, malignancies, pregnancy, and other biological stressors. Levels of copper-containing enzymes, such as cytochrome c oxidase, superoxide dismutase, and diaminase oxidase, vary not only in response to copper state but also in response to a variety of other physiological and biochemical factors and therefore are inconsistent markers of excess copper status.[97]

A new candidate biomarker for copper excess as well as deficiency has emerged in recent years. This potential marker is a chaperone protein, which delivers copper to the antioxidant protein SOD1 (copper, zinc superoxide dismutase). It is called "copper chaperone for SOD1" (CCS), and excellent animal data supports its use as a marker in accessible cells (e.g., erythrocytes) for copper deficiency as well as excess. CCS is currently being tested as a biomarker in humans.[citation needed]"