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Congratulations on IOM presentation


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
I think the entire thing is taped and will appear online in time, about four hours worth. All the official slides will also appear online, or so we are told. I really want to hear the Dr Enlander comment.

I think the Phoenix Rising team did a great job. Its hard to cover complex issues in only a few minutes. Fortunately the main themes were repeated again and again by other speakers. I think the IOM panel might have got a message or two.

The cookie-cutter thank yous and thank you for the slides, and your presentation is helpful, sounded a bit disingenuous after the first few, especially after a speaker who said the best thing they could do is resign.


Senior Member
The cookie-cutter thank yous and thank you for the slides, and your presentation is helpful, sounded a bit disingenuous after the first few, especially after a speaker who said the best thing they could do is resign.

Well that was magnanimous of them! Or maybe they just weren't listening. ;)

All kidding aside, if they are actually taking their job seriously, they probably are glad to hear the whole gamut of thinking. I would be, if I were in their shoes. Not that I'd want to be in their shoes. :eek: