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Changes Require Risk


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
So I did an article today on more and more ruby-throated hummingbirds wintering in the US.

First documented case this past winter of one staying and surviving in Birmingham Alabama.

He explained why. He said there are two instincts in the birds. One is to migrate. The other is to expand breeding area. In the case of those few who winter, the latter instinct wins over the one to migrate.

But most of these adventurous birds die. But a few may make it. And if they do, they may pass on the skills or tendencies or physical attributes that helped them to survive.

This is the way change in species happen.

I can see where this is an analogy for WPI. They have ventured into trying to do something new. It is risky. And those who have tried this before have failed. But in order to have change from the CFs norms, we have to have someone take a risk and try something new.

And maybe this time, they will survive and change will happen.



Senior Member
But most of these adventurous birds die. But a few may make it. And if they do, they may pass on the skills or tendencies or physical attributes that helped them to survive.

This is the way change in species happen.

I can see where this is an analogy for WPI. They have ventured into trying to do something new. It is risky. And those who have tried this before have failed. But in order to have change from the CFs norms, we have to have someone take a risk and try something new.

And maybe this time, they will survive and change will happen.
Or, maybe they'll end up dead as usual. Fortunately, we humans have invented this thing called science so that we don't have to rely on this delusionally optimistic monte carlo method of the evolution. The question is, do you really want to follow the false prophet off the cliff? Take chance on the Hasting's cutoff? That your species will carry on will be little comfort to you when you are dead.

WPI is all but discredited as far as I can see. The final shoe will drop when NIH/CDC study comes out. But rest assured that they, or their reincarnation, will return in another decade, like they have done for the past 25 years, like people waiting for Jesus to return.


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
Thankfully, we humans can use our minds, our reasoning in choosing where we take risks, that is if the circumstances are favorable for successful expansion.

With animals, there is no reasoning in their attempts to expand their range.

As for WPI, we will just have to see how it all plays out. It won't be long until we know. The attraction of the new area will quicken the test as to whether CFS will thrive in the new environment or fail.
