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CFSAC Eviscerated


Senior Member
Unless there are major changes to the way CFSAC acts and conducts business, I am not sure if we are not better off if they do not renew the charter.


Senior Member
Dimitrikoff resigned and five members are leaving. Six members out of 11 need replacement by the spring meeting.

Per mecfsforum, the following are the nominees:http://www.mecfsforums.com/index.php?topic=18974.0

This is the list of nominees:

2013 Candidates for Nomination

Broderick, Gordon, PhD (Nova SE Univ, Nancy Klimas and Denise Lopez-Majano)
De Meirleir, Kenny, MD, PhD (WPI)
Jason, Leonard A., PhD (nominated himself)
Keller, Betsy A., PhD (Maureen Hanson)
Klimas, Nancy G., MD (American Assn of Osteopathic Medicine)
Koch, Alisa Erika, MD (Denise Lopez-Majano)
Montoya, Jose G., MD (nominated himself)
Burmeister, Jeanette K., JD (John Herd)
Chu, Lily, MD (NJCFSA, also nominated herself)
Decker, Michael, PhD, RN, RRT (CAA)
Dimmock, Mary (Jennifer Spotila)
Enlander, Derek, MD (Gabby Klein)
Gilbert, D.J. (CAA)
Krafchick, Steven P., MPH, JD (nominated himself)
Landson, Joseph D. (Denise Lopez-Majano)
Miller, Robert D. (NJCFSA)
Newton, Faith Richards, PhD
Pearson, Donna M. (Mass CFIDS)
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Senior Member
My unsolicited suggestion to everyone:

If you want some of these folks to serve on CFSAC, write/ fax/ e-mail (better because you start a paper trail) or call CFSAC staff and tell them so, even if it's just a few sentences. I've done that before and now with this list, I will do some more.

CFSAC's address is:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC)
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Hubert H. Humphrey Building, Room 712E
200 Independence Avenue SW.
Washington, DC 20201
(202) 690-7650 (Voice)
(202) 401-4005 (FAX)
cfsac@hhs.gov (Email)