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CBT/GET Just Got Even More Effective, According to MSNBC News Scroll


Senior Member
For the past four or so days, the MSNBC News Scroll has been running this:

"Study suggest Exercise and CBT better for chronic fatigue than taking it easy"

Guess what it JUST said today? (I just happened to turn it on when they were scrolling through the Health News)

"Exercise and PsychoTherapy Help Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"

Apparently it is official. It isn't just a study that SUGGESTS Exercise and CBT are helpful for "Chronic Fatigue".

Now Exercise and Therapy ARE helpful for Chronic Fatigue SYNDROME.

Yep, Today they added in the SYNDROME.

No source of a study. Nothing. Just "Exercise and PsychoTherapy helpful for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". Period.

All the doctors seeing this, hmmmmmmm?? You think this isn't going to impact us here in the states?

WHY has MSNB been Scrolling this "Breaking news" for over four days? And why all of a sudden the change from "study suggest may be helpful......chronic fatigue" to "Exercise and Therapy ARE helpful for Chronic Fatigue SYNDROME?"

Back to 1990 again.

Throw us into a pool of water and let us sink.

Never mind the REAL RESEARCH done by REAL SCIENTISTS that show how Exercise is HARMFUL to most patients with ME/CFS.

BIASED, JUNK SCIENCE, Been scrolling over and over so everrrryooonneee who watches MSNBC even for 10 mintues a day will probably see it.

All the disbelievers have just been thrown a bone.

Feel free to post a comment here: (also link to the story, thanks XandOff!)




Northern Vermont
I too saw this today and was not pleased. Would there be any support out there for finding a link to MSNBC Health News and send out some orchestrated e-mails warning that this is incomplete information at best and could actually harm some folks with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Any help would be appreciated how best to approach this. Any Idea's ???. I will look at finding the right link to MSNBC HEALTH.


Northern Vermont
Here is the link to MSNBC's posting of the story that they used to create the scroll running at the bottom of the screen today. Who among us might be sharp enough to tick off some salient arguements to counter the damage that there scroll does? If there are any takes It would be great to orchestrate some e-mail to MSNB to let them know their scroll does a dis-service to all with CFS.



Senior Member
Thanks XandOff, I'm going to try and think of what to write in the comment section. Theres a lovely guy there saying we are weaklings who won't be missed, that CFS is not a real disease, and to get over it. (Who'd of thought you'd find a crazy person online?!?!?!)

I'm sure this story is really going to help! (not!)


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
It's incredible... Did they scroll the news about Lombardi et al. and Lo et al. in a similar way too??? How this weak study can get all that uncritical coverage is pretty frightening.

If the XMRV research doesn't pull us out of this mess within a couple of months (BWG, Lipkin) i really see no other choice than to go camp in front of the seat of government. Seriously... a couple of thousands of people, in a city of some millions, like many capitals, it should be possible to find that number of people, assuming a prevalence of ME/CFS of 0.25%. And those who are too far away or too sick to attend have to make their support heard from where they are.
Go there and tell them that what we have is real and that we're not leaving and not shutting up until they acknowledge there is an unsolved problem affecting hundreds of thousands or more (depending on what country) and that we want serious help NOW.
I don't see any other way. I'm not willing to have to deal with doctors, officials etc. who will tell me that CBT/GET would help me and i'm just not willing to try it for years to come.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
At least the MSNBC article left this paragraph out: "The strongest opposition comes from patient groups who believe there is a conspiracy by the psychiatric establishment to brand ME/CFS "all in the mind" – a mental illness that will respond to psychological therapies. They insist it is a physical disease, which probably has a viral cause. The claim last year from US researchers that a viral trigger had been found caused enormous excitement, and many refuse to believe the subsequent studies that concluded lab contamination was to blame."--The Gaurdian

This author almost seems as if she is very angry at us for some reason. Why does she feel she needs to say that "many refuse to believe the subsequent studies that concluded lab contamination was to blame", without mentioning the studies that confirmed the results? Either the people who did the PR for this study are amazing or this woman got paid from these people to write this article.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
We are definitely dealing with a strong and good working machine. Since Dec 20 i think this is obvious.
So i think our only chance for success if if we unite and become organized and big enough to be able to counter. We don't have to unite in a way that everybody believes in exactly the same things and follows one group (this would be bad!), but we all need to pull in the same direction. We need to bring the weight of our large number into this.
And we should be careful with using words like "conspiracy" i guess. This can backfire. There's no need to use that word unless there would be something we can prove. Let's just say they are wrong. And let's help them see the truth ;)