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brian nicholson detained in psyschiatric unit with me cfs for 3 years


Senior Member
Has anyone uses headway for brain injury i believe they may hsve has m.e patients at one of their hospitals they know.


Senior Member
Does anyone have bad nystagmus vertical downbeat. Shall i speak to nystsgmus metwork. M.e. and nystagmus camecon 2011


Senior Member
You wouldnt believe the damages done to the cns by antipsychotics and neuroleptic agents - all becsuse my room was a mess in 2012 sept - early 2013 they said 8 had a metabolic trauma or injury but never inv3stigsted anyth8ng but gave me priportal (to tidy my room obvious solution isnt it) why not call my professor and tell h8m anout neurometabolics. Untidy room justifies anyips7chotics.


Senior Member
@bohemian I am so pleased to hear that Dr Hyde is visiting you again. I recall his last visit when he was reassured that you were being released (he wrote to me and gave me an account of his meeting with Dr D.) Sadly, we know Dr D was not telling the truth in a number of matters, as DrBH discovered for himself.

I do hope this time he will meet with a different consultant or doctor who will be prepared to take ME seriously. You couldn't have a better advocate than Dr H.


Senior Member
There are more sinister issues going on with tegards corporations and the government. It is a big issue me telling the doctor about assination or execution but i have had some formnof remote unclassufied weaponrt sround my body - skull stomach and kidneys and tissue. The doctors are saying all my symptoms are passitivity phenonenon. Its a big corporaton isdue about s british scoentist snd assinstion.

I wsd hoping vountrygirl could help. I sm writing and calling my em0loyer snd insurer tomorrrow for help and doctors. I will ring yhe pm and local mp but i need lady mar to help. The place i am staying have called the police so i might get some help. I was nearly a gonner in the dentist chair a few days ago.

Countrygirl and others have any ideas about neuroelectromagnetic wesponry. West hampstead woukd like a first draft og my story when i wad in l9ndon.

It does sound like you are suffering from some delusions there. I'm pretty sure that you don't have a remote unclassified weapon round your body. It does seem like you're a bit confused at the moment. Good luck with improving your situation.


Senior Member
Sleep deprivation can push anyone to the edge. Good luck with everything. It is a difficult situation for anyone. Is it possible that the real problems around ME/CFS have led to some paranoia and unreasonable fears? Best wishes to you, and I hope that things do improve for you.
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Senior Member
Thank you for all your help. I recently had a tribunial and lost i tried to get off section 3 and no drugs. The clozipene isbmaking me very unwell. I saw my pots physician and i am not well. I asked him about kidneys. He said it might be myalgia. Anyone heard of kidney myalgia in m.e cfs.


Senior Member
Yes i dont no the effects of chronic m.e on psychological status. However i have had it all saying nothing. Deluded about job career health etc etc..

Hi Brian, your mention of being deluded about your career triggered my memory. I remember reading in your medical notes that the doctor claimed you were delusional because you told them you were a scientist. The joke of course is you actually WERE a scientist. Did they ever accept that?

I am so sorry that you have lost the tribunal again. You are having a tough time, I know. I'm so sorry, Brian.I am still puzzled why they state that you are resistant to the medication that gives you such unpleasant side effects, yet still force it on you. It doesn't seem rational to me.

From your previous post, am I right in assuming that you are seeing Prof Matthias again?

We are all still trying to hang together Brian in our own way and it is tough for most of us. I do hope you reach a happier phase of your life soon.

Thinking of you and wishing you well.:hug:

:nerd:<------------ Who does he remind you of? :whistle:


Senior Member
I feel theres no hope of me getting away from psychiatry. I am trying medical negligence lawyers but say it is a mental health issue! I feel they wont stop abusing me with clozipene
i need all your help. Its dire. And feelings of whete do i go who do i try - newspapers!


Senior Member
Has anyone uses headway for brain injury i believe they may hsve has m.e patients at one of their hospitals they know.

I spoke to Headway but that was over 5 years ago. They didn't seem to have any specific understanding of ME though then


Senior Member
I feel theres no hope of me getting away from psychiatry. I am trying medical negligence lawyers but say it is a mental health issue! I feel they wont stop abusing me with clozipene
i need all your help. Its dire. And feelings of whete do i go who do i try - newspapers!

I don't think there is any point pursuing the newspaper angle, Brian, as they would check it out with your psychiatrist and you know how that would pan out.

You need a strong and determined advocate who is knowledgeable about both ME and mental health issues.

Have you seen Dr Hyde yet as I recall that you said that he is planning to visit you?


Senior Member
You need a strong and determined advocate who is knowledgeable about both ME and mental health issues.
In the early days of my illness I saw a psychiatrist who, although not a specialist in the ME area, had a no-nonsense approach to the illness. He believed it wasn't psychological and was certainly a reasonable and compassionate man. He also worked as consultant in legal cases...


Senior Member
Has anyone been to the london school of tropical medicine for immunolgy and virology testing as part of research- i was on the list but taken by psychiatry.


Senior Member
Does anyone no about m.e hypoadrenal hyperadrenal sympathetic and parasympathetuc nervous system and pots cfs and m.e. in the verflge of adrenal burnout due to clozipene


Senior Member
Sorry, but don't really know about any of that, or the london school of tropical medicine.


Senior Member
northern Maine
Does anyone no about m.e hypoadrenal hyperadrenal sympathetic and parasympathetuc nervous system and pots cfs and m.e. in the verflge of adrenal burnout due to clozipene

If you want to learn about hyperadrenergic POTS this is an excellent paper. The full text is available free.

I found this Wikipedia article on Adrenergic receptors to be very helpful as it outlines all the effects caused by epinephrine and norepinehrine, which is released by the sympathetic nervous system.


Senior Member
England, UK

Perhaps Prof. Julia Newton in Newcastle - she doesn't specialise in M.E. but in autonomic dysfunction/POTS etc. I found this paper she was involved in:

I think it is difficult to find someone who caters to these issues, as there are few autonomic specialists in the UK. There is a list of POTS doctors on here:
http://www.potsuk.org/doctors - you might want to read up about them individually by using Google.