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Bond University study results - looking at NK Cell function. My results.

brisbane, Australia
Hi all,

CFS for 18 months now. Massive initial crash slowly improving 1-2% a month since crash.
Many areas have improved for me. Less aches, better sleep, less fatigue but I still have CFS.

Anyway I'm in a study that Bond university has been conducting over a 2 year period here in Australia.
Thought I would share my results with you all. They are looking at NK cell function, basically trying to find a way of diagnosing the illness and not curing it yet.

Natural Kill cell Activity (%) 4.3 reference range 13.8 - 34.8
Natural killer Dim Cell(%) 78 reference range 60-88
Natural killer Bright Cell (%) 3.75 Reference range 5-15

definitely shows we have problems with our bodies/immune systems.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hi all,

CFS for 18 months now. Massive initial crash slowly improving 1-2% a month since crash.
Many areas have improved for me. Less aches, better sleep, less fatigue but I still have CFS.

Anyway I'm in a study that Bond university has been conducting over a 2 year period here in Australia.
Thought I would share my results with you all. They are looking at NK cell function, basically trying to find a way of diagnosing the illness and not curing it yet.

Natural Kill cell Activity (%) 4.3 reference range 13.8 - 34.8
Natural killer Dim Cell(%) 78 reference range 60-88
Natural killer Bright Cell (%) 3.75 Reference range 5-15

definitely shows we have problems with our bodies/immune systems.

Hi de_Foles,

Thanks for posting your results. Congratulation on your incremental progress! My understanding is that most doctors barely even know what NK cells are. Hopefully this will change, as studies such as the one you're in start publishing some of their work.

Best, Wayne


Senior Member
Thanks for sharing this de_Foles - very interesting. Hope your health keeps improving now.


NK is a very known thing (specially since a lot of women having miscarriages usually suffer from High levels).
There is also a Known ICD code called NK cell dysfunction syndrome (you do not qualify because not being low).
What it is hard is the activity (your last 2) which is associated with cfs (being low). Only one reliable test center (in Miami) and blood has to be done within 24h.

To be honest I feel better than ever in the past 5y and my NK is lower than ever (In my case is number and activity) so particularly me ) no energy relation. Now fluish or coinfections is reaalted to the NK levels (as opposed to the energy itself) unless your virus of "choice" (the one you struggle with) is EVB, then the fatigue would be related with the levels (since a mono reactivation would cause fatigue).


How are we best to address NK cell function?
Best supports and therapies ?
Immunvir (prescription)
LDN (prescription)
Life extension NK cell activator (OTC)
Inosine (OTC)
EDIT: cycloferon added by user Heapsreal.
shiitake mushroom and white mushroom (Food) but this raises histamine so careful if mast cell isuues.
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