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Body/neck/face hot to touch at night (not red)...cause?


Senior Member

One of the most disturbing things I get is that when I'm really sick, I will become hot to the touch at night, to where I feel feverish. I think sometimes my fever will be like 99 or above during this time, but I rarely measure it (not sure why....I guess because no matter what my temp is, I know I'm running a fever for me personally, so even if it says like 98, maybe I'm normally 97, etc).

The other night, I was laying in bed, and I felt this fever coming on.....it's like a virus or bacteria is all of a sudden coming over me. My husband touched my back and my thighs and said, "you are HOT!" I said, "I know, I can feel it coming on. I feel like crap and I feel feverish."

A lot of times I notice it most on the back of my neck or the sides of my neck. But it's often all over my body. My face does not appear flushed or anything.

Cause? I am wondering if it's hormones (27 y.o. female, so no menopause, no known hormone issues but who knows what more in depth testing would find)....or if it really could be some kind of random CFS infection flaring. I go through phases where I'll get it every night for like 10 nights in a row, or almost everynight for 2 months, to where it'll go away for almost a year, then come back and then happen yet again, every night.

It can happen when I'm just sitting at the computer, but it normally doesn't happen until like 7-8 PM. Sometimes more like 11 PM or midnight.

I normally also feel weaker, sicker at the moment. Like I'm coming down with a mild case of the flu.

Nothing makes you feel like you truly are sick, like feeling like you are getting a mild flu, when you obviously AREN'T!!!! (aka, no contact with anyone sick, no other flu symptoms except hot and weak/sick feeling).


Senior Member
Taking Valtrex really helped the night burning symptom for me. I noticed it in the first week of taking the drug. Hormones levels made no difference for me,
Would be interesting to see what your immune system is doing during one of these flares and what viruses you have?

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
OMG! It's EXACTLY that.

I could have not said it better myself.

I do get the flushing with the feverish feeling. My temp is 96 - 99 when it happens.
I do feel sicker when I'm like that and I have to lie down. Once I have slept a bit, it goes away until the next time.

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
Taking Valtrex really helped the night burning symptom for me. I noticed it in the first week of taking the drug. Hormones levels made no difference for me,
Would be interesting to see what your immune system is doing during one of these flares and what viruses you have?

What do you have in mind?
There are tests for this?