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Awarded DLA


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Hi, though i would post a positive story for a change. I applied for DLA after realising that i could have been claiming it for the past two years. I joined the benefits and work website (19.95 for a year) which meant that i could download their step by step guide for filling out the claim form. Im really glad i did as the help was invaluable and they give good examples and really get you to think about your situation. (BTW i dont work for them!)

The good news is i was awarded both mobility and care component without even having to have a medical! i did provide lots of extra information supplemental to the form and also included all my test results from Dr Myhills tests and paid her for a supporting letter. It was a big effort but now so worth all the trouble and pain it took.

So my finances look slightly better -at least until January 2012 when the Govt are going to take my ESA away for having been ill "too long"

All the best, Justy x


Senior Member
I'm pleased you're a bit more secure Justy - I found having more money to be the thing which has most helped improve my condition: it makes it so much easier to manage ones energy use. Maybe the DLA award will put you in a better position for applying for whatever replaces ESA?


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Thanks Esther -yes it makes it slightly easier -household finances have been at breaking point and the good news is they pay you from the day you ring up for the form - so my children will get some christmas presents this year!


Fine, thank you
Congratulations! That must be a huge weight off your mind. I know it was when I got mine.

Thanks for the info about that site - 20 is a small price to pay for a chance of avoiding the stress of a medical. I find them humiliating.


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Thanks Sasha -yes i think having a medical would have been very stressful. The guides helped me to see how disabled i really am -i usually just push on through as much as possible -a nd i always look well so its hard to explain all this in a medical. I can put on a good front when needed but then ususally collapse for a few days! The benefits amd work site also has lots of free info, but you need to join for the downloadable guides.
All the best, Justy.x


Hi, though i would post a positive story for a change. I applied for DLA after realising that i could have been claiming it for the past two years. I joined the benefits and work website (19.95 for a year) which meant that i could download their step by step guide for filling out the claim form. Im really glad i did as the help was invaluable and they give good examples and really get you to think about your situation. (BTW i dont work for them!)

The good news is i was awarded both mobility and care component without even having to have a medical! i did provide lots of extra information supplemental to the form and also included all my test results from Dr Myhills tests and paid her for a supporting letter. It was a big effort but now so worth all the trouble and pain it took.

So my finances look slightly better -at least until January 2012 when the Govt are going to take my ESA away for having been ill "too long"

All the best, Justy x

It is great that you have managed to get the DLA justy.I'm a senior citizen now and living in another part of UK.About 3/4 years I applied for DLA was turned down and re appealed with the help of A Dr Myhill letter(showing I have many problems ad Mitochondrial problems too in my crippling illness)I defended myself at each hearing but my DLA was refused.The Judge told me after second hearing that i had presented my case well and he was understanding but there was little he could do as he said he had to follow strict Govt Guidelines.A doctor and an occupational therapist were also on the panel.I'm sure there are many others in a similar situation to myself.The Govt in various parts of UK needs to be seen treating such patients equally.This is not the case at present.I have had my illness probably since my teens but it worsened after an incident in my 30's.



Hi, though i would post a positive story for a change. I applied for DLA after realising that i could have been claiming it for the past two years. I joined the benefits and work website (19.95 for a year) which meant that i could download their step by step guide for filling out the claim form. Im really glad i did as the help was invaluable and they give good examples and really get you to think about your situation. (BTW i dont work for them!)

The good news is i was awarded both mobility and care component without even having to have a medical! i did provide lots of extra information supplemental to the form and also included all my test results from Dr Myhills tests and paid her for a supporting letter. It was a big effort but now so worth all the trouble and pain it took.

So my finances look slightly better -at least until January 2012 when the Govt are going to take my ESA away for having been ill "too long"

All the best, Justy x

It is great that you have managed to get the DLA justy.I'm a senior citizen now and living in another part of UK.About 3/4 years I applied for DLA was turned down and re appealed with the help of A Dr Myhill letter(showing I have many problems ad Mitochondrial problems too in my crippling illness)I defended myself at each hearing but my DLA was refused.The Judge told me after second hearing that i had presented my case well and he was understanding but there was little he could do as he said he had to follow strict Govt Guidelines.A doctor and an occupational therapist were also on the panel.I'm sure there are many others in a similar situation to myself.The Govt in various parts of UK needs to be seen treating such patients equally.This is not the case at present.I have had my illness probably since my teens but it worsened after an incident in my 30's.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Hi Abha, i agree with you that it is a shambles, and of course it should be fair for everyone recieveing the same treatment in every part of the UK. I'm so sorry to hear you have been ill for so long. Mine has worsened in the past 3 years after catching measles from my children.
All the best, Justy.


Hi Justy,
Yes,it is a shambles.Once a person is older than 65 years then the DLA can't be claimed.I could easily write a book on my illness but so far I haven't done that.In years gone by the Health Authorities/Medical people were ignorant of the illness...better now???Recently I have been researching Malathion/organophosphates and I'm convinced it played a major part in my ongoing illness.None of the NHS doctors/consultants that I have seen ever asked me about it.There is nothing written about it in their reports.An Endocrinologist/Physician that I saw(a few years ago) in Leeds mentioned it in his detailed report(but that was done privately)I had mentioned it to him.The organophosphates attack the central part of the brain:thus all the problems....and I have many!


Senior Member
hi there Justy, I remembered your post from a few months back. My situation is that I struggle to work full-time with this condition. I wondered, do you know if it's possible to get any kind of benefit on top of my work income. I say this because I don't earn a great deal and it seems that people like us often have to look at things which are outside the NHS. I would love to have some regular acupuncture but it's often out of my financial reach. Any advice would be much appreciated. thanks, ruben from suffolk