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Arthritis treatments


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Im looking into this for my back, i have had a procedure done that has reduced my pain(by burning nerves to the affected joint) but im still abit stiff etc This procedure is suppose to last 2 years so im looking into things that may help repair my facet joint and or prolong the effects of the procedure i have had.

Im already on a boat load of supps and im currently using glucosamine(neck stiffness has improved since) for my lower back, i have curcumin on the way which is suppose to have strong anti-inflammatory effects. I have been looking into a supp called celadrin which is a mix of special fatty acids that help reduce inflammation and help repair the joint.

So has anyone used celadrin?
Also a few joint supps called collagen type 1 and 3?
hyaluronic acid?

Theres quite a few arthritis type supps so im chasing after just a couple of good ones, dont want to get into another shot gun protocol for this as im already taking a crap load of supps. Be interested to hear if anyone has had positive experiences from the above supps.



Senior Member
Hyaluronic acid is effective(I like Now 100 mg better). Collagen is useless. Platelet Rich Plasma injection helped a lot, but it is very expensive . Vitamin D, sometimes K, sugar and gluten make me feel much much worse.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Overcoming Osteoarthritis Pain
by Dr. Joyce Tellier Johnson
Is THAT arthritis? That pain in your wrist/knee/hip? Aren’t you too young to have arthritis? My friends
are often surprised to discover that they have the beginnings of osteoarthritis. They always ask, “Is there
anything I can do about it, aside from taking painkillers?” Here are some answers.
Q. How do I know if I have osteoarthritis?
Various degrees of pain in a joint, loss of flexibility, limited movement, and swelling are
osteoarthritis symptoms. If some of your joints are stiff and painful, and feel worse with increased use,
see your medical practitioner to determine the nature and extent of joint damage.
Q. Can supplements help?
Many people find great relief by using supplements that support cartilage health, improve lubrication
or reduce inflammation that causes pain. Joints contain cartilage for shock absorption and synovial
fluid, which provides nutrients and oxygen. The most popular types of natural products that have
consistently positive research results against osteoarthritis symptoms are: glucosamine and chondroitin
sulfates, Celadrin

® creams and capsules, and omega-3 essential fatty acids. Many people also
experience pain relief or motion improvement with SAMe, MSM and enzymes such as bromelain.
Q. What is Celadrin?
Celadrin® is a natural anti-inflammatory compound containing “esterified” fatty
acids. Esterifying stabilizes the fatty acid to prevent reaction with oxygen. Celadrin is available in a
topical cream and in soft gelatin capsules. Several studies have shown that Celadrin provide significant
pain relief in as little as 30

minutes, as well as having long term, cumulative benefits.

How does it work?
Celadrin works similarly to, but more dramatically than, the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA
from fish oils.

Celadrin reduces inflammation and lubricates cell membranes throughout the body,
restoring fluids that cushion bones and joints to promote flexibility and mobility. By reducing
inflammation on an ongoing basis, Celadrin helps joints and surrounding tissue recover for long term
comfort and flexibility. It also improves skin health and tone as it supports healthy cell membranes.
Q. Is there any science behind Celadrin?
Yes. Both Celadrin oral and topical products have been clinically studied, with results published in
the Journal of Rheumatology and the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Oral Celadrin was
tested in a double-blind, multi-center, placebo-controlled trial (the most scientifically validated type).
Compared to those given a placebo, those given Celadrin capsules had more flexibility, fewer aches,
less pain and were able to walk further than the placebo group.
Q. Which is better, Celadrin cream or Celadrin capsules?
Both oral and topical applications have been found to be equally effective in separate studies. The
Esterified Fatty Acids (EFAC) found in Celadrin®, are absorbed by either method. Holista has Celadrin
softgel capsules and Celadrin & Glucosamine soft gelatin capsules, as well as RESTORATIV™
Celadrin Soothing Cream available in North America where Holista products are sold.
Q. Is Celadrin safe?
A. Very. The
safety profile of Celadrin is impeccable. Unlike many pharmaceutical arthritis
medications, Celadrin addresses the cause of pain not just the symptoms.
Q. How does Celadrin work with Glucosamine?
Glucosamine helps rebuild cartilage while Celadrin provides continuous lubrication and allows cell
membranes to repel inflammatory chemicals. Celadrin can help glucosamine work faster and more
efficiently in rebuilding cartilage as well as accelerating and promoting joint health. Holista Celadrin &
Glucosamine is a great option for glucosamine fans.
Q. Does Celadrin replace omega-3 oils?
No. Although Celadrin is a fatty acid it does not replace the need for Omega 3 fatty acids from fish
oils or flaxseed oil. Omega-3 supplements have complementary actions and can be taken together with
Celadrin, each having their own benefits.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hyaluronic acid is effective(I like Now 100 mg better). Collagen is useless. Platelet Rich Plasma injection helped a lot, but it is very expensive . Vitamin D, sometimes K, sugar and gluten make me feel much much worse.

Its hard to tell what supps are effective going by advertisement, the collagen supps get a good rap, so im glad u shared your experience and saved me some $$ on trying it.



Senior Member
Be a bit more specific Sara, collagen has been useless to you.
Its been very effective for me.​


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Just thought I'd remind you of a post by Dog Person...

"Nestle and Louie Now

The question was asked how are my dogs doing. They do not have any adverse symptoms. They are happy, soft and healthy. They run the fields every day twice a day. Louie had his shoulders re x-rayed and the cartilage is all perfectly normal. The orthopedic surgeon had told us he would have such severe arthritis by the time he was 9 if we didnt give him glucosamine/condroitin that we would have to put him down then. What I learned is you make your own glycosaminoglycans to grow your own cartilage with manganese, so this is why his cartilage is now fine. "

Read more at Post #182 http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/hair-mineral-testing.15099/page-10


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Just thought I'd remind you of a post by Dog Person...

"Nestle and Louie Now

The question was asked how are my dogs doing. They do not have any adverse symptoms. They are happy, soft and healthy. They run the fields every day twice a day. Louie had his shoulders re x-rayed and the cartilage is all perfectly normal. The orthopedic surgeon had told us he would have such severe arthritis by the time he was 9 if we didnt give him glucosamine/condroitin that we would have to put him down then. What I learned is you make your own glycosaminoglycans to grow your own cartilage with manganese, so this is why his cartilage is now fine. "

Read more at Post #182 http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/hair-mineral-testing.15099/page-10

What dosage of manganese?
im using a glucosamine sulphate supp with
glucosamine 750mg
boron 1.5mg
manganese 1mg
selenium 13mcg

I take 2 in the morning and 2 at night. Only been a few weeks so far, so hard to tell any effects from it yet.



Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
What dosage of manganese?
im using a glucosamine sulphate supp with
glucosamine 750mg
boron 1.5mg
manganese 1mg
selenium 13mcg

I take 2 in the morning and 2 at night. Only been a few weeks so far, so hard to tell any effects from it yet.


hi Heaps

I don't know if that amount of boron you're taking per day in that supp <6 mg> is depleting your B2 stores but excess boron can deplete it. I know if you took boron seperately as a supp, they come in 3mg tablets so you're already doubling that amount. I've taken boron before and even though it was great for my libido, I could have been depleting my B2 stores even more.


Senior Member
Manchester UK
hey heaps
I found pyconognel helpful, zylamend by new chapter, and rosehip seed extract. I also find avoiding nightshade plants seems to ease pain. Brain fogged - have you already mentioned MSM?


Senior Member
If I recall correctly, and that's a big if, it is a extect of the green lipped mussel. I tried it for a while around five years ago, no results that would encourage me to continue. I personally think it is marketing hype, the only thing that seems to lessen pain and soreness are ice and cold baths


Senior Member
Manchester UK
no, stopain is a menthol/boswellia thing - and it really does seem to help with pain managment. My mother in law has rheumatoid arthritis badly, and post stroke nerve pain and its her staple since we started bringing it back from the US. Its not marketed as a curative, just as something to help with pain.
Heaps - have you ever looked at the Sherry Rogers books re arthritis? I cant stand her writing style, but she does make an argument for some people's problems being worsened by nightshades
Its probably a bit below the level of what you already know, but I also found Teitelbaum's book Pain free 123 useful. I tried the Fatigued to Fantastic End Pain supplement, jury was out as to its effectiveness. Cuse if I have the name of that wrong, brain fog. I guess you've already done the high levels of the right oils etc. Some people seem to like Fibro Boost.
Cold hasnt worked well for me - I'm already so bloody cold and I live in the UK - but heat has. I know some people use infra red as sauna and via the medical type devices that are produced. I also found cold laser treatment helpful for facial pain. I only just got round to TENS, cant make my mind up about it. Good luck xxxx


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I have order some curcumin as its suppose to be a good natural anti-inflammatory. A few articles i have read have claimed that its anti-inflammatory effects are better then prescription NSAIDs, so we will see how effective it is for this when it arrives.



Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
hi Heaps

Curcumin, atleast for me, has helped me when I get some aches and pains. Not the tastiest concoction, But I'll put some curcumin powder <or just swallow caps> in my hot coffee and add some coconut oil along with some black pepper to help increase absorption. For some reason when I also added some cayenne pepper it even had a better effect. Maybe because the cayenne also helped get more of the curcumin in my system although I am not positive about that. As far as it working for full blown arthritis, I don't know, but I would think it would atleast lessen some of the pains. If you're not a coffee drinker, I also warmed up some coconut milk and added all of the above to that.
I second Curcumin as well. I've been very surprised as to how powerful it actually is. I have elevated RF factors and join pain, the Curcumin stops my fingers from creaking/stiffens in the morning. I started taking if for pancreatic pain but had much wider effects.

This has been the most effect form of the supplement I've tried: http://www.iherb.com/Life-Extension-Super-BIO-Curcumin-400-mg-60-Veggie-Caps/15211

Also, taking it with some fat may help it absorb.
I also use the Jarrow's stuff at the same time. Its good stuff and probably best value for money, just not as strong. Literature generally says very large amount are safe - up to 12 grams. I take anywhere between 2-5grams daily depending on pain.

Its actually quite remarkable. If I experience pancreatic pain (which can be the start of an attack), I take about a 2 grams (along with 1 gram of grape seed extract) and it 30mins later the pain relents.