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Anyone helped by Huperzine & Vinpocetine ?


Senior Member
My doc a couple of weeks ago mentioned Huperzine to me. And I look online and it is often taken in conjunction with Vinpocetine.
Anyone here been helped by that combination.
And if so, what is a good brand?


Decennial ME/CFS patient
Portland, OR
My integrative medicine MD prescribed something called Nitric Balance, which has both Huperzine and Vinpocetine as well as a few other things, and I have found it helpful both for a wee bit of energy and with pain. It basically has a vasodilatory effect. The downside about the product (aside from price: approx $38) is that you must buy it directly from a health care provider. Not sure if that's because it must be refrigerated at all times or if it's some sort of financial deal. I've been using it since late 2011 but have found its helpfulness interesting considering this research about the use of nitric oxide donors and problems with eNOS (if I remember correctly...).


Senior Member
I use Huperzine for mental alertness. It does seem to help think faster, make decisions, remember what you're supposed to remember, etc, but you can develop tolerance to it fairly quickly so you wouldn't want to take it daily. I always use it with another nootropic, too, which apparently boosts it's effectiveness.



Senior Member
I use Huperzine for mental alertness. It does seem to help think faster, make decisions, remember what you're supposed to remember, etc, but you can develop tolerance to it fairly quickly so you wouldn't want to take it daily. I always use it with another nootropic, too, which apparently boosts it's effectiveness.

What other nootropic do you use? Good point about resistance development. I tend to take supplements 5 days adn then give my body a 2 day rest every week.


Senior Member
I also take nootropil, phenylpiracetam, a caffeine-theanine combo and tiny amounts of modafinil. Only on days when I need to perform mentally more than usual.



Senior Member
South of France
i tried piracetam but at low dosis, and few days only, because not sure about what am I doing...
I mean, i do not know if it's a good thing to take brain vasodilatators, if i have( and i have ) ischemic problems and very poor blood flow ( without being able to correct in appropriate way this poor blood flow )

Is it not likely to do more harm than good?
Any one have a though about that ?


Senior Member
Melbourne , Australia
i tried piracetam but at low dosis, and few days only, because not sure about what am I doing...
I mean, i do not know if it's a good thing to take brain vasodilatators, if i have( and i have ) ischemic problems and very poor blood flow ( without being able to correct in appropriate way this poor blood flow )

Is it not likely to do more harm than good?
Any one have a though about that ?
ancient quote sorry but just want to say that though Piracetam is in the Nootropic category its not any kind of vasodilator/constrictor that Im aware of and doesn't have those sorts of actions so should be safe - also its ineffective at low dose, of the "Racetam" family its the weakest and big doses like 4 to 6 grams are recommended generally