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anyone have poor stamina before they got CFS?


Senior Member
Maybe sometimes we miss that obvious distinction, between activity level and stamina. Some people who get CFS may think of how active they were before, and not recognize that their stamina had been declining faster than their activity level would suggest.

For about 3 years prior to CFS the diminishing endurance became more noticeable. For example, I could not swim as many laps, which I thought was just due to de-conditioning, but in retrospect, it was something else.

I am in partial remission now due to the combination of mold avoidance, methylation support (both Fred and Rich's protocols, combined) and a consistent and fairly complicated rehydration therapy (treating OI and low blood volume). Also regular use of natural antimicrobials. And a lot of deep-level stress-reduction. The partial remission has improved my stamina, particularly the rehydration therapy, which seems to reduce PEM. I have tried dozens of treatments and this is the only time my stamina has improved, but only by a little, maybe 10-20% on good days.

Kurt, That's a really good point about stamina. Maybe mine was worse than I realize. I know I always seemed to need a lot of sleep more than the average person and did have health issues from a young age and that if I went without sleep I'd get sick right away, especially if I was also traveling. Do you mind if I ask what your rehydration therapy consists of as well as the natural antimicrobials? It's good to hear you've had some improvement.


Senior Member
seems like ive been sick forever but i use to be very very fit...exercised alot daily...worked all day long did alot of work at that...took care of home and kids..did activitivites with kids...went out with friends...traveled alot..
then started feeling tired and sick...like some it felt like the flu...and i kept getting worse..and my short term memory got so bad...and it just went down hill....i hung on as long as i could..i felt like i was swimming in the ocean with no life vest and my head was going down and up and i was gluping for air...i still feel that way...alot of times i feel like ive went under the water and drowned but some how my body is still moving..

it was weird..i dont know maybe we were all born with a gene to be ill with this?
Hi. I was unwell as a child, a trip to the doctor to rule out leukemia when I was 5 years or so ( I'm 55 now). Then poor stamina in gym classes in school, despite growing up in fresh air and sunshine. Couldn't do laps in gym, would almost barf, and the last to be picked for teams. I noticed my fatigue 5 years ago when I was in a group of 8 people, all older than me, and I was the first one that needed to stop and rest while out for a walk. I now get burning 'lactic acid' pain in my muscles when overdoing it. Doc did blood work that came back negative, so he's chalked it up to ME/CFS. My son (25) and daughter (27) both have fatigue issues as well. Been denied LTD coverage, but am in the middle of appealing. So, my onset was slow, but sure. Not the rapid post-viral route some take.