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Amy Reed, Doctor Who Fought a Risky Medical Procedure, Dies at 44


Senior Member
Awful story about how a women and her husband were treated after they raised questions about a medical procedure. Worth reading for any woman who is undergoing Fibroid surgery as it has information on that.

"At one point, when Dr. Reed needed to return to Brigham and Women’s for a medical procedure, she and Dr. Noorchashm were stunned to find that the hospital had assigned a guard to inspect their bags and escort them at all times, for security reasons. Dr. Noorchashm called a lawyer. A judge put a stop to the escort, issuing a restraining order against the hospital."



Senior Member
Yes it is very worrying how they behaved, the sort of closing ranks against a perceived threat.

I was watching a documentary "What the health" and in it the director was going to do a bit of filming on a hospital campus (the plan was to interview a surgeon). The film is basically plugging a plant-based diet which can help with a lot of common conditions in the US such as heart-disease and obesity, and sometimes patients can avoid surgeries by following the diet. When the director arrived at the hospital he was told he could no longer do the interview, as the hospital made money off the procedures and they couldn't allow anything that negatively affected the hospital income.

It was a bit shocking to see them admit to this so readily.
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