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Hi Vineyard- have you heard privately from anyone about AmpCoil? We are interested to try- it sounds non-invasive and we certainly see possibility of benefit- I think I heard they have 30 day return policy? Not sure. Thanks for replying!


Senior Member
Hi! I ended up biting the bullet and purchasing the Ampcoil. I am so desperate for any gains and the research about it made sense to me. I have had it for two months and I am proceeding slowly and on "low". The Company recommends that for Folks with immune dysfunction (on IVIG ) and difficulties with detox (homozygous MTHFR) that you coil no more than 3 times per week on low.
So what I have been doing is the following "journeys" - Brain Reboot (autonomic nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and all structures within the brain), Immune Boost (white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, thymus, bone marrow and interleukins), Hormone Harmony, Full Moon, Higher Self (full vibrational harmonics of the body and mind), Deep Sleep ( circadian rythmn Balance, delta waves, Nervous system, general hormones), organs and nutrition.
Next week, I will begin a general detox steps 1-30 with the detox codes and it will take me 10 weeks to complete that program. Then, I will use the voice analysis and run the programs for everything that comes up. For instance, I just did a voice analysis as an example for you and it showed nervous system Brain Chi, Normal flora acidophillus, small intestine and heart, vitality track 28 and chronic infections all above 85. Anything above 85 is an acute problem. The BetterApp Guide creates a program based on these top hits and inputs the resonant frequency through the coil. These all contain detox codes which I am not ready to handle yet. Thus, I will proceed slowly with the voice analysis after completing the general detox.
If you have any questions please let me know!
HI Vineyard1- thank you for your detailed reply. Do you mind my asking about your condition? Are you mobile? Do you have Lyme or co-infections? HHV-6 or EBV or viruses- how are you treating them? Is IVIG helping you? Is there someone from AmpCoil coaching you? Thanks!


Senior Member
Most days of the week I can be upright for a few hours per day...spaced out through out the day. Some days, like this past weekend, I can be up for bathroom and quick meal.
I have POTS secondary to chronic infections of every nature...EBV, HHV6, mycoplasma, Lyme and on and on...
The IVIG has been my only saving grace. It brings my B cells ( antibody levels) to normal levels. However, T cells are another problem with elevated cytokine levels and decreased NK cell activity so I continue to struggle with infections but not nearly as bad as before IVIG.
In addition to the Ampcoil, I use supplements i.e. turkey tail mushroom, Glutathione injections, Hydroxocabalamin injections, Zinc, Selenium, High dose C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and lysine. Then there are the prescription meds lol.....
The Ampcoil online and phone support is awesome for questions and guidance. There is a training manual with step by step instruction on how to proceed. There is also an "A to Z' library with the frequency codes for hundreds of microorganisms and you can manually input a frequency and run a program.
Please let me know if you have other questions!


Senior Member
There is also an "A to Z' library with the frequency codes for hundreds of microorganisms and you can manually input a frequency and run a program.

You will find that they just conjured this up, as there is no scientific research demonstrating that specific electromagnetic frequencies can kill specific pathogens.