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Advice on EDTA


Senior Member
I read a few posts about EDTA recently and thought I'd like to give that a try.
Does anybody know whether it's OK to take alongside methylation supplements?
More generally, is it safe? What dosage would you recommend?

Rosebud Dairy

Senior Member
I have only used it as part of a compounded nasal spray (the EDTA was the surfactant component?) to get rid of some persistent colonized bacteria.

As a nasal prep, it really burned my tissue, but I was cleared of the nasty microbe colonies.


Senior Member
I'd be very interested in hearing from Freddd and Rich on this. I'm interested in chelating since I'm pretty sure I have lots of toxins, (pretty sure most 21st century individuals do), and wonder if it will remove good stuff (like the active B's, etc.) as well.