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A brilliant new cure guys ;) Thrive programme

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Read it and weep.
I just finished eating, so weeping isn't the only thing I feel like doing. :vomit:
The Thrive Programme is a life-changing psychological training programme that empowers you with the skills, insights and resources in order to take control of your life, overcome any symptoms or problems you have, and thrive!
Oh Wow! Any symptoms or problems! So they can cure cancer, AIDS, Stroke, Alzheimers, etc. !
"...You don’t need to have any specific qualifications in order to apply to become a Thrive Consultant, as your suitability will be determined during an informal interview with the programme creator, Rob Kelly.
I wonder how many applicants fail to 'qualify'? This would be laughable if it weren't so awful.
Before my course of CBT/GET in the Netherlands in 2005 I did get a screening to see if I was compatible with the program. A sort of gullibility test. Passed with flying colors, hurray.
And yet you are still here. Hmmm. :rolleyes:

@TiredSam, Our society isn’t good at recognizing these warning phrases. What people don’t realize is that they could save themselves a lot of grief if they did so.
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Senior Member
Liverpool, UK
Thrive is also a UK Charity:


What we do

Thrive uses gardening to bring about positive changes in the lives of people living with disabilities or ill health, or who are isolated, disadvantaged or vulnerable.

I wonder if they are aware that some quack is almost using their name. They are a bona fide *registered* Charity, and do worthwhile work.

me/cfs 27931

"Thrive" is also the slogan for an 8-year ongoing Kaiser Permanente ad campaign.


I was particularly tickled by their Thrive commercial about "The Doctors Know What To Do" and "we caught it early".

Not exactly my 15-years-to-diagnosis ME/CFS experience with Kaiser Permanente. To give them credit, however, things are slowly improving there. Some of that may have to do with Ron Davis speaking with the Kaiser Permanente CEO.
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Senior Member
In the most modern research studies in the world, they are starting to show that physical symptoms such as Fibromyalgia, IBS and ME are largely caused and maintained by how people think and process events. For example, it's NOT coincidence that nearly everybody I see with IBS is highly anxious. What people don't realise is the mind-body connection. How you think on a daily basis ( and process events ) will have major implications on your body. People that are constantly under stress / anxiety are much more susceptible to PHYSICAL issues such as IBS, Fibromyalgia or ME because stress / anxiety / depression ALWAYS weaker the immense system and have major effects on how your body fights on chronic pain and physical illness.

This is exactly the same sort of flawed dualistic approach to treating physical diseases that Peter White & co and the BPS model advocates. If people want to seek this sort of treatment, there is no need to go to THRIVE. There are already well established CBT/GET therapies available in most countries, and I'd go as far as to argue that even CBT/GET is safer than a new untested psycho-approach.


Senior Member
San Francisco
"Thrive" is also the slogan for an 8-year ongoing Kaiser Permanente ad campaign.


I was particularly tickled by their Thrive commercial about "The Doctors Know What To Do" and "we caught it early".

Not exactly my 15-years-to-diagnosis ME/CFS experience with Kaiser Permanente. To give them credit, however, things are slowly improving there. Some of that may have to do with Ron Davis speaking with the Kaiser Permanente CEO.
NorCal Kaiser has some serious problems with mental health parity and other things. I'm glad I'm not a member, altho I might have to resort to it and pay out of pocket for actual medical care. Currently we have a plan thru Covered California because my husband is self-employed. We have a steep deductible and I pay for all my CFS/ME care out of pocket. At least I have a reasonable internist who is covered.


Senior Member
United States, Kansas
When medical institutions all over the world finally realize that this illness affects our minds and our minds don't affect this illness for the most part, that in itself will be a huge step forward! How much longer can this nonsense continue? But I will never judge anyone for trying anything as this illness brings out the upmost desperation in most all of us!


Senior Member
Theyre is going to be a lot.of people that look like dkheads when this is finally unravelled.
What a lot of bollocks.

Imagine if this happened in one day:

- One of the pioneering researchers finds a cure.
- The cure reveales it is a real physical illness.
- We all get cured.
- We all get compensation relative to how long we've had the illness.
- Everyone who promoted or gained money from psycho treatments, GET, or lightning process taken to court (Ok that one will never happen but we can all laugh at them.)

Just a daydream on this dull bedridden day.



Senior Member
- Everyone who promoted or gained money from psycho treatments, GET, or lightning process taken to court (Ok that one will never happen but we can all laugh at them.)

Most of them would say they thought and fought for the organic illness view and that it was obvious the illness is physical. At best, they will lay low and find a new illness to psychologized.
WTF, I am not anxious. I find lots of things funny, have normal appetite, sleep for England and unless I am put under undue stress, like any normal person, feel mentally absolutely fine. I'm not depressed. So how do they explain that then. Are they serious. My body suddenly broke. The TSHTF within a very short space of time. It's possible stressful events triggered it (EDS followed by CFS), but I've been psychologically tested and am fine. So let them put that in their pipe and smoke it.


Hoarder of biscuits
Maybe the people who come up with crazy treatments are suffering from a syndrome themselves? Something like " Fake And Ridiculous Treatment syndrome". Just a thought.
I see what you did there.
Just make sure you have water with it. Curry powder might give you "Fake And Ridiculous Treatment Syndrome" Anyone got the joke yet?
I love appropriate acronyms.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Do they think people can magically think themselves better from cancer? How about genetic disorders?
They said "any symptoms or problems you have". That must include cancer and genetic disorders. I suppose it would ever cure their own delusional thinking.

I love appropriate acronyms.
OK, I've got it now. :rofl:
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