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23 and Me Results...

Thanks to reading the great advise to others on here about 23 and Me, I also had my 23andme test done, though I have absolutely no clue at all :thumbdown: can anyone shed any light on these at all? if I can get them to show that is... I wasn't sure which results to show... the methylation or detox? the one below is the methylation.


Senior Member
MTHFR C677T being homozygous indicates that your methylfolate production is at about 30% of normal. Supplementing methylfolate is probably a very good idea for you.

Your other homozygous result, MTRR A664A, doesn't have any impact. MTRR A66G isn't shown to have any impact when heterozygous.

ACAT1-02 is irrelevant, as is CBS A360A. But CBS C699T does have a minor impact when heterozygous, with decreased homocysteine. It's unlikely that it results in increased ammonia, etc.

You have the "fast" version of COMT and MAOA, so there's no indication that you'd have any trouble with methyl groups.
Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. Its all gobbledegook to me. Is there anything that can be used online to figure out the detox profile? If it even needs doing.
I wonder if an increase in ammonia could cause the burning tears that feels like its stripping the coating off my eyeballs. Thanks again for taking a look, its really appreciated :)


Senior Member
Your statement about "burning tears" possibly indicates the your body has an acidic Ph, and you (along with almost everybody), should be looking at ways to become more alkaline.


Senior Member
Thanks to reading the great advise to others on here about 23 and Me, I also had my 23andme test done, though I have absolutely no clue at all :thumbdown: can anyone shed any light on these at all? if I can get them to show that is... I wasn't sure which results to show... the methylation or detox? the one below is the methylation.
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You have two First Priority mutations ACAT and CBS. ACAT is one of the "leaky gut" genes. This doesn't mean that for sure you have leaky gut, but if you have many food allergies/intolerances, or you start getting into a very high need for potassium or magnesium when you start methylation, you should suspect leaky gut and treat that first. The other thing about ACAT is it can cause kidney stones because it affects the bile. You can take ox bile/bile salts to counteract that, and also do a low oxalate diet.

The next mutation to check is CBS. If you have high urine sulfate and/or ammonia, and you have trouble tolerating methylation supplements such as getting a stress/anxiety response, you will need to treat CBS first. The Heartfixer page has comprehensive info on how to do that.

Then you pretty much have a green light to treat methylation. For sure get some methylfolate for the MTHFR C677T. MTRR is B12 recycling. You have some limitations there, but not horrible, so I'm not sure if you'll need B12 supplementation or not. Some functional testing should be helpful to determine that. If you're taking methylfolate, you might need a bit of B12 to make sure you don't get methyl trapping.

VDR Taq +/- may have small impact on which kind of B12 to take. Yasko says to take methylcobalamin, some hydroxycobalamin, and adenosylcobalamin. I have the same SNPs and am doing ok with methyl, adenosyl and no hydroxy, but my doses are very low.

The last one is VDR Bsm, which is Vitamin D receptor. You should get your vitamin D levels checked and supplement with that if it's low.

Check out the links in my signature for more info.


Senior Member
This one's the detox one... though its all gibberish to me lol

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I'm still learning about these, but I just put up two links in my signature with info about these.

You have SOD2 +/+, which I also have. This can impact energy. Some people have had good results with Biotec Extra Energy Enzymes to address SOD2.

My suggestion would be to work on methylation first, and save the detox stuff for later. Otherwise, it's just too much all at once.


Senior Member

Your chart looks pretty clean! Not that I really know, but most I've seen have more reds. :)

With your C677T's being homozygous, you might want to check out Dr. Benjamin Lynch's website which is mainly about C677T MTHFR.

The main overviews into the Genetic Genie results table are by Dr. Amy Yasko and Dr. James Roberts ("heartfixer"). Not everyone agrees with their analyses/recommendations, but those are the ones that many people mention on this site.

You will find those links and more in this list of informational links about methylation:
Thanks so much for all of the replies and info, its really nice of you and thanks Caledonia for your input and links. Will deffo be checking the detox info too as these type of supplements have had the biggest positive effect on me over the years. I thought mine looked clean in comparison too! Got a lot of reading to do :) thank you :)