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Leg's hurting

Jessie 107

Senior Member
This is a new symptom for me as my mobility has got worse. I am housebound and spend a lot of time laying down resting, today I only walked down some steps into the garden to feed the birds,after that my legs really hurt and still do.
Especially the back of them, I can't tell if it is the muscles or not
Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this?


Making the most of it
Hi @Jessie 107

I experience a few types of pain with ME.

1. Ongoing flu/autoimmune type pain and aching. This is pretty much every day throughout my body but worse after overdoing it and during flare ups.

2. Pain after specific activity eg walking a few steps too many. This is particularly in my legs but can also be in my arms after eg cutting up vegetables or a short period of crochet. This pain usually resolves after a long rest or the next day.

3. I have also strained particular muscles after various activities eg strained hip muscles getting out of a car. These muscle strains cause sharp pain that will last for a few days or a week.

Hope your leg pain resolves soon.

Best wishes Andy


Science breeds knowledge, opinion breeds ignorance
Hey Jessie!

Same for me! Started feeling more lactic acid around the two year mark, theres also small cramps and "strained" feeling depending on what u have been doing.


Senior Member
Hi @Jessie 107 ,
maybe I can relate to that. Some months ago I all of a sudden had pains in the back of my leg. Starting back of the knee ( sort of) and going mostly down but also up. It has lessened by now.

For me I relate it to the use of B12, because it started soon after I started that. It has changed now to mostly just a strange feeling, not as alarming anymore.

Jessie 107

Senior Member
Hey Jessie!

Same for me! Started feeling more lactic acid around the two year mark, theres also small cramps and "strained" feeling depending on what u have been doing.
That's exactly how mine feel. I too am at the two year mark!
Strained feeling is the right description.
My legs just don't like moving too much!!
Thanks for all your replies


Senior Member
For me it's the front thigh muscles. They ache as if overstrained, which certainly discourages me from wanting to move them. The effect will spread to other muscles if my ME is unusually severe, but mostly I feel it in those front thigh muscles. I think the pain is due to malfunction in how the brain perceives pain signals, rather than actual pain signals from the muscles. Common pain relievers didn't work for that. LDN (2.5 mg sublingual) effectively blocked the pain. Acupuncture did too, but I only tried that once.

The LDN worked amazingly well at first. I went for a walk the day after taking it, and instead of trudging along for a while and deciding I'd suffered enough, I was striding without pain and ended up hiking several km up and down a steep hill. The aches are less now, and not always a problem, so I haven't been using LDN for a while.
I have legs pain very often. It's very deep and it feels like from bones. It doesn't feel like muscle pain from lactic acid. It's more like flu like pain. Heating pad and ibuprofen work well for me.