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Copper-Gold-Silver: a boost to thiamine supplementation


Senior Member
As you may know, I have been on high lipophilic thiamine supplementation since January 2017.
With excellent results, still ongoing.
Incidentally, I replied to a post by @manasi12 who had used an ayurvedic remedy with good results and was looking for a replacement because of fears of heavy-metal contamination. @Chocolove identified it as Suvarnasutshekhar, which includes gold.
I suddenly remembered taking as a child a homeopathic remedy to help after infectious diseases containing gold, silver and copper that was very helpful at the time.
This was Oligosol Copper Gold Silver sublingual.
So I thought, why not? If that Chronic Fatigue was a result of something infectious, it could help. I + DH started taking this Gold-Silver-Copper supplement two weeks ago and the effect was immediate, a real boost to the thiamine. We still feel the boost every day after we take it.

@Gondwanaland had posted a link to The effects of copper status on thiamine metabolism in sheep fed a high sulfur diet. Showing that copper likely plays an important part in thiamine metabolism.
There is also : High sulfur-related thiamine deficiency in cattle: a field study.

It might be the copper.
It might be the gold, as I had learned years ago that gold brings about the same effects as thiamine, but is dangerous if taken long term.
Anyway, it is a help. And I remember that previous to the onset on all this, I was taking zinc and Vitamin C, as prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Maybe I created a copper deficiency, which led to catastrophic thiamine deficiency.
Be well! :hug:

@Eastman @tango @manasi12 @Chocolove


Senior Member
This adds to other evidence here on the forum of the value of copper in possibly boosting B1.

@aquariusgirl reported benefits from taking B1 with Mitosynergy, which supposedly provides bioavailable copper.

@Thewonders92 saw benefits from separately taking copper and B1. But he also started a thread in which he said that copper "is incredibly dangerous if you have a severe deficiency".

But copper is generally a much-maligned metal: Why your health practitioner may be confused about copper overload

Edited to fix links.
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Senior Member
I have had mixed feelings from copper. My experience reflects high copper load and low bioavailability. I get lots of pain from high copper herbs (e.g. Rooibos tea, basil)

Since my right-sided bursitises only improved with MSM, I assumed the following to be true:
Sulfur interferes with the storage of copper, an essential trace element,
however with copper levels being on the high side with many people, this
is generally a positive effect. It is interesting that patients with normal
or below-normal copper levels rarely exhibit deficient sulfur levels. In fact,
the benefits of sulfur-containing supplements (Glucosamine Sulfate, MSM)
on some forms of arthritis are not just a result of their positive effect on
cartilage regeneration, but are largely based on lowering elevated copper
levels which promote joint degeneration, particularly - or more so - on the
right side of the body.
Of course, on those rare occasions when copper is actually deficient, sulfur-
containing supplements - just like larger amounts of Vitamin C - should not
be used, as they could trigger, or worsen existing inflammatory conditions.
In addition, individuals with a tendency for blood sugar disorders (diabetes)
should be aware of potential negative effect on blood sugar management when taking glucosamine sulfate.
Possible adverse or side effects of consuming higher amounts of sulfur-containing foods or supplements such
as glucosamine sulfate, MSM, methionine, taurine, cysteine / cystine... include diarrhea, flatulence / gas, and
abdominal bloating, while a small number of patients have experienced a "burning" sensation in their stomach.
With sulfur being a calcium, copper, and potassium antagonist, a high intake of glucosamine sulfate, or MSM
may worsen low calcium-related disorders such as insomnia, fatigue, anxieties, or bone loss, aggravate low
potassium-related cardiac, or renal / genitourinary conditions, or worsen low copper-related infections.
Copper - like calcium - becomes bio-unavailable at excessive storage
levels, and as such may trigger similar medical conditions at high levels
as it does at low levels, whereby a number of co-factors are required
to help with its metabolism.
Sulfur, Vitamin C, chromium and molybdenum are all co-factors, which
help normalize copper levels, and/or increase its bioavailability, and
consequently help with related physical problems such as spinal / joint
and vascular degeneration, or mental / emotional problems such as
moodiness, "foggy" mind, memory problems, confusion, or ADD / ADHD.
Balance, timing and cofactors are everything.

ETA: :bulb: https://www.mitosynergy.com/information/copper/
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Tournament of the Phoenix - Rise Again
@Asklipia Here is another Oligo Copper/Gold/Silver product with an interesting general info blurb:

These heavy metals reduce the immune response which in turn helps relieve inflammation...
This combination decreases fatigue associated with hypoadrenalism and is important in immune function by helping to activate the mechanisms of cellular immunity.

As noted in http://homeopathicremediesandtreatment.com/Oligotherapy-Oligo-Trace-Elements.php

In Oligotherapy...All the chemical reactions that go on in the cells, anabolic and catabolic, are made possible with the aid of trace elements. By supplementing the body with the missing trace element or elements catalyzes the enzymatic reaction of the organism...
Associations Oligo Trace-Elements - Clinical Treatment Remedies...

Copper-gold-silver (anergic)
This non-reactive syndrome is caused by a low defense system. A deficiency in this trace element will lead to the following conditions...
Recurrent viral and bacterial infection, psychological fatigue, cancer, loss of coordination, insomnia, memory loss, suicidal tendencies, polyarthritis, cardiovascular disease, poor concentration, depression

Oligo generally means very tiny (nano?), but in industry may be abbrev. for: Oligonucleotide-conjugated.

Patent WO2016164745A1 - Cd117 ligand-drug conjugates for ...
Oct 13, 2016 - A vector comprising the nucleic acid molecule of any one of claims 10-11. .... Chang CC, Zu Y: Using oligonucleotide aptamer probes for immunostaining of ...... The therapeutic agent to be delivered can be a nutraceutical agent. ...... Noble metals (e.g., gold, silver, copper, platinum, palladium) are preferred ...

Drug delivery and nanoparticles: Applications and hazards - NCBI - NIH
by WH De Jong - ‎2008 - ‎Cited by 1645 - ‎Related articles
The use of nanotechnology in medicine and more specifically drug delivery is set to ... nutraceuticals and production of improved biocompatible materials (Duncan ...... Cells can take up gold nanoparticles without cytotoxic effects (Connor et al ... used to prepare nanoshells composed of gold and copper, or gold and silver to ...


Senior Member
@Asklipia nice to know that you are feeling better. I'll also give a try to similar remedy .
But what's most interesting is I was also taking Bio C from Amway i.e. mega dose of vit .C. for urticaria when all this started. I had always wondered if it was the culprit because vit C can synthesize adrenalin from dopamine (probably ). This might have pushed my benign tachycardia into this severe hyperadrenergic POTS. Hmm now look into this copper and thiamine issue. I remember reading it in connection to histamine.
It might be the copper.
It might be the gold, as I had learned years ago that gold brings about the same effects as thiamine, but is dangerous if taken long term.
Anyway, it is a help. And I remember that previous to the onset on all this, I was taking zinc and Vitamin C, as prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Maybe I created a copper deficiency, which led to catastrophic thiamine deficiency.
Be well! :hug:

@Eastman @tango @manasi12 @Chocolove

Would you be so kind to tell me more about what improvements did you noticed?
Do you got any improvements from straight thiamine?

Thanks :)))
I stopped using the Copper silver gold after about two weeks, it made me too energetic!
Plenty of improvements from thiamine, not "straight" thiamine HCL, but from lipophilic thiamine, see the thamine threads.

I read everything so far. I am really interested in the sheep study and have been asking everyone ( even on other forums) how are they taking their thiamine. I have not been able to draw conclusions about the copper and i have access only to thiamine HCl. Guess i will buy some copper and update here..