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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Senior Member
Hi all! I am a bit confused about this illness! Is it autoimmune or immune deficient? Some people have low NK cells and infections but the rituximab trial seems to suggest autoimmune. Can it be both or are there different subgroups who have a different illness? I have always been prone to allergies and I had a dermatologist tell me I had a twitchy immune system because of skin allergies I had and that was years before the ME and my mum died aged 24 of asthma, also rheumatoid arthritis runs in my family as well. On the other hand I seem to catch infections easily and I can't seem to keep them under control when I get them. The last bad relapse I had of the ME I broke out in eczema all over my arms and legs, which suggests something going on in the immune system.


Senior Member
United States
I've seen evidence of both autoimmune and immune deficiencies from people on these forums. I'd say that there are different subgroups due to the lack of a definite biomarker and the way in which CFS is diagnosed. What immunological testing have you had done?


Senior Member
Not much! I am from the UK and we don't get many tests here on the NHS. I have had to go private with some tests and I have high positive for EBV and I am getting Valtrex through a private doctor. I would like to have more Immune tests done but It all costs so much and money is tight. I would like to get my NK cells checked out but not sure where to get it done!