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Petition asking French Authorities to stop harrassing doctors helping Lyme patients


iherb code TAK122
Please sign this petition to help doctors in France who are being harassed by the authorities for treating patients with the recommended treatments from ILADS. It seems most national medical associations feel threatened by these doctors who actually care about their patients and work outside the restrictive protocols of the mainstream. They need our support.


From Google translate
We the undersigned,
Patients with a disease vector ticks, members or not Lyme sufferers defense association, general practitioners, infectious disease specialists, veterinarians, epidemiologists, immunologists, biologists, researchers, health professionals, private citizens (nes) ....
Witnesses to the extension of this condition, knowing the situation of medical distress, psychological and social of all those who are not diagnosed or infected, are not supported by their physician, which often ignores possible chronicity these serious and disabling conditions,
Aware of the blockage is the 2006 Consensus Conference, diagnostics protocol and now outdated care in light of available scientific knowledge on the subject in France and abroad,
Lend our full support to those doctors who, by virtue of their professional ethics, have updated their knowledge, help and care for the chronically ill plunged into dismay, based on the new recommendations of the ILADS (antibiotics throughout courses, complementary and alternative treatments individualized ...)
Indignant harassment and prosecution of some subject from their professional bodies or boxes primary health insurance, we ask you to stop this injustice.
And Dr. Raphael Cario,
And Dr. Francois Lallemand,
And Dr. Marc arer,
And Dr. Philippe Bottero.


iherb code TAK122
Thanks, from the look of it its an older petition but it doesn't do any harm to let them know we're watching them and supporting these doctors.