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Visit from the dwp unannounced


Senior Member
Hi all, I had a visit from the DWP today which was unannounced,
I was feeling really unwell and in a lot of pain so I had took some strong pain killers and gone to bed when I was awaken with a knock on the door! I wasn't going to answer it but I was expecting a delivery of some vitamins.

When I answered the door I was in my pj's and dressing gown, at first it didn't click with me who the DWP was as I was still half asleep and drowsy from the pain killers, he said he was a performance management officer. I said I wasn't expecting him and as he could see I wasn't dressed he said he would come back on Friday!

I closed the door with the feeling of this is all I need! NOT!!!
He then posted a letter through my door with the time he would be calling on Friday.

Has anyone had anything like this and if so do you think I should be worried?

Anna x
You have my sympathies. I am not in Europe so don't know but I can imagine. I mean that I hate appointments or strangers. I hope your appointment goes relatively easily.


Senior Member
Thanks sickofsickness'
The DWP is the department of work and pensions, they decide who and what benefits your are entitled to!

Just can't believe they would turn up without an appointment and although I've nothing to hide it still make you feel worried that I'm going to get something taken off my benefits, which I'm finding very hard to live on as it is.

Just another thing to worry about and go through that reminds me I'm ill and my life is a mess!


Senior Member
feeling for you anna! fingers crossed you get a nice person doing that job when they come again.!!!!


Senior Member
Answering your door undressed, drowsy, and drugged probably does make a good impression, as far as showing disability goes :p

Some of them think we are lazy sods who sleep into noon and then watch daytime television by choice with a bottle of wine. They think that we exaggerate our illness and enjoy the lifestyle .

Hope it's not one of those.

Anna, really sorry that you were disturbed like this. I've never been visited and wouldn't know what to think.

I did a quick search and saw this thread on another group. It may pay to check that this is a legitimate DWP visit before Friday. If they have given you a phone number to check it is a real DWP one and not a mobile.

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Senior Member
I did ring the number on the letter he left through the door, and to be honest I was still a bit confused by how the answered me. Today as I've only just woke up after having a bad night I can't remember what they said to me!

My mum is going to call round tomorrow so that I'm not on my own, I'll let you know all about it after tomorrow.

Let's think positively! It could be that they are not paying me enough! Well I can dream! Lol :rofl:

Anna x


Senior Member
Hi just to keep you up dated, I had to cancel my visit for the following day as I was just too ill! Anyway the following week a man came round and I've got to say he was very nice as far as these sorts go!
Apparently it was a case of it being random from your post code to whom they investigated, his words were it was not a personnel investigation. They are checking that the departments were putting the correct information down, that I was a real person and I was on the correct money!

I didn't feel after he had gone that there was anything to worry about! But once again I don't feel it was not appropriate for him to just visit unannounced and expect to could in and give personal details!

Thanks to you all for your support.
Anna x


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Hi just to keep you up dated, I had to cancel my visit for the following day as I was just too ill! Anyway the following week a man came round and I've got to say he was very nice as far as these sorts go!
Apparently it was a case of it being random from your post code to whom they investigated, his words were it was not a personnel investigation. They are checking that the departments were putting the correct information down, that I was a real person and I was on the correct money!

I didn't feel after he had gone that there was anything to worry about! But once again I don't feel it was not appropriate for him to just visit unannounced and expect to could in and give personal details!

Thanks to you all for your support.
Anna x

I would advise you to contact the local DWP on one of their usual numbers and make absolutely sure that your visitor was from there. Try to remember what information you gave him and write it down before you forget.

I know how alarming it can be to get unplanned visits like this. I had one from a woman from the council about my council tax benefit. When I answered the door I reeled backwards from the overpowering perfume smell coming from her, and she immediately 'reassured' me that it was just a routine visit. I explained that it was her perfume that was the problem. I think she may have offered to conduct the meeting outside, but it was freezing cold! She also offered to come back another time if it was inconvenient, but I wanted to get it out of the way.

I let her in and she left her smell all over the armchair she had used. I had to put my extractor fan on and leave doors and windows open for the rest of the day, letting the cold air in. For days I had to keep draping blankets over the chair, washing them and replacing them, and it was exhausting.

I emailed to complain, and to my surprise the email was forwarded to Social Services (even though they are not the same department and I have no dealings with them). As a result, Social Services contacted all their staff who do home visits, asking them to take into account people's chemical sensitivity.

Sorry this has strayed a bit from your problem, but it is another one that can happen with unannounced visits to people's homes, especially if they are sick.

A general point: NEVER phone numbers given by unannounced visitors or telephone callers.