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Taking B12 and Folate


Senior Member
If it seems that taking my B12 will deplete Folate and vise versa... how do you take this stuff?

Thinking I'm running into the paradoxical Folate deficiency perhaps. You know, when you take Folate then need to take more Folate because of the initial Folate.

It's a mess.

Any pointers on how to property deal with this?


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
It helps if you think of them as cycles, with ingredients going in at different points. Of you begin adding MB12, the methionine cycle eill go faster, as long as you have adequate B6, B2, magnesium, potassium, trimethylglycine and methionine.

This will pull more folate (5-MTHF) out of the folate cycle. If you just add folate without the methionine cycle moving well, folate will back up, which is not good.

All of this feeds the production of glutathione, which also requires adequate glycine, glutamine, cysteine, B6 and selenium. Its your body's most powerful antioxidant and is useful in getting rid of all types of toxins. Once it is used, it most be recycled, do you need adequate vitamin C, ALA, etc. to assist in this recycling.

Once the toxins are moving, they head through the transsulfuration pathway, which uses molybdenum and B1. You also need adequate fiber and water intake to drive elimination.

You can guess, or use a test like this to find out what your status is and what you need to do. Click on Sample test to see what it measures. (I do one every 9-12 months.)


Best wishes


Senior Member
Good advice from Learner1. I would also advise to start with really small amounts and to pay close attention to how you feel so you learn to detect the differences between low folate and low potassium in particular as those seem to be the commonest induced deficiencies with methylation plans.


Senior Member
Good advice from Learner1. I would also advise to start with really small amounts and to pay close attention to how you feel so you learn to detect the differences between low folate and low potassium in particular as those seem to be the commonest induced deficiencies with methylation plans.

thanks, I just posted about the same question...( should have looked first :grumpy:)

I now know that potassium-shortage ( for me..) is cramps ( if calves mainly, but a different cramp then the one caused by magnesium shortage) palps, high HF, general dryness, thirst and constipation. plus more tired...

But what does folate shortage feel like?


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Symptoms of a folate deficiency include:
  • Changes in mood - irritability, depression, anxiety
  • Poor immune function - frequent illness
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Digestive and intestinal problems - IBS, constipation, bloating
  • Anemia
  • Canker sores in the mouth
  • Tender, swollen tongue
  • Pale skin
  • Premature graying of hair


Senior Member
Definitely felt like a worsening of my on/off Adrenal fatigue. I was actually treating myself for that without much success. Found I had a B1 Thiamine deficiency which can be related to Folate deficiency. For me just lack of energy, felling very depressed and just a doom type of going downhill feeling healthwise. I took one of my 800mcg Solgar MFolate's a couple days ago and wow. Was definitely missing that. I'm trying to figure out how to balance everything.


Senior Member
Symptoms of a folate deficiency include:
  • Changes in mood - irritability, depression, anxiety
  • Poor immune function - frequent illness
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Digestive and intestinal problems - IBS, constipation, bloating
  • Anemia
  • Canker sores in the mouth
  • Tender, swollen tongue
  • Pale skin
  • Premature graying of hair

thanks @Learner1 , i'll keep that in mind, when my mood goes down and I get mouthproblems I'll startup with more folate. the other things I always have.... ( although the frequent illness seems to have abated, i survived the winter without any added viruses,:))


Senior Member
I seem to have a see saw effect... I only seem to need Mfolate and ACbl. Just taking those two and getting a feel for them. Adding the other B's in the AM and taking Mag and Potassium when I feel that deficiency. But taking more MFolate than usual and I'm doing good. But I know that the need for the B12 will kick in at some point. I read about Donut hole paradoxical deficiency and it seems like a never ending loop. You take more folate to correct the deficiency from taking more folate. Until you end up at 15-20 mgs or so. It's hard to get a handle on something like that.
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Senior Member
I really thought I broke myself after my SMP stint that had me up to 9mg MFolate back in 2015. Nothing seemed right since. Wondering if things can every go back to the pre-SMP time (CFS/normal?) by themselves.

I'm doing much better now and seem to have found an equilibrium with my supplements

I wrote a detailed blog post about it Click Here
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