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Dealing with Cold Feet


Moose Enthusiast
Do any of you guys constantly have cold feet? Not just cold feet--freezing, numb feet? It took me a while to realize that most healthy people don't suffer with this problem, and that the temperature of my feet was having a huge impact on my quality of life. It's exhausting!

Have you guys found any tips, tricks, gadgets, or socks that have helped your feet to be more comfortably warm? I usually just wear three pairs of socks, and I put some toe warmers in my shoes whenever I go out in the winter. These things help me a little bit. I would love to hear if any of you have found more effective ways of managing your toe temperature!


Senior Member
I have this problem too! And its bigger this year...
Its crazy - more inflammation in my body, but my hands and feet are cold as ice...
Sometimes under duvet too! ...crazy...

I will also welcome tips on what to do with it...

Perhaps it's a lymphatic system stop good work?
Whats your other symptoms? Flu like?



Senior Member
Always extremely cold feet.
These work for me most of the time (indoors of course)

but sometimes these are not even enough combined with ski-socks!
Definitely problems with circulation in the extremities since ME onset.
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Yes...ice cold fee. I used to get improvement with about 1/2 glass of wine or high-dose L-Arginine. Since going keto, I do not tolerate wine very well anymore.


Sick of being sick ~
So Cal USA
Do any of you guys constantly have cold feet? Not just cold feet--freezing, numb feet? It took me a while to realize that most healthy people don't suffer with this problem, and that the temperature of my feet was having a huge impact on my quality of life. It's exhausting!

Have you guys found any tips, tricks, gadgets, or socks that have helped your feet to be more comfortably warm? I usually just wear three pairs of socks, and I put some toe warmers in my shoes whenever I go out in the winter. These things help me a little bit. I would love to hear if any of you have found more effective ways of managing your toe temperature!

Hi @RebeccaRe ~ I’ve suffered with ‘cold freezing feet’ it seems like forever. Since Me/CFS much worse. This is what had helped me:
Hot Epsom Salt baths, or at least foot bath. The magesium soaks through your skin. Rubbing your feet while soaking is beneficial.
Niacin - good for circulation.
Place a tennis ball at the arch of your foot and roll it around so as to massage the base of your foot.
Cotton or wool socks. Especially at night. Rub with lotion first to seal a protective layer.

I hope this is helpful ~~~

I like the glass of wine idea:D


Senior Member
Do you know what corn bags are ?

My wife and I both use them, particularly in the winter.

Sometimes ... if there's (effectively) a circulatory problem ... there's nothing you can do to retain heat and keep your feet warm because ... well ... they're just freezing. Sometimes freezing cold feet in toasty warm slippers are still freezing cold feet.

We find a lot of relief in using the corn bags to warm our feet first. Then the heavy socks or comfy slippers keep them warm a lot longer. This method works pretty well for us.

But I agree: talk to your doctor. It can often be a symptom. There are quite a few issues that can cause/exacerbate it.


Moose Enthusiast
Those look cozy! I like how they have rubber soles to keep the cold from the floor from seeping into your feet. Where did you get them?

carbs and red wine. if you can tolerate them,
That sounds like a pleasant night at an Italian restaurant! Unfortunately I can't do alcohol. But maybe this would be a good excuse for me to load up on carbs??

I would check with your doc to make sure you don't have Raynaud's, hypothyroidism or blocked arteries leading to your legs. There could be other things I'm not aware of. If you had the first two, it would probably also affect your hands.
I've spoken to my doctor about my cold feet in the past (usually as she's struggling to feel the pulse in my ankle through three layers of socks). She didn't seem to worried. My mom had Raynaud's, so I suppose it's possible. But my hands aren't affected. And my cold toes don't turn white, although sometimes they get a little purple-ish.

Cotton or wool socks.
Have you found any brands you particularly like? A friend suggested smartwool to me, but they're so expensive!

Do you know what corn bags are ?
I do now!! Just looking at them made my toes tingle in anticipation of warmth! I also use your strategy of loading your feet up with heat, and then trying to keep the heat in for as long as possible.


Hoarder of biscuits
My feet fluctuate between burning up and freezing. Sheepskin slippers such as mattie posted are the VERY BEST plus I would wear wool blend over-the-calf boot socks with them:
They look like this when unfolded:

If I'm sitting up (such as when I'm on the computer)I rest my feet on a heating pad such as Silencio suggested. Here's one from the US Amazon site:

I agree that hypothyroidism or Raynaud's could be causing this. Regarding the cost of wool socks: They are well worth it - check out the first link I posted above.

If you want to get your feet warm immediately, what doctors have suggested to me is soaking them in warm/hot water (usually standing or sitting alongside the bathtub) for as long as it takes. If you can prevent your feet from getting cold in the first place by wearing warm footwear you may not have to resort to soaking them.

If you can't get to a shoe store, try buying your sheepskin slippers at zappos.com or amazon.com so you can have free shipping and free returns. There are probably other places that will give you free shipping both ways. I would try to get slippers that are at least ankle high since cold ankles usually go with the territory. See https://www.google.com/search?q=sheepskin slippers&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1

Free shipping and returns added as a qualifier:
https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1&ei=lsNmWu6nOdiijwPRxqCgCw&q=sheepskin slippers free shipping returns&oq=sheepskin slippers free shipping returns

This supplement also works for me:
You can buy the exact same product on eBay and get free shipping:
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