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Esther Crawley's BristolTEDx talk video (Nov. 2, 2017)


Senior Member
East Sussex
EC doesn't seem to be in the video when I am watching it o_O Perhaps they have a morning and afternoon session and have overwritten the previous video link/?


Senior Member
East Sussex
It's apparently 1 hour 30 minutes in

Definitely not from the above link, it's a live stream so an ever changing timeline. This must be the afternoon session embedded in their homepage and the other sessions will be released in due course. Not too concerned about missing it!


Senior Member
Definitely not from the above link, it's a live stream so an ever changing timeline. This must be the afternoon session embedded in their homepage and the other sessions will be released in due course. Not too concerned about missing it!

I don't see it now as well. I did see it earlier. It seems like Crawley was on at 12:40 (before lunchbreak) and the current video is showing the afternoon speakers. Not sure why they are not keeping the earlier video up.



Senior Member
If someone could YouTube this talk on their own channel this would be great.

1 It would stop Katie Hopkins aka Esther Crawley getting hits on their TED YouTube website and the advertising revenue. We are being used as clickbait by TED/Crawley and by watching their YouTube we are #fundinghate and indirectly supporting Crawley.

2 It would be good to preserve on record for mepedia and use against her for potential GMC/court cases if TED removed.

We need to keep record of all her evidence.

Just tagging @JohntheJack @garcia but requesting anyone in the community.
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Science breeds knowledge, opinion breeds ignorance
Someone has a god complex

Terrible talk,
But not for the layman


Senior Member
Definitely not from the above link, it's a live stream so an ever changing timeline. This must be the afternoon session embedded in their homepage and the other sessions will be released in due course. Not too concerned about missing it!

It was in the afternoon session.


Senior Member
I get a notice saying that the video is "blocked in your country," (i.e. the USA for me).
This video contains content from [Merlin] Redeye Distribution, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

Where do I send a "Thank You" note to [Merlin] Redeye Distribution for blocking this?
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Senior Member
I think we should just ignore this. Maybe someone who has already watched it could give a summary but let’s not add to the view count.


Senior Member
I think we should just ignore this. Maybe someone who has already watched it could give a summary but let’s not add to the view count.

True, but the video that was up there was of the entire day's presentations, so it would have been impossible to attribute the view count to any one presentation. It's a moot point now, as the video has vanished from the page altogether.


Senior Member
Hampshire, UK
I am not on twitter but I am able to read messages on twitter.com. i have just read as many tweets as i could sent to tedxbristol and #daretodisrupt. I want to say thank you to everyone who tweeted their very carefully worded responses to ECs talk.

No harrassment. No abuse. Just well thought out polite statements. I am so very impressed. I wish I could express myself so eloquently. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.


Senior Member
Cringeworthily whiney

Esther seems on a one woman crusade to tell the world what an awful field this is as part of her self protection.

The use of the child's picture and then claiming for shock value that actually she couldn't use the actual child's photo half way because the child would get attacked (by us) was a low blow and she totally misrepresents her critics as anti research. Claiming research isn't being done or is delayed is because people are so busy fighting off attackers - total rubbish.

To be the most generous she's extremely self righteous but I feel she's manipulative too. I don't recall her demanding biomedical research funding over the years really, just rolling out behavioural approaches (yes I know about mega).
Maybe she is just seeing things very differently to us but I can not agree with her and she needs to stop hiding beyond her "children at my clinic " and realise the effect of her actions on the wider community. There is valid criticism of the work she does.