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Chronic Lyme scam.


Senior Member
Well it depends, there are those who either know or don't care if it is a scam and are just in it because there is a good market for it, then there are those who genuinely believe in it and are sure they are helping people, without being certain who is in which group it would be hard to decide.


Senior Member
I think labs that are running unreliable or outright false tests need to be stopped. However, I can see potential problems even with this as there could be turf wars or people trying to stop competitors, so there would need to be independence in the regulatory body. At the very least the test centres should have to write on their test results that they have been deemed unreliable, if they are running dodgey tests.

The treatment thing is trickier I think, as sometimes advances in medicine comes from trying things out. Unfortunately harm can also come via this route. I would be more hesitant about shutting down treatments for this reason.

But tests should be doing what they claim to do and this is more measurable. I think also outside calibration might be necessary to avoid either outright scammers or cock-ups. There was a bit of a scandal in my local hospital when it was found that people were given false negatives on results. S0 screw-ups can happen even in more established institutions, if someone incompetent is employed.
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Senior Member
In the uk as far as i am aware the test available on the NHS is done at a government lab probably in Witshire. This is sufficient and free.

You obviously know nothing about Lyme. I don´t think even think the IDSA says that the two-tier test is sufficient. You probably should do some research before you start throwing opinions around.


Senior Member
I wish legal punishment. I've been diagnosed with ME but before this I was seeing ND's in alternative medicine and they all said I had chronic lyme. I spent over 7 months on three antibiotics and got way sicker...

Antibiotics are meant for short term use. They were never tested or approved for long-term use.

Did the ND ever explain how chronic intake of a a pharmaceutical antibiotic is natural healing? You should probably sue the ND who prescribed that.
ND = Not a Doctor.


Senior Member
Antibiotics are meant for short term use. They were never tested or approved for long-term use.

Did the ND ever explain how chronic intake of a a pharmaceutical antibiotic is natural healing? You should probably sue the ND who prescribed that.
ND = Not a Doctor.
I agree. Plus Ron Davis said they suppress (suppress or are similar word) our mTOR gene and in ME/CFS and it makes us even sicker. He said us ME/CFS people have to be very careful with antibiotics. I agree so much that an ND is not a doctor lol. I had 3 of them and was told not to use them but I didn't listen. I don't think a single one could teach cellular respiration to a high school class...not to hate or pick on ND's bcauase there are a few good ones (maybe..) but I'm just saying.


Senior Member
@MAO. Ja, I fell for a bit of that stuff for a while, fortunately with only moderate consequences. I also had a very bad experience with a popular pharmaceutical, that drug was one example where the sales and hype we’re allowed to run over science.

I believe that Medicine took a big step backwards when advertising for pharmaceuticals became allowed. But that’s a whole different can ‘o of worms