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Support messages Prof. Meirleir


Senior Member
CALL !!!

Following the defamation campaign against Prof. De Meirleir, Desi and myself want to launch a call-up.
The intention is to come to a collection of testimonies that we will bundle and deliver to Prof. De Meirleir so he knows his patients are standing with him in this unfair battle. We also accept general support messages because he dedicates his life to ME/CFS.

Success stories on paper can be sent to Desi (info@lymeEpidemie.nl)
Video messages may be sent to Aubry (aubry.lalush@telenet.be)
Intent is to keep it short and powerful.

For example:
"My name is ... I had complaints when I came to Kdm. Kdm helped me. "
"... has been greatly improved."
"... became stable after years of serious decline."
"I begin to get my life back."
"I have ups and downs but in ascending trend"
"Initially I had a decline but after some period I got gradually better ..."
"I'm still not back the old one but I got back noticeable improvement for the first time"

French, English, Dutch ... all OK :)

In short: it does not have to be a 100% success story. We all know that it is a difficult road with doubts and hope. This nuance can certainly be incorporated into the testimony.


PS: If you choose a video message. Please film horizontally with your smartphone.


Senior Member
CALL !!!

Following the defamation campaign against Prof. De Meirleir, Desi and myself want to launch a call-up.
The intention is to come to a collection of testimonies that we will bundle and deliver to Prof. De Meirleir so he knows his patients are standing with him in this unfair battle. We also accept general support messages because he dedicates his life to ME/CFS.

Success stories on paper can be sent to Desi (info@lymeEpidemie.nl)
Video messages may be sent to Aubry (aubry.lalush@telenet.be)
Intent is to keep it short and powerful.

For example:
"My name is ... I had complaints when I came to Kdm. Kdm helped me. "
"... has been greatly improved."
"... became stable after years of serious decline."
"I begin to get my life back."
"I have ups and downs but in ascending trend"
"Initially I had a decline but after some period I got gradually better ..."
"I'm still not back the old one but I got back noticeable improvement for the first time"

French, English, Dutch ... all OK :)

In short: it does not have to be a 100% success story. We all know that it is a difficult road with doubts and hope. This nuance can certainly be incorporated into the testimony.


PS: If you choose a video message. Please film horizontally with your smartphone.
Are you sure he needs it? He always seemed to want to keep it as brief as possible with his patient interactions. I'm sure he'll be just fine.


Senior Member
Sorry for my confusion but was Prof DeMeirlier arrested and in jail or was his license to practice medicine revoked?


Senior Member
i am not sure this is a good idea either. KDM seems to be a pretty private person and I dont think he would want more attention to be drawn to these issues


Senior Member
It would serve to give him personally. I know from good sources he is very depressed these days. Nothing like before