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What is this buzzed feeling?


Senior Member
I didn't sleep well last night which is a precursor to this symptom being intolerable for the day. So bad I'm likely not leaving the house today. It actually started a bit last night, then woke me every 1-2 hours, like very restless sleep. Now I feel restless just sitting still. And I'm more spent than usual. It's like my insides are going a million miles an hour and taking all of my energy. (Severe fatigue is not one of my main symptoms.) It also makes me feel on the edge of nauseous and uneasy. And I have no appetite but get hungry and can force myself to eat. I feel electrified or something, in a terrible way. Can anyone relate to this?


Senior Member
Thanks @Cheesus, @arewenearlythereyet and @TenuousGrip

I've heard of wired but tired, but this is like that feeling on acid. I can hardly concentrate on anything today. I'm counting the minutes until I can go back to bed tonight. It's so unnerving. I feel like my nervous system is being ripped out. When I try to explain to someone how this feeling affects my life, it's so hard for them to comprehend.


Senior Member
Yes, I have it too. Sometimes it's in my core, sometimes in my leg or my calf, or other areas. It feels like there are tiny bubbles of something exploding hundreds at a time in a specific area. Very strange feeling, and disturbing.

It comes and goes. When I am better I usually don't feel it.


Senior Member
Yes, I have it too. Sometimes it's in my core, sometimes in my leg or my calf, or other areas. It feels like there are tiny bubbles of something exploding hundreds at a time in a specific area. Very strange feeling, and disturbing.

It comes and goes. When I am better I usually don't feel it.

Thanks. Mine is always in my core. Never extremities. Mine feels like the worst anxiety ever, but it's a body anxiety...I might not be anxious at all (except over the horrible symptom and likely horrible day I have ahead of me with sickness.) The best way I can describe it is that my insides are being electrified.


Senior Member
Guys, I just ran an errand when I didn't think there was a way in the world I could. It was only a 15 min drive to my doctor's office for an adrenal shot (I just picked up the shot, didn't inject it there), but even 15 mins felt like an eternity when I feel like this. I didn't feel horrible while I was out so I did more errands. I was gone almost 3 hours. Felt more sick than other times, definitely not well at any point. I'm surprised I could go at all or felt like staying out at all.


Senior Member
Does temperature intolerance go with yours too? I have an extreme aversion to cold when I'm like this (I don't usually). Like can't stand the cold from opening the refrigerator. I also have eating issues like I talked about. It's not about the nausea, I don't think (I've had an appetite with my "typical" nausea). This is more like, I'm hungry, my body wants food, but doesn't really want to chew and swallow it. If that makes sense.

Right now tonight too, my shoulders are achy. I'm guessing it's partially from the all-day tension.


Senior Member
Does temperature intolerance go with yours too? I have an extreme aversion to cold when I'm like this (I don't usually). Like can't stand the cold from opening the refrigerator. I also have eating issues like I talked about. It's not about the nausea, I don't think (I've had an appetite with my "typical" nausea). This is more like, I'm hungry, my body wants food, but doesn't really want to chew and swallow it. If that makes sense.

Right now tonight too, my shoulders are achy. I'm guessing it's partially from the all-day tension.

Difficulty to regulate temperature is very typical. Last big crash I had, I had to put the room temperature at 24 celcius, get into bed with 2 comforters on top of me and I was still shivering. Right now every time I feel any type of emotion for even a few seconds, my body temperature rises and I feel hot for about 20 minutes.

Achy shoulders are a sign of anxiety and stress. Most of us feel anxiety at some point. The hunger symptom is one I don't experience.


Senior Member
@confetti11, I saw your other thread where you just went through a very stressful few days. IMO these symptoms maybe in part, a result, a delayed reaction to all of that intense pressure and stress, and perhaps will subside a bit in the next few days.

It is very frustrating that just when we need to sleep, we can't. But I do think in part that that's because (again in part) that 'candle' got burnt at both ends, and the middle, so we don't have the reserves we need to calm down.

Another possibility is if you felt better when you're out, and worse when you're home, is you may have some sort of hidden mold in your house or apartment?


Senior Member
Sth Australia

Thanks. Mine is always in my core. Never extremities. Mine feels like the worst anxiety ever, but it's a body anxiety...I might not be anxious at all (except over the horrible symptom and likely horrible day I have ahead of me with sickness.) The best way I can describe it is that my insides are being electrified.

Hi confetti, it sounds like you are experienced the "wired' of ME.. its usually wired but tired. It leaves one not knowing what to do with oneself and its very easy for one to do to much in this state and end up in a worst crash. A bout of feeling cold with this also a sign that you need to slow down (which can be hard in this state as its unsettling)

. Anxiety can be kicking in as part of this wired.. and the thoughts are trying to run at 100 miles per hour so its not only the body which cant settle... any way it leaves one not knowing what to do with oneself and all all over the place with things.

Ive just come out of a horrid bout of all this after doing too much the other day. Its aweful, I can hardly function when Im in this state. I feel like Im an a very old wind up toy which was wound out way to far when in this state.. very restless, cant get the rest one needs, cant sleep and if one does one tosses and turns all night. I often suffering hot and cold feelings with this.

I can feel that my immune system right now feels down after coming out of my latest bout with this (cough) as it makes me unable to rest when needed
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Senior Member
I see some here calling it "tired but wired" but for me there is definitely a difference between the "tired but wired" and the buzzed / electrified feeling as you describe it.

There are some similarities but the "tired but wired" for me is like pounding (lower frequency) whereas the buzzed feeling is more like a high frequency feeling like when you put your fingers in a wall socket.
When I have this it usually is at night after to much activities in the evening. I feel it in my core and head.

I don't know if others also experience both types, if not it may be easy to mix them up.

This is how I explain it to myself but I think there are no clear definitions.


Senior Member
Difficulty to regulate temperature is very typical. Last big crash I had, I had to put the room temperature at 24 celcius, get into bed with 2 comforters on top of me and I was still shivering. Right now every time I feel any type of emotion for even a few seconds, my body temperature rises and I feel hot for about 20 minutes.

Achy shoulders are a sign of anxiety and stress. Most of us feel anxiety at some point. The hunger symptom is one I don't experience.

Thanks, Dechi. Yes, temperature regulation is difficult in this state. And for me, the taste of food, or my inability to handle strong flavors is affected.