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Guardian article: ME affects four times as many women as men. Is that why we’re still disbelieved?


Highly Vexatious
Natalie Wright has written an opinion piece for the Guardian:



"Breakthroughs are happening. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, recently published a paper that analysed blood molecules – known as metabolites – in healthy people and people with ME. They found a clear pattern of abnormalities, or a chemical signature in the patients with ME which could be used in future to diagnose patients. Currently there is no single test that can diagnose the condition and it is partly due to this that there is so much controversy."

The article mentions the recent PACE problems, and lower down links to: https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/21/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-pace-trial/

I don't know why I can't see the comments (listed as 84). They are supposedly premoderated.

Actually, have just refreshed the Guardian article and the comment number is gone.
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Senior Member
Re. those comments, It's sad to see that it's socially fashionable to berate ME/CFS patients that complain about being treated poorly.


Highly Vexatious
There are plenty of comments. Don't trouble yourself. :grumpy:

Do you mean the Guardian article? There's at least one troll commenting on the Stats article from what I recall. And a lot of other comments there too. The Guardian doesn't seem to have any commenting on, but had 84 listed, but not seen, then the number vanished. Article hasn't been up long though.
I can get them now. The number of comments went down from about 125 (can't remember exactly) to 94 - were they unavailable while they removed some bad ones?


The wise nematode hibernates
Guardian comments are all over the place. Because of the article's focus on sexism, everyone with an axe to grind about gender politics is chiming in, which is an annoying distraction. I usually find with the guardian that ordering the comments by recommended instead of newest makes it slightly less bad if you read from the top, but I think it might take a while for the trolls to sink to the bottom this time.

Large Donner

Senior Member
Is this the best the Guardian can up with right in the middle of the PACE scandal? There's a spoon fed truth sitting waiting for journalists. Dates, times, court orders, scandal, proven scientific fraud, waste of £5 million of public funds, DWP involvement all there in black and white.

What the hell is wrong with journalists these days?


The wise nematode hibernates
Most popular comment so far with 41 recommendations:

4h ago
Can we have a single article in this paper without sexism being brought into it?
Is it so difficult to say "we need more research into this area" and make the case, without speculating on the motives?
Because I tell you what, if you're going to go on about gendered funding for things to do with health, men are not winning out of it. Just write the article on the facts, and stop being so bloody divisive about every single thing.

I thought the article was good, but was interested that the above comment found such a positive reception, and although the sexism points are probably valid, I wonder if focusing them is such a good idea? It could end up becoming a divisive distraction, when we have so many other good arguments these days.


Senior Member
Is this the best the Guardian can up with right in the middle of the PACE scandal? There's a spoon fed truth sitting waiting for journalists. Dates, times, court orders, scandal, proven scientific fraud, waste of £5 million of public funds, DWP involvement all there in black and white.

What the hell is wrong with journalists these days?

The author was a patient, and I expect that the problem was more with the editor. They can find these more personal stories less threatening to deal with.

Large Donner

Senior Member
The author was a patient, and I expect that the problem was more with the editor. They can find these more personal stories less threatening to deal with.

Yes I get that but my point was more generalised. There have been a couple of articles in mainstream media in Sweden though already focusing on the PACE trial and that absolute scandal. Yet here right infront of the medias noses there is virtually nothing being said in the media.

I think this is one area we fall down in on advocacy, we just don't have a press presence being presented from our ME organisations.

Maybe it is happening behind the scenes and the whole story is about to break massively?



Senior Member
I thought the article was good, but was interested that the above comment found such a positive reception, and although the sexism points are probably valid, I wonder if focusing them is such a good idea? It could end up becoming a divisive distraction, when we have so many other good arguments these days.
Yeah, but it's such a quintessential Guardian line that it has a kind of inevitability to it. It's a kind of inverse of the 'meddlesome nanny state' pieces that you get in The Express.


ᴀɴɴɪᴇ ɢꜱᴀᴍᴩᴇʟ
yikes. the comment section is a nightmare. Hope more of us will click through and either comment or upvote the better comments.


Senior Member
Actually - just realised I'd missed the paragraph on PACE on my first read through. I'd have liked more on that (of course), but it is in there and fairly summarised. Congrats to the writer for getting anything past the Guardain's editors!


Near Cognac, France
Is this the best the Guardian can up with right in the middle of the PACE scandal? There's a spoon fed truth sitting waiting for journalists. Dates, times, court orders, scandal, proven scientific fraud, waste of £5 million of public funds, DWP involvement all there in black and white.

What the hell is wrong with journalists these days?

No obvious angle to work in identity politics?