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"Data analysis Puts PACE Trial on Slippery Slope to Retraction" by Cort Johnson


Senior Member
Guiding the lifeboats to safer waters.
It may be he is honestly mistaken but Cort gives all the analysis credit to Stark and Levine, the professional statisticians. I thought that it was actually Alem Mathews, Tom Kindlon and a lady whose name I can't recall at the moment who actually did it? Am I right or wrong with that thought?


Senior Member
I assumed - possibly incorrectly - that Cort was highlighting the role of Stark and Levine because he wants to get the message across to casual readers and the wider world that this analysis comes from big, credible names from revered academic institutions, and not just disgruntled patients. I don't think he was trying to airbrush the other three authors out of the picture - especially as the Virology blog makes clear that they did the bulk of the work.


Senior Member
I assumed - possibly incorrectly - that Cort was highlighting the role of Stark and Levine because he wants to get the message across to casual readers and the wider world that this analysis comes from big, credible names from revered academic institutions, and not just disgruntled patients. I don't think he was trying to airbrush the other three authors out of the picture - especially as the Virology blog makes clear that they did the bulk of the work.
Well, that being said I think it would have been appropriate to give credit to all of the authors as they all worked very hard on this.