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Spirulina Nightmare


Senior Member
Just wondering if anyone else reacted? It was awful. Shaking, sick, hardly get out of bed.........Never again


Well this is good discovery for you, you do not do well on immune boosters, so keep an eye and you will avoid much more crashes with this knowledge (unless is another reason).

I used to get in bed randomly and then I discover I cannot tolerate the boosters, like ecquinacea Zinc...... so keep an eye on the kind see if helps you.

If you can do a inmune modulator tea like Acai, you will feel better, or any food. Just google inmune mods herbs and that should help you to calm it down.


Senior Member
I recently read an interview with Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker where he talks about "bad" spirulina:

Ritchie Shoemaker, MD: Klamath Lake used to be one of the resources used nationally and internationally as a source of spirulina, blue-green algae. Wayne Carmichael, who retired and lives now in Oregon, kept on warning people, “Look out. Spirulina can be contaminated with microcystins,” and sure enough, it now is. I think the growing force of cyanobacteria or blue-green algae illnesses

Link to interview:


This is in the context of chronic inflammatory response syndrome. Basically someone with CIRS would react this way to spirulina, and most likely had an issue relating from biotoxin illness.


Senior Member
Yikes! I bought it at the place referred to as Whole Paycheck, so I assumed it was ok! It was their brand!


Senior Member
Well this is good discovery for you, you do not do well on immune boosters, so keep an eye and you will avoid much more crashes with this knowledge (unless is another reason).

I used to get in bed randomly and then I discover I cannot tolerate the boosters, like ecquinacea Zinc...... so keep an eye on the kind see if helps you.

If you can do a inmune modulator tea like Acai, you will feel better, or any food. Just google inmune mods herbs and that should help you to calm it down.

This is very interesting. I looked that up. I do OK with Astragalus but only some brands. Drops do better than the caps. Olive leaf is good. Generally, though, like Echinacea not so good. What about mataike and things like that? I do OK on those.

Maybe it was because it was a bad batch. Though once I went into anaphalaxas after I took liquid chlorophyll! Try explaining that to the EMT;s. ........they were so nice, though! Scary as heck .


Senior Member
Yikes! I bought it at the place referred to as Whole Paycheck, so I assumed it was ok! It was their brand!

Maybe or maybe not. You could always email Dr. Shoemaker to check. But I don't know how safe it is. You say you're trying to boost your immune system?


Senior Member
Well, I do a lot to try to feel better. I had an accident and teeth are in peril, so this was trying to bring down inflammation because they are front teeth. Very stressed. So it was that with other stuff but then I did it alone because i suspected it. Sure enough.
I think just because it is an algae it can cause an immune response, regardless of any contamination, I. Avoid like the plague. Makes sense why it is in trendy 'detox' stuff, "ooh you know it's working because you feel bad/it purges you!" Etc. o_O:mad:


Senior Member
I had a bad reaction to Chlorella last year. Took 1 teaspoon of Spirulina in water about an hour ago and it's completely tanked my energy; I feel weak and drugged ..


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
LOL, I thought we were the only ones who called it Whole Paycheck. Sorry about the reaction and hope you feel better soon.
Whole Paycheck carries 2 major magnesium products with arsenic contamination. Its wise to check out any supplement you buy for purity and manufacturing standards.

A friend who works for one of the most reputable supplement manufacturers says they rigorously test every batch of ingredients coming into their factory and they regularly reject contaminated ingredients, even from trusted suppliers.

Unfortunately, that Roman saying, "caveat emptor" applies.

This all said, I had a recent discussion with a pharmacist at the FDA who says that the drugs on the market are coming from all over the world, especially India, and the manufacturers are not required to state which plant a drug came from. And there can be problems with their ingredients.

Very concerning. It just speaks to being thoughtful about anything we put into our mouths...