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Genetic Genie Results - I appear to methylate sufficently, what about the rest?

@caledonia It has come to my attention that you are knowledgeable with interpreting Genetic Genie Results and SNP's. I've watched the Methylation made easy videos, studied heartfixer, SNPedia, as well as many other sites that my head spins! My next goal is to study the SNP Interpretation guide.

What I've learned about myself is that I have the A198C gene which means that i have a 20% reduction in methylation, but can cause issues with BH4 production? I havn't studied BH4 yet. So, with this not sounding as serious as having the MTHFR C677T gene, I should still supplement methyfolate for this? On that note of methylfolate, I also have the MAOA R297R gene which I understand does not tolerate methylfolate well, should I be worried about that when treating my A198C mutation? I currently supplement extra R5P for MAO A R297R. What else can I do about it? With COMT i have COMT V158M +/- and COMT H62H +/- with VDR TAQ +/+. I've read that this combination makes my COMT behave as -/- and that means I should tolerate methyl groups well. I've also read that with this combination of SNP's I can experience fluctuations with dopamine levels. I supplement around 5000 iud Vitamin D for VDR TAQ, with the hopes I am on the right track to controlling those fluctuation I am sure i experience. Next is MTR, MTRR mutations. These ones came simple to me that they just require Methyl B12 supplementation. What do you think? I've took little note of my CBS mutations, as I have found they are not as important as once thought.

Thank you for looking over this.


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Senior Member
The SNPs are just suggestions and are not always expressed. It's good to pair the SNPs test with functional testing such as the Nutreval test to see if you actually have the issues that the SNPs suggest vs supplementing based on SNPs alone.

Yes, the A1298C can cause problems with BH4. I've heard of someone on here doing royal jelly for this and getting some benefit.

With only an A1298C +/- you may be able to get the folate you need from leafy greens. Or if you need to supplement, you may not need as much as someone with C677T SNPs.

With your COMT/VDR taq combination, it looks like you could be a bit sensitive to methylcobalamin, but not significantly so.

It would be good to get your vitamin D levels tested to see if they're actually low, before supplementing.

You have two glutathione SNPs on the Detox panel, so that could leave you low in glutathione. You can indirectly raise that by increasing methylation. You can more directly raise it with s acetyl glutathione or liposomal glutathione. Some people don't tolerate that, so then the precursor NAC would be next to try. If that's not tolerated, you can try glutamine and glycine and also suspect mercury toxicity.

Glutathione is created in the transsulfuration pathway (where CBS is). CBS may or may not be expressed. If you have trouble tolerating methylation supplements and/or sulfur foods and supplements, CBS may be expressed. Also suspect mercury toxicity if CBS is expressed. If CBS is expressed, that will also create issues with creating glutathione.


Senior Member
I've watched the Methylation made easy videos, studied heartfixer, SNPedia, as well as many other sites that my head spins! My next goal is to study the SNP Interpretation guide.
Unfortunately those sources are riddled with inaccuracies. To understand if a SNP has an impact on a gene, it's often necessary to review the research. Yasko has very badly misinterpreted the research for many SNPs, and the other sources you've listed are derived from what she says with little concern for accuracy.

What I've learned about myself is that I have the A198C gene which means that i have a 20% reduction in methylation, but can cause issues with BH4 production?
The A1298C SNP on the MTHFR gene has very little impact when heterozygous. The average reduction in MTHFR from optimal for all people (healthy or with ME) seems to be around 70%, so your function is above average. Research has shown a diet with a normal amount of vegetables, or a normal dose of folic acid from a multivitamin, is sufficient to completely correct for the risks associated with even the MTHFR variants reducing functionality of the protein to 30%.

On that note of methylfolate, I also have the MAOA R297R gene which I understand does not tolerate methylfolate well, should I be worried about that when treating my A198C mutation?
MAOA R297R has no impact at all. It's a synonymous variant in the coding section of the gene, meaning it's used to decide which amino acid should be added, and it adds exactly the same one regardless of which allele you have. That it is somehow significant is one of the bizarre and baseless claims which Yasko initiated.

I've read that this combination makes my COMT behave as -/- and that means I should tolerate methyl groups well.
The relevance of COMT, MAOA, and VDR to tolerance of methyl groups is pure speculation, unsupported by research, and frequently contradicted by the experiences of patients.

I supplement around 5000 iud Vitamin D for VDR TAQ, with the hopes I am on the right track to controlling those fluctuation I am sure i experience.
VDR Taq has very little impact. If concerned about your Vitamin D status, it should be fairly easy to get it tested.

Next is MTR, MTRR mutations.
These have almost no impact when heterozygous, unless major mutations are compound heterozygous. You aren't heterozygous for the major ones, so there's nothing to "treat" there. That's not say that B12 won't be helpful for other reasons, however.

I've took little note of my CBS mutations, as I have found they are not as important as once thought.
Correct, they have next to no impact, especially when heterozygous. Explanations to the contrary regarding "expression" are pure supposition, and are a good indication that a source is not reliable.


Senior Member
If CBS is expressed, that will also create issues with creating glutathione.
This doesn't make any sense at all. How would a mild upregulation (or even a supposedly extreme upregulation being "expressed" through dubious means) result in less glutatione?

CBS converts homocysteine into cystathionine, which is then converted into cysteine. Cysteine combines with glutamate and glycine to form glutathione, so I cannot comprehend how creating more cystathionine would result in less glutathione.
Know what I am going to work on first? Is getting rid of Google Chrome. I went to backspace to rewrite something and it made my browser go back a few pages, losing everything I had wrote for you!!!
@Valentijn , Thank you for the replies! So it sounds like my unique mutations are are working properly and in harmony with each other? I didn't know where to start to feel better, so i got my 23andme results and plugged them into Genetic Genie to see whats up. The reason I did this was because i experience varying symptoms involving, fluctuating moods, fluctuating energy levels, fatigue, upper back pain involving my trapezoids, lack of motivation, insomnia, and strange bowel movements. Like I got the proper times per day, like 3 or 4. Sometimes its solid, sometimes its not. sometimes I eat something and my gut goes into distress and i am on the can within half an hour. I don't know what food, because it doesn't happen every time I eat certain foods. With my mood i more than often have off days than good days. When I have a good day, everything is spot on. I just wish i could have more of those. I find myself getting angry for no reason, and upset too easily.

What do you you think? Where should and I look and what should I do? I've saw my doctor and he says I am healthy! One other that I saw prescribed me an SSRI. He was the one that mentioned the warrior gene to me. I tried to give it a chance, but it was the worst!!! I'm not depressed at all, just moody, with a hyper attitude that crashes.


Senior Member
What do you you think? Where should and I look and what should I do? I've saw my doctor and he says I am healthy!
If a doctor says you're healthy when you're having a lot of troublesome symptoms, a good place to start is with a new doctor :p Depending on where you live, a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND) might be a good place to start. They're usually much more focused on searching for causes of problems and shouldn't be so dismissive.


Senior Member
....i experience varying symptoms involving, fluctuating moods, fluctuating energy levels, fatigue, upper back pain involving my trapezoids, lack of motivation, insomnia, and strange bowel movements. ...sometimes I eat something and my gut goes into distress and i am on the can within half an hour. I don't know what food, because it doesn't happen every time I eat certain foods. With my mood i more than often have off days than good days. When I have a good day, everything is spot on. I just wish i could have more of those. I find myself getting angry for no reason, and upset too easily.
Your symptoms are familiar! And not uncommon. It is encouraging that you have good days with everything spot on! Since you want to increase the number of good days, perhaps you should be keeping a food and activity log and include on it your emotional state. You will have to do the detective work to solve these problems. No doctor can or will! Naturopaths will try.

You mention trying a SSRI. For how long and did you come off it "cold turkey"? How long ago? Do you by chance use a sleeping pill - they can wreck havoc! They are short acting which means that one goes into withdrawal every day! SSRIs have withdrawal symptoms too....not sure what.

Your "varying symptoms involving, fluctuating moods, fluctuating energy levels, fatigue, upper back pain involving my trapezoids, lack of motivation, insomnia, and strange bowel movements" are all symptoms of benzo and z-drug withdrawal which can be protracted.

I agree with Valentijn that it would be a good idea to see a naturopath. As for your bowels, they will reflect your mood/state. I did not see a signature for you and so don't know much about you but I know that we all need to work on state management especially those of us with certain snps ie COMT which can slow down the degrading of the stress hormones.

There are free courses online in Mindfulness Meditation and also Cognitive Behavior Therapy that can help us all. If you are interested I will dig them out.
Your symptoms are familiar! And not uncommon. It is encouraging that you have good days with everything spot on! Since you want to increase the number of good days, perhaps you should be keeping a food and activity log and include on it your emotional state. You will have to do the detective work to solve these problems. No doctor can or will! Naturopaths will try.

You mention trying a SSRI. For how long and did you come off it "cold turkey"? How long ago? Do you by chance use a sleeping pill - they can wreck havoc! They are short acting which means that one goes into withdrawal every day! SSRIs have withdrawal symptoms too....not sure what.

Your "varying symptoms involving, fluctuating moods, fluctuating energy levels, fatigue, upper back pain involving my trapezoids, lack of motivation, insomnia, and strange bowel movements" are all symptoms of benzo and z-drug withdrawal which can be protracted.

I agree with Valentijn that it would be a good idea to see a naturopath. As for your bowels, they will reflect your mood/state. I did not see a signature for you and so don't know much about you but I know that we all need to work on state management especially those of us with certain snps ie COMT which can slow down the degrading of the stress hormones.

There are free courses online in Mindfulness Meditation and also Cognitive Behavior Therapy that can help us all. If you are interested I will dig them out.

I have an appt made with a naturopath in november.

I only used the SSRI for around 3-4 days. I cant see that being long enough to cause any major problems that I wouldnt recover from. No sleeping pills. Although I do use phenibut quite sparingly from time to time to help wind down. I dont use more than a gram at once, or more than once or twice a week if i do. Sometimes i only use it once in the month. Thats the closest to a benzo or z-drug I get to. Unless you include my time trying out Ashwagandha, kava or valerian. (of which i did not have a good time with kava or valerian for sleep, but ashwagandha was ok). I should also mention that I was smoking marijuana, but now I have quit from over a month.

I don't want you to think that all my symptoms are from marijuana. I can imagine it was contributing and exhaberated my symptoms, but they did exist before hand as well. Marijuana doesn't affect me the same as most people, and was self medicating a problem with another problem. (I get racy thoughts, hyper feeling, anxious, dumb on the stuff, I'll never touch it again)

I couldn't get into see a naturopath right away, so i went to see a Sho-Tai Practitioner. For those who don't know, (from their website) SHO-TAI® is a combination of a few different methods and techniques; such as reading the eyes, reading the tongue and an advanced muscle test, to help determine the body’s levels of health.

He has me working on a cleanse for my bowels, and recommended magnesium intake and some thyroid control. He offers this treatment through the taking of some herbs that he offers.

Yes please share your mindfulness meditation and cognitive therapy courses. I already practice meditation, but I cant seem to stay focused on it. Even though I have all the time in the world right now.


Senior Member
Really? You have to wait until November to see a naturopath?!!! Must be some popular ND.

I have no knowledge or experience with SHO-Tai - good credentials and education? My sense is that some of the alternative practitioners are in it for selling their products.

There are various free resources on the internet. I have noted them but not worked with them (I should!) and so should not recommend. However, here is one.

And another: google UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center

You said: "I already practice meditation, but I cant seem to stay focused on it. Even though I have all the time in the world right now."

I have noticed that if I have time on my hands that I often focus on my health and various symptoms. If I get out of the house and/or get involved in something of interest then I don't notice symptoms, mood is better, sleep is better etc. I feel much more alive and well. Being involved with a cause, a project and other people is great medicine. A happy body is healthier!