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Rituximab For RA Shows Small Increase In Hepatitis B Reactivation


Senior Member
This adds some support to the idea that if ME is caused by viruses, and Rituximab suppresses immune response to those viruses, then we might see a worsening of the condition in the long run with Rituximab use.


I had a quick look and I am not sure how you formed your speculation.

This is talking about reactivation of HBV. And it states

The administration of RTX + DMARD in patients with RA with resolved HBV infection leads to a negligible risk of HBV reactivation,

Maybe i missed something ?


Senior Member
But this would only be if someone had prior Hep B infection, not that RTX causes it?


Patient in training
It is well known that there is a risk of HepB reactivation for those who have the virus (not the vaccine) and who are started on Rituximab. It is a relative contraindication and the physicians have to thread very carefully.


Senior Member
It is well known that there is a risk of HepB reactivation for those who have the virus (not the vaccine) and who are started on Rituximab. It is a relative contraindication and the physicians have to thread very carefully.

But if someone never had HepB and tests negative for it, then they are okay? No worries, Kati, if you do not know. I assume physicians know which tests to order before someone has RTX for any condition (or I'd hope!)


Patient in training
But if someone never had HepB and tests negative for it, then they are okay? No worries, Kati, if you do not know. I assume physicians know which tests to order before someone has RTX for any condition (or I'd hope!)
Yes, you're ok if you never had Hep B. It is difficult to get unless you are living an at-risk lifestyle or it was transmitted through birth.
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Senior Member
Yes, you're ok if you never had Hep B. It is difficult to get unless you are living an at-risk lifestyle.

Thanks and that's what I thought. Great to hear confirmation though and I do not have HepB.