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Have you tried Oxygen Therapy and did it help you?

Have you tried Oxygen Therapy to help alleviate some of your symptoms?

  • Yes.... Oxygen Therapy helped alleviate symptoms!

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Yes....Oxygen Therapy didn't help alleviate symptoms!

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • No.... I haven't tried Oxygen Therapy!

    Votes: 8 61.5%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
A friend of mine who has ME and Fibro went to a charity run MS Centre, where they offer Oxygen Therapy as a treatment to help alleviate symptoms. They also take on patients with fibro and ME.

I am considering giving it a try, and I was wondering if anyone has tried the above treatment and whether it has helped alleviate/improve some of their symptoms. I would love to hear your experiences and views on the topic.

I have added the above poll to make it easier, so you don't have to add comments if you don't want to. Thank you all in advance :)


senior member
Concord, NH
If you have obstructive sleep apnea, perhaps you can have it prescribed and not have to go out of your way every so often to try it. I was on it for years with my vPAP machine, and seem to better than most on here.


I am not sure that it helped, I would think so. I had a major crash in 2009, quit just changing one thing at a time, so cannot pin point what helped me.


Senior Member
A friend of mine who has ME and Fibro went to a charity run MS Centre, where they offer Oxygen Therapy as a treatment to help alleviate symptoms. They also take on patients with fibro and ME.

I am considering giving it a try, and I was wondering if anyone has tried the above treatment and whether it has helped alleviate/improve some of their symptoms. I would love to hear your experiences and views on the topic.

I have added the above poll to make it easier, so you don't have to add comments if you don't want to. Thank you all in advance :)

Presume you are referring to (HBOT) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? not just an Oxygen boost from a tank, or a re-breather unit? I haven't done it, but some who have report short-term help. I don't know of anyone who had long-term relief, but maybe somebody will show up.
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My daughter, who had been seriously ill for 15 years, started using high-flow oxygen (10 L/min) through a rebreather mask for an hour/day in 2012. Improvement was slow, but her symptoms slowly resolved and she's now living a 95% normal life. HBOT, when it was available, also gave her a bump. But it was, and still is, the daily oxygen we believe put her into and is keeping her in remission.


senior member
Concord, NH
My daughter, who had been seriously ill for 15 years, started using high-flow oxygen (10 L/min) through a rebreather mask for an hour/day in 2012. Improvement was slow, but her symptoms slowly resolved and she's now living a 95% normal life. HBOT, when it was available, also gave her a bump. But it was, and still is, the daily oxygen we believe put her into and is keeping her in remission.

Hmm, not sure what my script was for, (5L/min?), but perhaps I will get another one. I know I have copies of the old script around some where. I was working, have Fibro as well. Remission would be awesome!

Hers is the best response to daily high-flow that I've heard of "through the grapevine"/informally. I have always thought she'd have improved faster if she'd done regular HBOT, too. I have also wondered if the high-flow O2 has somehow "been enough" for her because of her relative youth (she was 25 when she started it). We have a friend who is older who did high-flow O2 for a long time with only minimal benefit. She has access to affordable HBOT now where she can go several times/week. The jury is still out, but she thinks she's starting to see some positive changes. Of course, with my daughter's experience, I always, always recommend it if someone asks. I know Cheney disagrees...but his approach didn't get my girl even close to where she is today. Good luck!


senior member
Concord, NH
Hers is the best response to daily high-flow that I've heard of "through the grapevine"/informally. I have always thought she'd have improved faster if she'd done regular HBOT, too. I have also wondered if the high-flow O2 has somehow "been enough" for her because of her relative youth (she was 25 when she started it).

We have a friend who is older who did high-flow O2 for a long time with only minimal benefit. She has access to affordable HBOT now where she can go several times/week. The jury is still out, but she thinks she's starting to see some positive changes.

Of course, with my daughter's experience, I always, always recommend it if someone asks. I know Cheney disagrees...but his approach didn't get my girl even close to where she is today. Good luck!

Just breaking this up to make it easier to read. I wonder if some program language on this website could remind people to that? And also to post more descriptive titles, that is not in reference to this thread!



Senior Member
If you have obstructive sleep apnea, perhaps you can have it prescribed and not have to go out of your way every so often to try it. I was on it for years with my vPAP machine, and seem to better than most on here.


I am not sure that it helped, I would think so. I had a major crash in 2009, quit just changing one thing at a time, so cannot pin point what helped me.

I was tested for sleep apnea recently and turned out I didn't have it. Although I do have some sort of sleep disorder which I think needs further investigation.

Tackling one thing at a time is what I am trying to do, but its hard taking the slower path. I tend to get extremely frustrated!

Presume you are referring to (HBOT) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? not just an Oxygen boost from a tank, or a re-breather unit? I haven't done it, but some who have report short-term help. I don't know of anyone who had long-term relief, but maybe somebody will show up.

Yes thats it! I don't know anything about it or how it works, but from what I can gather, from what I did read on their website, you have to keep having the treatment for it to work.

My daughter, who had been seriously ill for 15 years, started using high-flow oxygen (10 L/min) through a rebreather mask for an hour/day in 2012. Improvement was slow, but her symptoms slowly resolved and she's now living a 95% normal life. HBOT, when it was available, also gave her a bump. But it was, and still is, the daily oxygen we believe put her into and is keeping her in remission.
Hers is the best response to daily high-flow that I've heard of "through the grapevine"/informally. I have always thought she'd have improved faster if she'd done regular HBOT, too. I have also wondered if the high-flow O2 has somehow "been enough" for her because of her relative youth (she was 25 when she started it). We have a friend who is older who did high-flow O2 for a long time with only minimal benefit. She has access to affordable HBOT now where she can go several times/week. The jury is still out, but she thinks she's starting to see some positive changes. Of course, with my daughter's experience, I always, always recommend it if someone asks. I know Cheney disagrees...but his approach didn't get my girl even close to where she is today. Good luck!

I am glad it has helped your daughter, I am sorry she has been so poorly. I hope that the treatment continues to help her! Thank you for sharing your daughters experience, I will ceryainly give it a lot of consideration. :)