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Please help with use of Vitamins for Irritability, Mood Swings, etc


Looking for some advice on when or how to take all these vitamins:

Conditions I want to improve: Lack of motivation, Irritability, minor depression, anxiety, highly emotinal sensitivity and a lot mood changes.

I am taking Synthroid for Hashimoto's thyroid in the morning, followed 30 minutes later by 1 Vitamin B12, B6 and D before or after breakfast.

After work around 5pm I am taking Pristiq and Life Extension Optimized Folate (l-methylfolate) also known as Deplin.

Now I want to figure out at what time of the day to add NAG, Flaxseed oil and turmeric powder.

I also want to add B2, Inositol, Magnesium, Chromium and Selenium.

Is it ok just to take them all at once? On an empty stomach? Or full?



Senior Member
The B vitamins need to be balanced or they will deplete one another especially if you take a lot of one type.
How much folate are you taking?
What form is your B12? Shots? Transdermal?


Forum Support Assistant
Conditions I want to improve: Lack of motivation, Irritability, minor depression, anxiety, highly emotinal sensitivity and a lot mood changes.

I had most of these conditions. Low Dose Naltrexone has helped relieve them more than anything else I've tried. You may also want to try Lithium Orotate as a mood stabilizer, and zinc helps some people with minor depression.
Arghhhhhhh lol thx, i just ordered so many types of vitamins, Naltrexone, lithium orotate, zinc, choline bitartrate arghhhhh...

Hi Helen1, B12 is just a regular vitamin in cirle pill form, something similar like from Nature's way.

I'm also thinking of talking to my family doctor about getting tested for all these symptoms:


And trying some of these ideas:


What do you guys think? Thanks for the help and advice.


Senior Member
If you're taking oral B12 very little will be absorbed. So you're taking folate in large doses (deplin is 15 mg right?) with very little b12 to keep it in cells where it's needed. This would be a huge problem for almost everyone here.

Similarly large amounts of b6 (over 30mg) can cause problems. How much are you taking?

If you're taking oral B12 very little will be absorbed. So you're taking folate in large doses (deplin is 15 mg right?) with very little b12 to keep it in cells where it's needed. This would be a huge problem for almost everyone here.

Similarly large amounts of b6 (over 30mg) can cause problems. How much are you taking?


Hi I am taking this B12 supplement: http://naturalfactors.com/product/b12/ (1000mcg)

B6 Supplement: http://naturalfactors.com/product/vitamin-b6-3/?v=17738 (50mg)

Optimized Folate: http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00UD0IPYU?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00 (1000mcg)

Pristiq 50mg? The regular dose.

I also ordered this Selenium: http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00L3WTD0W?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s01 (200mcg)

I was also about to order the following:

NAG: https://www.vitamart.ca/organika-nag-n-acetyl-glucosamine-500mg.html (500mg)

B2 (Riboflavin): https://www.vitamart.ca/organika-b2-riboflavin.html (100mg)

Inositol: https://www.vitamart.ca/organika-inositol-myo-inositol-500mg.html (500mg)

Magnesium: https://www.vitamart.ca/natures-way-magnesium-complex.html (250mg)

Chromium: https://www.vitamart.ca/orange-naturals-chromium-500mcg.html (500mcg)

I am also taking Avodart for hair loss and Synthroid for Hashimoto's Thyroid.

And Jamieson Vitamin D in the winter months.

Am I doing something wrong? So far it's been a week or 2 I've been trying the B12's and B6's and 1 Week Deplin. Somewhat feeling slightly better, very hard to tell.


Senior Member
I'm confused. You're taking 1000 mcg of folate AND deplin? So how much folate are you getting in total? It sounds like it could be a lot.

As mentioned above, oral B12 does not get absorbed by many people especially anyone with imperfect gut health. That B12 you're taking is probably doing very little for you, so your large amount of folate is circulating in your blood stream and not getting into your cells (it needs B12 for that). Unabsorbed, circulating folate can cause nerve problems including nerve damage.

50 mg B6 is a lot especially the type you're taking and especially as you're not taking B1, B2, B3, B5. You need to read up on the types of B6 and the importance of balancing all your B vitamins.

The B vitamins are a complex creature and you need to know what you're doing. Many of us have run into problems such as depleting one or the other one by taking the wrong amounts.

Sorry if I sound abrupt, just want to encourage you to do some more reading before taking such large amounts and potentially causing yourself more problems.
Sorry just folate no deplin. I read it's the same isn't? Just today i was thinking of switching to a b complex vitamin instead? Thanks for the info?


Senior Member
Deplin is a brand name, yes it's folate and comes in 15 mg and 7.5 mg which is a lot so when you said you were taking deplin that jumped out at me. What you're really taking is 1 mg of folate just to be clear.

The b12 you're taking is likely close to zero due to its oral form so that was a double red flag.

Yes a b complex might be a better idea but the doses of each are important. Small doses seem to be better for most and the correct ratios are key. Please read some of the existing threads on b vits before making any decisions.
