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Just Found A Great Pill Cutter!

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
It just cut Epivir and Florinef into perfectly even halves, and Equilibrant into near perfect halves, one half had a few small crumbles, but I checked it with a scale and it's muuuuch better than any othe pill cutter I've ever used. It also cuts more than one pill at a time. It's called Multiple Pill Splitter. Found it on Amazon:



iherb code TAK122
@Never Give Up
I have to cut an oblong pill into half and then the half into 3, would it do that? I realise what I'm looking for is probably called a miracle not a pill cutter :)

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
@Never Give Up
I have to cut an oblong pill into half and then the half into 3, would it do that? I realise what I'm looking for is probably called a miracle not a pill cutter :)
Probably not. Photos in the review section show it cutting halved pills in half nicely, I think it's just a halfer.

The device centers and holds the pills nicely- even oval, diamond, and domed shaped ones. The pill does not move around during the cutting. The blade comes down squarely in the middle and makes a clean cut. :trophy:


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
My pill cutter is ancient but the blade is really long which is why it gets through thick pills

That looks like its good for halving but not quartering.

Let's invent one!!!

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
My pill cutter is ancient but the blade is really long which is why it gets through thick pills

That looks like its good for halving but not quartering.

Let's invent one!!!
I think the perfect cutter would involve lasers and be way too expensive.

The way it quarters is first you cut the pills in half, then you stand them up on their cut edges, and cut them in half again. One of the Amazon reviewers posted photos, it looks like it works well.

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
I just filled the mega pill box, again. It was so much quicker and easier. I love it!

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Does anyone know who actually makes these pill cutters? I would like to see if one of the stores where I shop can get me one.

Amazon lists the seller as Cibola Press, LLC. That seems odd. It also says from Pillcut.com.

I went to Pillcut.com. These was no indication what company it was. I clicked 'contact us'. The contact info was for Cibola Press LLC. Then I noticed that I had been redirected to imgur.com. [Imgur is an image posting site.] This is just getting stranger and stranger!

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
The inventor may have decided to save the expense and work of starting a new business by marketing it through an existing business.