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I have had CFS for 28 years 3 years ago it took a significant turn for the worse (which I believe was from hormonal changes) the symptoms included increase lymph node swelling and pain and my entire torso was swelled to the point where the pressure was so great I sometimes could not breathe easily. I feel like someone could prick me with a pin and I would pop like a balloon.

I have now been on Valcyte (1800 mgs, yes, it is aggressive) for a year and in process of bio-identical hormone therapy, all of which has had no effect to date to help any of my symptoms. I also take probiotics and vitamin supplements

After research it seems like I might have an ascites condition but my liver and kidney tests continue to be normal. Could my liver be causing this even though test show normal results?

Has anyone else experienced this abdominal swelling and pressure?


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
The only thing that changed 3 years ago was your natural hormonal change? No change in diet, supps, activity? No symptoms other than the swelling, and pain associated w/ swelling?
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Jonathan Edwards

I think you should see a physician. Ascites is a symptom of several diseases.

I agree. Ascites has nothing to do with ME/CFS and can arise from a whole range of mechanisms which need detailed investigation by a physician. Drug toxicity would be one of the possibilities.
I agree. Ascites has nothing to do with ME/CFS and can arise from a whole range of mechanisms which need detailed investigation by a physician. Drug toxicity would be one of the possibilities.

I think you should see a physician. Ascites is a symptom of several diseases.

I do plan on seeing a physician about specifically about it. However I have told all every doctor that I have seen in the last three years the pain and swelling, particularly in my torso was the worst issues I was dealing with and no one seemed overly concerned, probably because my liver tests are all normal.

I did find an article summary ( I wasn't able to download the complete article) that linked EPV with ascites which I have had confirmed is active in my body along with CMV.


The only thing that changed 3 years ago was your natural hormonal change? No change in diet, supps, activity? No symptoms other than the swelling, and pain associated w/ swelling?

No, absolutely no changes, in fact it was one the easiest times of my life because I was on a 2 year work sabbatical and very little stress or physical activity. The only change was hormonal.

I started Valcyte two years after my symptoms turned worse and I have had one coffee enema, perhaps I should try some more.



Senior Member
A coffee enema will do nothing to relieve ascites or any other kind of related problem. Really this kind of self-medicating will only prolong whatever issue you are having that is causing your problems.


Coffee enemas can cause numerous side effects, including infections, sepsis (including campylobacter sepsis), severe electrolyte imbalance, colitis, proctocolitis, salmonella, brain abscess, and heart failure.[4][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] If the coffee is inserted too quickly or is too hot, it could cause internal burning[14] or rectal perforation.[15]

The use of coffee enemas has led to several deaths as a result of severe electrolyte imbalance, hyponatremia, dehydration, pleural and pericardial effusions.[8][16] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ruled that study participants must be warned of the risk of death from coffee enemas in studies that use them.[17][18]


Coffee enemas have their roots as part of the “Gerson Treatment” for cancer, developed by physician Max Gerson in the 1940’s. His regimen included coffee enemas, supplements, juice, and injections of calves’ liver. The approach has been investigated and been shown to be useless for the treatment of cancer.

Some proponents of coffee enemas believe that the chemical components of coffee stimulate liver and gall bladder function. There is no credible evidence to suggest this occurs, or that it is necessary. Your liver and gallblader don’t need an enema in order to work effectively. There is no evidence to suggest that you need to boost your liver’s production of glutathione with enemas. You may in fact be boosting your glutathione already, if you’re a coffee drinker.
Maybe you don't have ascites, I once thought I did but I went to dr and all liver tests came back normal, doc said I'm fine etc. However, I believe I do have some liver problem bc I continue to get the swelling in the right upper quadrant of my torso, but they can't find anything even with ultrasound. Do you drink alcohol or soda?
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Senior Member
A coffee enema can help relieve a congested liver.

How would that work? Whether by enema or by mouth, the process is the same once it hits the liver. Absorption is via different veins at the beginning but all ends up in the portal vein of the liver. You actually would probably get more caffeine going straight to the liver via the oral route. If you review drug metabolism, you will see how it works.

As far as liver 'congestion' -- true liver congestion is a reflection of dysfunction due to venous congestion which is usually due to congestive heart failure. In any case, if liver congestion was relieved by coffee -- drinking coffee would provide relief too but it doesn't.

Without abnormal liver panels, it is doubtful that ascites would be the diagnosis.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
There are many references in my CE blog, Kina, linked in my signature. I can only tell you it's been very central to my healing process. I'm certainly not the only one. Not even the only one at pr.


Senior Member
There are many references in my CE blog, Kina, linked in my signature. I can only tell you it's been very central to my healing process. I'm certainly not the only one. Not even the only one at pr.

Yes, I have read those references and none of them discuss how the body metabolizes caffeine absorbed from the colon. Perhaps you should ascribe your healing process to something else because modern science has shown that what is being proposed by these people (one a coffee seller) is not only erroneous but it's extremely erroneous and again science has shown through a few studies that caffeine is better absorbed via the oral route.

I think I have already mentioned routes of absorption via the oral route vs the colon are the same in the end and that palmitic? acid which is supposedly the active ingredient is not abosorbed in the colon because the colon does not absorb long-chain fatty acids. Therefore, it would appear that the information on the internet related to coffee enemas is wrong and very misleading.

If I am wrong please provide the information that would show this. I am open to that.


Senior Member
I had liver inflammation and ascites for 2 months even though my liver enzymes were normal on 4/5 tests (hepatic function panel). I was on the ground screaming in pain day and night every day for 2 months and was in the ER 12 times. It felt like I was actually going to die on my 25th birthday. They finally did a contrast CT which showed liver inflammation and ascites. All tests for hepatitis viruses and mono were negative, so they said I must just have some unknown viral infection. The pain is still there 7 months later, but it isn't nearly as bad. My gallbladder failed (biliary dyskinesia) in 2013 and was removed. I was never on antivirals and I haven't had abx or any other liver-damaging drug in many years, and I have never had alcohol so no one knows why my liver is so painful.

Your dr would probably agree to an ultrasound. It's non-invasive and should let them know if your liver is swollen.

Sorry you have to deal with this on top of CFS symptoms. I really sucks :/