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Open peer review could result in better quality of peer review.


Senior Member
This is the press release. The paper is still embargoed, but there's a link at the bottom of the page that will take you to the study when it's released.
Maria Kowalczuk, lead author, BioMed Central’s Biology Editor for the Research Integrity Group and co-Editor-in-Chief of Research Integrity and Peer Review, said: “As advocates of openness, we are excited to find that upon analysis reviewer reports under open peer review are of comparable, or even higher, quality than those of the more established model of single-blind peer review. However, we appreciate our results do not undermine the single-blind model of peer review
.I really wish they had left out the last sentence.

A blog on this study. Interesting comments as well as links about the debate of peer review.
Given that the blinded peer review model is more established, even showing no difference would tend to validate the newer open peer-review model. Of course, this one study does not end the debate, as it was limited to only three journals within one publishing group



Rebel without a biscuit
Either the apologists for bad research are angling for validity or the people who realise how aweful some research is are too afraid to rock the boat much.


Senior Member
Either the apologists for bad research are angling for validity or the people who realise how aweful some research is are too afraid to rock the boat much.

I'm not sure I get your point. But it's most likely my bad as I am very foggy today.:mad:


ETA Is this the symbol for embarrassed? :mad:


Rebel without a biscuit
Sorry, my bad. It was in reference to what was said in the 'last line' you pointed out. It makes their conclusions sound on the fence.