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The Abundant Energy Summit


Senior Member
The Abundant Energy Summit is based on the world-renowned psychologist and philosopher Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory,” and therefore provides the most radically inclusive, comprehensive roadmap to dealing with the true root causes of fatigue in existence today.

So, are you ready to receive the wisdom of Ken Wilber and discover the true root causes of fatigue? :D

PS: I must admit I'm mildly shocked to see Myhill and Jason in there. Especially Jason seems a bit out of place.

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK


Senior Member
The Abundant Energy Summit is based on the world-renowned psychologist and philosopher Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory,” and therefore provides the most radically inclusive, comprehensive roadmap to dealing with the true root causes of fatigue in existence today.
"most radically inclusive, comprehensive roadmap"? There's some advertising talk if I ever heard it -- over the top, full of currently fashionable buzzwords with no sense or substance.

Can someone explain "most radically inclusive" to me? And how it differs from least radically inclusive? It sounds so impressive, I think I want to be radically inclusive, too. :p

"the true root causes of fatigue"
What?!! We know the root causes of fatigue!? How did I miss that? Has someone told Klimas, Lipkin, Hornig, Montoya, Davis, et al? They'll need to stop wasting their money on biomedical research into ME/CFS and get on this radically inclusive comprehensive road. Well, I guess they could keep working on the other symptoms of ME/CFS, but how wonderful that we have the whole fatigue thing under control now.

What are Drs Jason and Myhill thinking here?


Rebel without a biscuit
Psychology doing what it needs to do to make itself seem relevant.
And because there is still as yet so much to learn and discover about how the various bodily systems work much less how they interact they can get away with vague theories that sound impressive/scientific/just what we want to hear.
Sing Kumbaya with me.

And apparently anybodies money is good if it gets you out there.


Senior Member
Well he's listed as one of the speakers, but as he calls himself a "theoretical psychologist" perhaps he can attend without actually existing.

What an absolute quackfest.
Well, I'll be darned. Google tells me he's not dead. Last I heard he had a chronic illness and wasn't doing very well at all. I haven't read anything about him in years, though.

But after checking, turns out he has RNase Enzyme Deficiency Disease. He says the disease "is thought to be either fully or partially responsible for a host of illnesses, including multiple sclerosis, myalgic encephalomyelitis, ALS, inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis, Gulf War Syndrome, fibromyalgia, to name a few."

So it turns out he is a sufferer and does belong at the conference by virtue of his experience with an energy-deficiency illness.

At any rate, don't knock it 'til you've tried it. I like Ken Wilber, although I don't necessarily agree with everything he says. He has some very interesting philosophical ideas, though.


Senior Member
northern Maine
"most radically inclusive, comprehensive roadmap"? There's some advertising talk if I ever heard it -- over the top, full of currently fashionable buzzwords with no sense or substance.

Advertising seems to be the point of the exercise. Specifically, they are trawling for email addresses so somebody (the sponsor of this "free" event, perhaps?) can build their list of potential clients.

Can someone explain "most radically inclusive" to me? And how it differs from least radically inclusive? It sounds so impressive, I think I want to be radically inclusive, too. :p

Haha, too funny!

What are Drs Jason and Myhill thinking here?

I wonder if they know they are part of this?

I mean, my brain must be seriously broken, because I keep looking at the horrible webpage, and I can't figure out how to do this thing. Is it a live event broadcast over the internet, do they just send the registrants a link to a webpage with a bunch of videos on it, or something else entirely?

I seriously fail to understand how this "event" is supposed to work.


Revolting Peasant
Looks likes a weird mixture of stuff (some good, lots bad) including the following nonsense:

“Klinghardt Axiom” between unresolved emotional trauma, stored toxicity and microbial infection
Stages of burnout and how adverse child experiences affect our health in adulthood
The power of releasing and letting go through the hero’s journey
How empathics and emotional sensitives can experience fatigue
5 ways to increase “EZ water” in your body
Why 25% of our energy comes from ATP and the rest from “vital force” energy

o_O :jaw-drop: :wide-eyed: :eek:


Senior Member
northern Maine
This thing has got to be a scam. I just looked at Lenny Jason's "home page" and they cropped that picture and stuck it on the "event" webpage. Anybody can buy a domain name and make a web page and make it look official.

If it's not a scam, I want to see Dr Orloff's presentation so I can learn

  • How empathics and emotional sensitives can experience fatigue
  • Energy psychiatry as a provider of tools for the energy sensitives
  • Dealing with the 3 types of energy vampires: narcissists, guilt trippers and anger addicts

and cure ME


Senior Member
northern Maine
This was trailed on Cort Johnson's site, MeSci — http://www.cortjohnson.org/blog/2015/08/09/the-abundant-energy-summit-on-chronic-fatigue/

You may be part of the "not for everybody"!

Well I see where Cort is part of this "event" somehow, but he doesn't know how it works either:

Cort Johnson says:
August 11, 2015 at 6:12 pm
Donna I think these kinds of summits are done entirely on line. The speakers are speaking, I think, different places. Niki can correct me if I’m wrong.


Revolting Peasant
Costs $47 for online access or $97 with flash drive. I wonder if they're just lifting video presentations from the web and packaging them up.
I should probably point out in the interest of fairness that the summit is free to register just now.


Senior Member
northern Maine


Senior Member
What on earth is this?
There's a lot of these free online 'summits' around: Thyroid Summit, Diabetes Summit, Paleo Summit, Healthy Gut Summit, even things like the Real Estate Summit. I have 'attended' some of the health related ones in the past. The great thing about them is, you don't have to go anywhere to get some (hopefully useful) free information! If you can't attend the livestream, they send you a recording of the session afterwards, so you can listen to it on your own time and pace. And you can just pick and choose the sessions you find interesting enough to attend.

What's the catch? You give out your e-mailadress, under the promise that you'll receive free info goodies (which you do get), but afterwards you get spammed like there's no tomorrow. And they will always try to sell you stuff, obviously. During the summit the speakers will give you SOME info but not THE info, iykwim. Just touching the surface to lure you in. They're usually all a bit hyper too, they all pretend they find eachother SO amazing. I did learn some useful stuff from the ones I attended. And afterwards I just took myself off their email lists. Without spending one cent.


Senior Member
northern Maine
I always wonder just what "alternative medicine" is supposed to mean. My family nurse practitioner admits she knows little about supplements. Does that mean supplements are "alternative", even though they can be researched and found to be useful or useless?

Or is a treatment "alternative" because it is based on a muddled theory that can't be tested, or hasn't been tested, like some of this event?