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Is this the cause of ME?


Senior Member
This research paper describes a disease which has been classified differently from ME, but the authors admit that this classification also includes CFS/ME signs and symptoms.

This disease is caused by an autoimmune reaction to aluminium containing vaccine adjuvants. The systemic effects pain, fatigue, cognitive deficits, exactly describe classic ME symptoms, and can be accurately diagnosed by muscle biopsy at the site of vaccination. This autoimmune reaction has been reported for many years and is recognised by the WHO, who have studied it.

Aluminium is not only a potent immune stimulant at the site of injection but also travels round the body, including the brain, and causes systemic (body-wide) immune reactions and disease.

There are ways to chelate aluminium out of the body, so it is possible that we can do something to help ourselves. Chris Exley's website explains much of the science behind aluminium and its effect on the body, and also how you can reduce the load by drinking a silicon rich mineral water.
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Senior Member
This seems like an explanation for some cases of CFS-like disease, or a contributing factor.

It's not an autoimmune reaction to aluminum though (that doesn't even make sense). I looked into this a while back and my understanding was that there is continued stimulation of the immune system, and aluminum traveling into the brain where it leads to microglial activation. Stimulation of the immune system is why the aluminum is in the vaccine in the first place.


Senior Member
Please read the paper in the first post carefully. Although the desease is called Macrophagic Myofascitis, virtually all the clinical signs and symptoms are CFS/ME.

The important fact is that this disease, which I will call MM for convenience, can be definitely diagnosed by muscle biopsy and experimentally replicated in rats.The cause is not in doubt, as aluminium inclusions are found in blood cells at the site of the lesion where the vaccination took place.

The authors can even identify a genetic marker which creates susceptibility to this disease, and I bet we have this marker too.

This means that a disease which is virtually identical to ME and can be diagnosed by laboratory tests is caused by aluminium adjuvants. The next logical step is to look for aluminium inclusions in PWME. If found, and I bet they would be, this would eliminate the pretence that there are no medical abnormalities in ME
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Senior Member
Another interesting thing about this paper is the development of autoimmune disease in patients with MM.
They can go on to develop thyroiditis, sjogrens syndrome, multiple sclerosis, all caused by aluminium's effect in the body. These diseases are also more common in PWME.
I think ME is most likely another autoimmune disease caused the same way
I have thought this for some time, but finding this paper is conclusive for me.

The disturbing thing is that the WHO has known about this for some time, but it is being kept quiet.

Chris Exley says in his lecture that many types of autoimmunity can be provoked by aluminium, it depends on where the aluminium travels in the body and on individual genetic susceptibility. Alzheimers is only one trajectory of response, MS and ME could be others. We know that autoimmune disease is increasing in the population and women are especially prone to it because oestrogen potentiates an autoimmune response from the immune system.
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Senior Member
The political response to this emerging science is worrying.
Here is the link to the Hansard debate on illness in young girls vaccinated against cervical cancer with another aluminium containing vaccine.

You can see the determination to block any suggestion that vaccines can cause disease.
Think of what the financial burden might be were vaccine damage recognised, and victims compensated.
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Senior Member
Pain + fatigue + cognitive dysfunction is not ME/CFS. And as they say later, it's only some of their patients who meet the Oxford or CDC definitions. They should not be mentioning ME at all, and Oxford should not even be used to determine CFS status.

Sorry, but this is another case of researchers of another disease thinking that they know what ME/CFS is, but really not having a clue.


Senior Member
Your title makes it seem that aluminum is the only cause of me/cfs. Our condition is much more complicated than this.

What about people who get a reaction but don't end up with me/cfs? That seems to say that something else is going on.

There might be a subset of patients where this happens but I dont know if there is enough robust science behind this.

The thing I've always wondered about chelation is how a substance can differentiate between what you are trying to get rid of from other substances you might need.



Senior Member
This research gives a possible diagnostic test for ME. You could look for aluminium inclusions in macrophages.

We need a diagnostic test.

Aluminium can cause many autoimmune reactions, not necessarily the same one in different people.
ME could be only one possible outcome of a reaction to an adjuvant, or aluminium build-up in the body.
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Senior Member
This paper and Chris Exley's talk also lead me to think we might be able to help ourselves.

If we can reduce the aluminium burden in our bodies, we may reduce our immunological abnormalities,
In Chris Exley's talk he mentions that girls who have become ill with ME following HPV vaccine (which has an aluminium adjuvant) have tried eliminating it from the body by drinking a silicon rich mineral water. Silicic acid will attach to aluminium and be excreted via the kidneys. Chris Exley's team have shown that alzheimers patients excrete less urinary aluminium after 12 weeks of drinking 11/2 litres mineral water. The water must have a high concentration of silicic acid and in the UK the only brand is Volvic.

Why industry propaganda and political interference cannot disguise the inevitable role played by human exposure to aluminum in neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease.
Exley C1.

"In the late 1980s, my Ph.D. research demonstrated the amelioration of acute aluminum toxicity in fish by silicon (35). The unique inorganic chemistry of the reaction of aluminum with silicic acid [Si(OH)4] the only biologically available form of silicon, has remained my life’s work and is now the subject of a possible therapy to facilitate the removal of aluminum from the human body (36). This therapy is based upon the observation that drinking silicon-rich mineral waters increases the excretion of aluminum in urine (37). Silicon in mineral water (and indeed most potable waters) is found mainly as silicic acid, which in the gut is immediately absorbed and enters the blood before being excreted in the urine via the kidney. Mirroring the urinary excretion of silicic acid is aluminum and this close relationship suggests that silicic acid in some way facilitates the excretion of aluminum via the kidney. The mechanism of action remains to be elucidated but it is thought to involve a pulse in silicic acid concentration in the blood, which facilitates the passage of low-molecular weight (<18 kDa) forms of aluminum across the glomeruli of the kidney. The facilitation might involve the formation of hydroxyaluminosilicates (HAS) as our most recent research on the speciation of aluminum in blood identified a non-equilibrium phase of aluminum hydroxide (38), which is a necessary precursor to the formation of HAS. While we have demonstrated this effect of silicon-rich mineral waters in healthy and in diseased individuals of all ages there remain a number of unresolved issues in relation to the efficacy of this treatment as a long-term therapy to reduce the body burden of aluminum. We need to establish if there is a lower limit for the silicon content below which there is no concomitant removal of aluminum from the body. At present, we have set this limit at 30 mg/L “silica” (as usually written on bottles) or 14 mg/L (0.5 mM) as silicon (silicic acid). We also need to understand the volume of water, which should be drunk each day and whether or not this volume should be taken as many small aliquots or several large aliquots. Our default position at the moment is that a minimum of 1 L should be drunk each day and it should be taken as only a few aliquots. While the majority of individuals who begin to drink the mineral water, as recommended above, show immediate increases in their urinary excretion of aluminum we do not have excretion data beyond 7 weeks for healthy volunteers and we do not know how long it will take for excretion data to indicate statistically significant reductions in individual’s body burdens of aluminum. While it is important that we obtain such data our default position on this is that to achieve maximum protection against everyday human exposure to aluminum the consumption of a silicon-rich mineral water should become a normal part of an individual’s diet and lifestyle. In a small cohort of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, we were able to demonstrate a statistically significant reduction in their body burdens of aluminum over 12 weeks of treatment while in their age and gender-matched control population the reductions in body burden of aluminum did not reach statistical significance in the same period (39). We do not, of course, know if aluminum is being removed from all of the body, for example, if it is being purged from the brain. The assumption, which is as good as we can make at the moment, is that all body stores of aluminum will be in some sort of dynamic equilibrium with the blood and so the removal of aluminum from the blood via the kidney will drive the removal of aluminum from other tissues including the brain. Tentative support for the removal of aluminum from the brain comes from our recent study on Alzheimer’s disease where 3 out of 15 individuals with the disease showed clinically relevant improvements in cognitive performance by the end of the study (39)
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Senior Member
Chris Exley says that some of the HPV damaged girls feel they have improved/got better after six months or a year of drinking this water and reducing the body burden of aluminium.

This could work for PWME too.


Senior Member
Read the paper, listen to Chris Exleys talk about aluminium and its effect on the body and immune system.

There are many other papers on macrophagic myofascitis.

A role for the body burden of aluminium in vaccine-associated macrophagic myofasciitis and chronic fatigue syndrome
Macrophagic myofasciitis and chronic fatigue syndrome are severely disabling conditions which may be caused by adverse reactions to aluminium-containing adjuvants in vaccines. While a little is known of disease aetiology both conditions are characterised by an aberrant immune response, have a number of prominent symptoms in common and are coincident in many individuals. Herein, we have described a case of vaccine-associated chronic fatigue syndrome and macrophagic myofasciitis in an individual demonstrating aluminium overload. This is the first report linking the latter with either of these two conditions and the possibility is considered that the coincident aluminium overload contributed significantly to the severity of these conditions in this individual. This case has highlighted potential dangers associated with aluminium-containing adjuvants and we have elucidated a possible mechanism whereby vaccination involving aluminium-containing adjuvants could trigger the cascade of immunological events which are associated with autoimmune conditions including chronic fatigue syndrome and macrophagic myofasciitis.


Senior Member
Long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide is associated with chronic cognitive dysfunction.
Couette M1, Boisse MF, Maison P, Brugieres P, Cesaro P, Chevalier X, Gherardi RK, Bachoud-Levi AC, Authier FJ.
Author information

Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) is an emerging condition, characterized by specific muscle lesions assessing long-term persistence of aluminum hydroxide within macrophages at the site of previous immunization. Affected patients mainly complain of arthromyalgias, chronic fatigue, and cognitive difficulties. We designed a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests to prospectively delineate MMF-associated cognitive dysfunction (MACD). Compared to control patients with arthritis and chronic pain, MMF patients had pronounced and specific cognitive impairment. MACD mainly affected (i) both visual and verbal memory; (ii) executive functions, including attention, working memory, and planning; and (iii) left ear extinction at dichotic listening test. Cognitive deficits did not correlate with pain, fatigue, depression, or disease duration. Pathophysiological mechanisms underlying MACD remain to be determined. In conclusion, long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide within the body assessed by MMF is associated with cognitive dysfunction, not solely due to chronic pain, fatigue and depression.


Senior Member
Central nervous system disease in patients with macrophagic myofasciitis.
Authier FJ1, Cherin P, Creange A, Bonnotte B, Ferrer X, Abdelmoumni A, Ranoux D, Pelletier J, Figarella-Branger D, Granel B, Maisonobe T, Coquet M, Degos JD, Gherardi RK.
Author information

Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF), a condition newly recognized in France, is manifested by diffuse myalgias and characterized by highly specific myopathological alterations which have recently been shown to represent an unusually persistent local reaction to intramuscular injections of aluminium-containing vaccines. Among 92 MMF patients recognized so far, eight of them, which included the seven patients reported here, had a symptomatic demyelinating CNS disorder. CNS manifestations included hemisensory or sensorimotor symptoms (four out of seven), bilateral pyramidal signs (six out of seven), cerebellar signs (four out of seven), visual loss (two out of seven), cognitive and behavioural disorders (one out of seven) and bladder dysfunction (one out of seven). Brain T(2)-weighted MRI showed single (two out of seven) or multiple (four out of seven) supratentorial white matter hyperintense signals and corpus callosum atrophy (one out of seven). Evoked potentials were abnormal in four out of six patients and CSF in four out of seven. According to Poser's criteria for multiple sclerosis, the diagnosis was clinically definite (five out of seven) or clinically probable multiple sclerosis (two out of seven). Six out of seven patients had diffuse myalgias. Deltoid muscle biopsy showed stereotypical accumulations of PAS (periodic acid-Schiff)-positive macrophages, sparse CD8+ T cells and minimal myofibre damage. Aluminium-containing vaccines had been administered 3-78 months (median = 33 months) before muscle biopsy (hepatitis B virus: four out of seven, tetanus toxoid: one out of seven, both hepatitis B virus and tetanus toxoid: two out of seven). The association between MMF and multiple sclerosis-like disorders may give new insights into the controversial issues surrounding vaccinations and demyelinating CNS disorders. Deltoid muscle biopsy searching for myopathological alterations of MMF should be performed in multiple sclerosis patients with diffuse myalgias.


Senior Member
Biopersistence and brain translocation of aluminum adjuvants of vaccines.
Gherardi RK1, Eidi H1, Crépeaux G1, Authier FJ1, Cadusseau J1.
Author information

Aluminum oxyhydroxide (alum) is a crystalline compound widely used as an immunological adjuvant of vaccines. Concerns linked to the use of alum particles emerged following recognition of their causative role in the so-called macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) lesion detected in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue/syndrome. MMF revealed an unexpectedly long-lasting biopersistence of alum within immune cells in presumably susceptible individuals, stressing the previous fundamental misconception of its biodisposition. We previously showed that poorly biodegradable aluminum-coated particles injected into muscle are promptly phagocytosed in muscle and the draining lymph nodes, and can disseminate within phagocytic cells throughout the body and slowly accumulate in brain. This strongly suggests that long-term adjuvant biopersistence within phagocytic cells is a prerequisite for slow brain translocation and delayed neurotoxicity. The understanding of basic mechanisms of particle biopersistence and brain translocation represents a major health challenge, since it could help to define susceptibility factors to develop chronic neurotoxic damage. Biopersistence of alum may be linked to its lysosome-destabilizing effect, which is likely due to direct crystal-induced rupture of phagolysosomal membranes. Macrophages that continuously perceive foreign particles in their cytosol will likely reiterate, with variable interindividual efficiency, a dedicated form of autophagy (xenophagy) until they dispose of alien materials. Successful compartmentalization of particles within double membrane autophagosomes and subsequent fusion with repaired and re-acidified lysosomes will expose alum to lysosomal acidic pH, the sole factor that can solubilize alum particles. Brain translocation of alum particles is linked to a Trojan horse mechanism previously described for infectious particles (HIV, HCV), that obeys to CCL2, signaling the major inflammatory monocyte chemoattractant.


The wise nematode hibernates