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FODMAPs... how did it help you?


Senior Member
What were your symptoms, and how did they improve after adopting the FODMAPs diet? How long to see changes?



Senior Member
Hi, ebethc, I was thinking about starting a thread on this...I have been diagnosed with Chronic Yersiniosis by KDM, and I have the usual symptoms of poor digestion and occasional diarrhea, along with enthesitis. I also have difficulty sleeping and peripheral neuropathy. Apart from the effect that the Rifaximin seemed to have on me, the biggest (and longest-lasting improvement I have experienced was when I discovered FODMAP. If I am very careful about what I eat, I sleep better (although I still need sleeping pills), my digestion is much improved, and the inflammation in my entheses is much reduced. Other dietary changes that seem to have had a positive effect are reducing insoluble fibre, and reducing resistant starch, along with eliminating caffeine (including tea) from my diet. I am still a long way from normal, but if I stick to my diet I can do many of the things a healthy person can do, although not being able to eat or drink almost anything makes socialising difficult!


Senior Member
Hey. I've been on a (mostly) low fodmap diet for the last 8 weeks. I've definitely noticed an improvement with my IBS symptoms. The odd occasion that i've cheated, it's been very noticeable. It's not a miracle cure, and i'm certainly not asymptomatic. But I would absolutely recommend it for a month or two to see if it works for you.

It's had no positive effect on my overall ME/CFS symptoms or energy levels.


Senior Member
It's an effective part of treating IBS, SIBO, etc. For most, including myself, additional treatments are needed.

I no longer have the tremendous, painful gas as in the past. There would also be worsened insomnia, anxiety, neuropathy, brain fog, etc.

Certain FODMAPs may be more tolerable or not to individuals.

Polyols, or sugar alcohols are the most gut busting to me. These sweeteners are in so many foods and supplements.
Reducing them has helped, but, I still take B12 sublinguals, sweetened with mannitol.

Some improvements can be seen with in a week, but usually it takes some months if there is mucosal damage, in my experience.


Senior Member
northern Maine
I seem to be unable to absorb carbohydrates - they seem to go straight through to the large bowel and feed bacteria. On a FODMAP I have much less gas, bloating, pain, diarrhea, and feeling like I still need to go. But it's not a cure. I still need to take lots of Immodium, but it's more effective now.

Whatever is going on is much more than just diet. I eat almost exactly the same few items every day, and still some days my gut works great and some days I take the maximum dose of Immodium.

What is so shocking to me is the absolutely huge numbers of people with IBS-like symptoms (not just in our patient population) and yet doctors know nothing about the illness and don't care to find out. They don't even try to treat it as far as I can tell.

No doctor I have met so far has even heard of the FODMAP diet approach. Considering the treatment is "low tech" and low cost, and can be understood even by doctors who graduated at the bottom of their class, there is absolutely no excuse for this kind of professional ignorance.


Senior Member
... my digestion is much improved, and the inflammation in my entheses is much reduced.

Do you feel better energy-wise? I notice that when inflammation is reduced, I feel like a different person...like, almost normal!


Senior Member
My energy levels are definitely better, which isn't surprising considering my sleep and digestion are much improved, but they are still not 'normal.'


Making the most of it
The FODMAPs diet and eliminating gluten, dairy, soy and other identified problem foods has pretty much resolved my IBS and associated pain and I have regained much needed weight.

Still dealing with other symptoms of ME/CFS.

Best wishes.