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Stepping down from high methylfolate doses

Hello @whodathunkit ---I am hoping you will follow up to a comment you made in a previous post:

" It took a year before everything really evened out, and my top dosage for mfolate was 40mg/day. Now I'm on 5mg/day and doing fine."

I am also doing well with with high doses of Methylfolate (and the rest of the DQ)---but what I would really like to know more about is:

1.) How did you come _down_ from the 40 mg./day of Methylfolate? ---that is, what were the signs/symptoms that indicated you were ready to come down?
2.) How long did it take you to come down to the 5 mg./day that you are at today?
3.) How long did you stay at the 40 mg./day of Methylfolate?

Thanks very much for your help,


Senior Member
How did you come _down_ from the 40 mg./day of Methylfolate? ---that is, what were the signs/symptoms that indicated you were ready to come down?
Basically, I had felt "stable" for a while at the 40mg/day dose, and I was tired of paying all that money every month for all that mfolate. So I tried stepping it down a few mg/day and then seeing how I felt. Mostly I felt the same as when I was taking 40mg/day, which told me I was on the right track. Once or twice I had to step the dosage back up temporarily because of some symptom or other (GI symptom, jitteriness, whatever), but never again as high as 40mg/day. I seem to remember stopping for a while around 15mg/day, but eventually brought it on down from that, too.

How long did it take you to come down to the 5 mg./day that you are at today?
Honestly, I don't remember. But I don't think very long. Couple/few months. But it did take me a while to get comfortably stable on 5mg/day. I've had to bump up a few times based on symptoms. Sometimes I bump up when I feel like I'm catching something, too. I may always do that.

I suspect I was on 40mg/day longer than I truly needed to be, but the good thing about mfolate is that if you're "saturated" with it (as per Freddd's philosophy), it doesn't give you sides when you take to much. You're basically wasting your money but that's the biggest drawback.

How long did you stay at the 40 mg./day of Methylfolate?
At least six months. I can't entirely remember that, either. I should have journaled it all but I didn't.

I still take my mB12 injections, 5mg/day mfolate, 1000mg/day LCF, and 20-50mg/week adb12.

HTH. :)
@whodathunkit ---Hey! Thanks so much for your thorough answer. I have speculated that I will need to stay at a high dose for quite a while (per the healing on all levels that @Freddd speaks of)..... I am still climbing in my daily dose... so I have a ways to go. I see great progress with the DQ and potassium and lithium. Thanks again.
