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Senior Member
Went to my docs again yesterday and he diagnosed Gerd and gave me tabs. Can gerd cause to feel like you can't breath and have a constant back pain and my right shoulder?


Senior Member
New Zealand
Can it cause to feel like you can't breath and your nose and lungs are restricted?
I think that is possible... If you have what is termed 'laryngopharyngeal reflux' then you may well have congested sinuses, inflamed vocal cords etc due to the acidic environment that the tissues are exposed to.
Have you seen an ENT doc or a gastroenterologist? Might be good next steps if it doesn't clear up with meds.


Senior Member
I was awake all night feeling sick and sweating. Got up and heaved lots of vile orange liquid. I feel shattered and a right sided headache and back and neck ache.


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I have GERD and am back on PPI meds to see if it will help[ my asthma exacerbation that I had this summer and will no clear. Prior to the exacerbation I had severe reflux 24 hours a day for three weeks.

Even though I told the Dr this no one made the connection - I had to find it out for myself. People with asthma are way more likely to have GERD, and this may be related to poor sphincter tone from asthma meds over the years (so saying I have LOW stomach acid and treating for that wont help - which one dr said)

I am on a trial of three months of omeprazole to see if the breathing problems improve - as a confounding factor I also have chronic Cpn. I saw a review of the literature recently 9not sure where I filed I though) which suggested most asthmatics with GERD could reduce asthma medication and had less flare ups with PPI treatment. If the PPI does not work then we can presume that either the GERD is not causing the breathing problems OR that the GERD was indeed caused by Hypochlorydia (low stomach acid) which causes the sphincter from the stomach to not close properly.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I used to get GERD and was on prescription drugs for it daily. Fortunately I found out what was causing my GERD, it turned out to be hyperinsulinemia (high insulin) caused my GERD (thank God I found a a great specialist!), so Im no longer on drugs for it as it was treatable in my case by an extremely low carb diet.

Anyway, if it is GERD.. it could be caused by either low stomach acid, high stomach acid.. or have other causes.

My symptoms were chest pressure with it (so yeah could make someone feel like they cant breath at times I guess for some), refluxing into my mouth bile or sick (yuck!!) and a very burning throat or sore throat at times

GERD causing back pain and right shoulder pain, that I doubt. I suggest for you to get a second opinion.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I developed terrible gerd this year. It's almost entirely gone now, thanks to some supplements I found.

I take digestive enzymes, HCL-betaine, and a probiotic specifically for digestive problems. Those things helped, but I was still having symptoms. When I added limonene, I got much better after a week or two. I continue to take it.

Here's the brand I take:


Here's some info about limonene:


In the studies, people took it every other day. I found I needed to take it every day for it to work.

Limonene makes me really sleepy, so I take it shortly before bed. It doesn't have that effect on everyone, though.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I had a burning feeling in my throat, a sour stomach, and heartburn. Also, spicy food and wine irritated me so much that I couldn't have either. I can eat anything I want to now without having symptoms although I do continue to take the supplements I mentioned.


Senior Member
I haven't had heartburn really, just nausea, sick has came back up a few times and a tight feeling in my throat like i can't get a proper breath, right back and shoulder stiffness.


Senior Member
Nobody else got gerd?
I have gerd 3rd degree. It didn't cause me much trouble. The problem is that I have another undiagnosed condition (which I believe is hypersensitive esophagus and which is one of the worst conditions a man can imagine), but as doctors don't know much about it, they continue to diagnose me with gerd. Wherever I go, they tell me - you have gerd! OK, I know I have gerd, I have had it since childhood, but it is not the source of my troubles. Anyway, my word is that chest pain can often be misdiagnosed with gerd. It's possible that you have another condition which remains undiagnosed.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I cant imagine GERD just affecting one side of the body.

I suggest to ask around to seek out a good chiropractor and go and see what they have to say about your stiff shoulder and back.

To me its sounding like you have GERD (but why?) plus something else going on too.
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Senior Member
I did see an osteopath last week who said my upper right side was locked and tight and she tried to release it but it still feels the same.I had a right sided migraine yesterday which i think is linked to the sore shoulder etc.


Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA
I have gerd 3rd degree. It didn't cause me much trouble. The problem is that I have another undiagnosed condition (which I believe is hypersensitive esophagus and which is one of the worst conditions a man can imagine), but as doctors don't know much about it, they continue to diagnose me with gerd. Wherever I go, they tell me - you have gerd! OK, I know I have gerd, I have had it since childhood, but it is not the source of my troubles. Anyway, my word is that chest pain can often be misdiagnosed with gerd. It's possible that you have another condition which remains undiagnosed.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis? Trouble swallowing?