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Mercury: Can MTHFR mutants be poisoned from SO's amalgams through saliva/vapors?


Senior Member
For example, can sleeping next to a person with amalgams in a closed room poison someone who is genetically sensitive from the vapors coming from their breath? How about kissing?

There is almost no info on this on the internet that I could find. Any info appreciated!
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Senior Member
It's easy to test this hypothesis. First, are your own amalgams removed? If yes, then simply get a Mercury Tri-Test from Quicksilver Scientific. It uses hair, blood, and urine and separates out inorganic mercury (from amalgams) from methylmercury (from fish). It lets you know if your kidneys and liver are disposing of each type fast enough to keep up with the load.

The bottom line is that if your inorganic mercury burden tests as very low, then obviously you are not inhaling enough from your partner to absorb significant amounts. If your inorganic mercury tests as high, then clearly you have a source of exposure and you need to find it. It isn't necessarily your partner, but in that case you would not be able to rule that out.
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Senior Member
Low mercury excreted, may show rather, that the body is not getting rid of the stuff (or there is not much there). It is not necessarily a good sign.


Senior Member
Low mercury excreted, may show rather, that the body is not getting rid of the stuff (or there is not much there). It is not necessarily a good sign.

That's the whole point of the Quicksilver test. It's the combination of a high mercury load in hair, blood, and urine, TOGETHER WITH a low level of excretion from the body that causes a constant accumulation.

If you have no load in the first place, it doesn't matter how quickly you excrete, because by definition there is nothing to excrete.


Senior Member
Sorry that makes no sense to me. If its in the hair blood and urine the body is excreting it okay. If its low then it could have been deposited in the organs.


Senior Member
Quicksilver has such a high level
Sorry that makes no sense to me. If its in the hair blood and urine the body is excreting it okay. If its low then it could have been deposited in the organs.

Quicksilver's test has such a high degree of precision that you do not need to do a challenge test to detect excretion. If mercury is in tissue you will have a detectable level of mercury load in blood.

Listen to their videos on this page:


Moreover, the original poster's question - which is what I was answering - was whether inorganic mercury vapors from a person sleeping next to him/her would be absorbed. Quicksilver's test certainly catches that because the mercury has to go into the blood (through the lungs) before it can settle into tissue.

My point is that if there is no detectable inorganic mercury in the blood, it cannot be the case that he is absorbing it from the breaths of the person next to him/her. How exactly - in your version of things - does mercury get hidden in his tissues and hidden from a mercury blood test, when by hypothesis he has an active and ongoing exposure to the inorganic mercury?

Don't turn this into a general discussion of all the ways mercury can get into the body. I am trying to answer the question that was asked, not get distracted by a much bigger question that might not pertain to the question.
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Senior Member
I am sorry for distracting you. My interest is personal since being poisoned by mercury in 'teething powders' at 6 months of age.


Senior Member
I am sorry for distracting you. My interest is personal since being poisoned by mercury in 'teething powders' at 6 months of age.

I am in your camp too. I am suffering from what looks like a serious mercury toxicity and crawling out of the hole.

I just had my amalgams removed, and now the horrible chelation process begins....


Senior Member
I am in your camp too. I am suffering from what looks like a serious mercury toxicity and crawling out of the hole.

I just had my amalgams removed, and now the horrible chelation process begins....

You tend to hear about the chelation horror stories; but the majority have a smooth enough ride.

I just did 2+ years of Cutler, and it wasn't that bad. Only when I varied the protocol did I get into trouble: you need to stick to the rules.

(My only big setback (thiol/sulphur intolerance) was fixed by methylfolate, when I began a methylation protocol (the SMP).)


Senior Member
You tend to hear about the chelation horror stories; but the majority have a smooth enough ride.

I just did 2+ years of Cutler, and it wasn't that bad. Only when I varied the protocol did I get into trouble: you need to stick to the rules.

After having completed Cutler's protocol, do you feel better? What kind of testing have you done to confirm that you no longer have toxicity?

(My only big setback (thiol/sulphur intolerance) was fixed by methylfolate, when I began a methylation protocol (the SMP).)

Not familiar with SMP. How does that work?


Senior Member
Simplified Methylation Protocol. You can read about it here.

Thanks. I am covered on those nutrients.

One thing I don't like about their description is that some of the nutrients are fuzzy. I would never take a "multi-vitamin, multi-mineral" and would always prefer to take the individual nutrients. Some minerals like calcium are not shown in research literature to extend life, and are shown in research literature to make problems with arterial calcification worse not better. Basically if you take calcium for bone loss, the calcium doesn't go to the bone, pools around the blood, and forms calcifications exactly where you don't want it.

If you want to fight bone loss, use potassium citrate or other alkalizers. It's acidity in the body that strips bone of minerals. The body borrows some of your minerals to use as a bicarbonate buffer against the acid. There is really good research literature showing some forms of potassium alkalizers as sparing bone loss. I use potassium bicarb together with sodium bicarb.

Anyway, not meaning to go on a tangent. It's just one example of where I prefer to know exactly what goes in me and why.


Senior Member
After having completed Cutler's protocol, do you feel better? What kind of testing have you done to confirm that you no longer have toxicity?

Not familiar with SMP. How does that work?

I'm better in a few ways - nothing major - but I suspect that most the the improvements came through the adjunctive therapies - hydrocortisone, supps, etc. It wasn't the revolutionary change that it is for some - tho well worth doing if only to be rid of Hg and feel "safe".

I can't afford another hair test (the only reasonably reliable test for body burden of Hg), but I did "test" via doing long rounds of chelation (12 days) at 250mg ALA, and having virtually no symptoms. That told me I had cleared out most of the Hg. That dose would have knocked me dead when I began, and had a much higher Hg body burden.

SMP = the Simplified Methylation Protocol devised by Rich von K. It doesn't generally include m-B12 initially, but nonetheless it sorted my long-running & diabolical thiol problems overnight. I assume this was the m-folate at work.


Senior Member
I'm better in a few ways - nothing major - but I suspect that most the the improvements came through the adjunctive therapies - hydrocortisone, supps, etc. It wasn't the revolutionary change that it is for some - tho well worth doing if only to be rid of Hg and feel "safe".

I can't afford another hair test (the only reasonably reliable test for body burden of Hg), but I did "test" via doing long rounds of chelation (12 days) at 250mg ALA, and having virtually no symptoms. That told me I had cleared out most of the Hg. That dose would have knocked me dead when I began, and had a much higher Hg body burden.

The Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test actually speciates organic and inorganic mercury, and then measures disposal rates of each by comparing blood to hair (as a test for efficiency of organic disposal) and blood to urine (for inorganic mercury).

I don't think reaction to a chelator would really substitute for these measurements.

SMP = the Simplified Methylation Protocol devised by Rich von K. It doesn't generally include m-B12 initially, but nonetheless it sorted my long-running & diabolical thiol problems overnight. I assume this was the m-folate at work.

You mean you lost sensitivity to sulfur foods after you increased your folate levels? What were the thiol sensitivities you were having?