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Overmethylated? How to start over.

Hi all,
I'm new to posting but have read a lot of threads and really am grateful to this community. My question:
With background first:
Back in June, before I knew anything about methylation, my naturopath gave me a high dose B supplement with methyl folate and B 12 in it. I felt great for about 3 weeks and then BAM- I got very sick. I had no clue that it was the B vit. so I continued this for 2 or so months before I finally stopped it. By that time I was miserable. It's been 6 or more weeks since than and I am still not back to where I was before all this started although I am getting there..I know it can take a while to stop the train, but this long? Should I try some Niacin at this point to see if that will help? I'm trying to start Yasko's. All in One but wondering if I'm going to make things worse. Interesting note: all my gut symptoms disappeared when I was on the B vit. And now that I'm off they've all returned with a vengeance, which makes me think that if I can get my methylation going, my gut will be healed! Thanks for your input.


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
When you mentioned you got sick what are your symptoms? Anything neurological? Do you have any tingling or numbness in your hands or feet?
When you mentioned you got sick what are your symptoms? Anything neurological? Do you have any tingling or numbness in your hands or feet?
No tingling. It started with severe anxiety and insomnia then felt like a bad flu and like every cell in my body was shaking. As time progressed (weeks) it seemed to get a bit better then bam again I experienced the strangest mental symptoms like I was losing my mind. It was then that I stopped the supplement


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
No tingling. It started with severe anxiety and insomnia then felt like a bad flu and like every cell in my body was shaking. As time progressed (weeks) it seemed to get a bit better then bam again I experienced the strangest mental symptoms like I was losing my mind. It was then that I stopped the supplement

Well that sounds like a common start up, de tox reaction but the dose of methyl/adeno b12 was non existent at 6mg and only 400mcg of folate. What is strange is the amount of niacin in the supplement is so high it would negate a bulk of any start up of methylation, especially with those low of doses.

Sounds like you need to prioritize healing your gut above all else, a lot of people say that healing the gut will resolve a lot of issues and make methylation support much easier on you. What are you doing now for your gut? It is also good to hear it was at least working and your gut was feeling better. Clearly though whatever its cleaning out of your system became very pronounced when you started taking the methylation support.

I would try maybe switching to One vitamin as well. It has much less perodoxine, 20mg is a bit high to me. Unless you have a certain blood condition b6 can be toxic and cause nerve damage over longer periods of time, or with extremely high doses. You should never exceed 10 mg a day at tops.


This has an awesome methyl donor mix of folate and the b12 and works as a normal multi vitamin as well, I just find the balance between the b groups and other vitamins to be really synergetic with it. I don't know if you personally want the other vitamins and minerals but they work great too, I forgot it was not just a b complex vitamin when I pulled the link up again lol.
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Thanks so much Martial for your reply. Yes, I do have significant gut issues. Looking for ways to heal it without going through too much detox symptoms. I think it will just take time. Thanks again.
Oh to answer your gut question- I'm starting to taking very small amounts of oil of oregano ( and already getting die off!!) doing charcoal flushes, taking GABA for the anxiety, considering molybdenum, and considering FMT.


Senior Member
Hi @mevert,
Read/watch the first four links in my signature below which outlines a "Yasko lite" protocol, which is what I'm doing. Even if you decide not to do that exact protocol there is helpful information that will still apply.

It looks like you may have gotten into methyl trapping, as the niacin and methylfolate were high, with only oral B12 which absorbs very poorly, and a low amount at that.

In that case, some B12 might actually help with your immediate symptoms and getting you back to baseline. The B12 should be sublingual hydroxycobalamin or methylcobalamin, starting very low, just in case.

There was a recent case on here where someone took similar stuff to you, and it was actually overmethylation, as niacin was helpful to reduce symptoms. The conclusion in that case was that they had enough B12 stores to make methylation happen. So if B12 makes it worse, try some niacin instead. Have some niacin on hand before starting the B12 experiment, just in case.

I agree with Martial, it's always best to start with the gut. The standard of care seems to be the 4R Gut Rebuilding program - there's a link in my signature. Spend several months getting as far as you can with that, then proceed onto methylation for real.

The All In One is nice. I'm actually taking that and doing well with it.

I also had a final resolution of my gut problems once I got methylation supps on board. All I do now is some probiotics for maintenance.
Thanks so much Caledonia,
I have been following your posts and am so thankful for your support. I have read all your links and many of your posts. I appreciate your input. My gut problems are proving very difficult to tackle as the detox is really bad. I was so amazed at how much better my gut became after a little methylation. I guess I'm hoping I can kind of tackle both issues simultaneously. I think I may have to bite the bullet and pay for Yasko's step one supplements and see if that will help me at least handle detox better. We will see. Thanks again for all the time you spend helping so many, Shelley