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Full moon detox / dieoff?


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
For the past couple of years I have noticed that I get worse on the full moon.

There is a local full moon party on the beach and usually, almost every time I don't want to go due to symptoms flaring up on that specific day or afternoon. There were only a couple exceptions.

Tonight is the full moon and I feel moderate malaise, brain fog, chills, flu-like feeling. This morning I felt wonderful to be alive.

What's going on?

Are they possibly detox symptoms... possibly a good sign that methylation or healing is taking place?
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Senior Member
Ventura, CA
Lyme disease and Parasites are notorious for this, I however never really bought into it but perhaps there is some merit.


Senior Member
I can get a Full Moon rush.

More energy.

However, if my body cant handle it, it short circuits and then i experience pem and symtoms. Much less energy.

I dont think its a detox for me, its just i can surf it or sink.


Senior Member
I still have problems on fool moons, sometimes on new moons also my energy levels still decrease, my sleep is disturbed and my irritability index can rise quite a bit. In my own case I can definitely rule out any relation to detox.

About Lyme and parasites and the flare up/worsening of symptoms on fool moons. I think a few alternative doctors have popularised this idea. I have had Lyme and some parasites and have had extensive and comprehensive antiparasitic treatment. In my own personal experience this supposed link has proven non-existent.


Senior Member
There are two in this household that have increased problems at full moons and new moons although lesser so with the latter. Seems like the months the moon is closer to the earth, the greater the pull and the worst the symptoms. Treatment for lyme, parasites and worms has not decreased this. I remember reading years ago that some viruses can also react similarly.


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
As much as I want to believe it is some kind of new age hogwash, I am astounded that there seems to be a correlation.

I always really want to go to the Full Moon Drum Circle, and I often feel a bit worse.


Senior Member
The moon acts on water (high tides being worse at full moons, etc.), and we are what...? Like 90% water? So yes, I think it's entirely possible.

I've heard the same thing that @ahmo has, too, about parasites being more active. Possibly because our parasites live in our water bodies.

I've tried but never succeeded in finding a firm correlation/pattern between my personal moods and symptoms and the full moon.

However, when I was tending bar, I noticed BIG correlations in the full moons and other peoples behavior. :eek::D Friday and Saturday nights on the full moon were nearly always busier and rowdier than typical Friday and Saturday nights. In general, people are a little more "weird" during full moon, regardless of the day of the week.

Are you treating yourself for parasites or doing any kind of metal detox?


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie

I had a confirmed infection of giaradia in 2003. I recently re-tested for it and it was negative.

I also got an h. prylori test = negative.

I eat low carb, no sugar to treat candida and it seems under control.

At the start of my illness I did a couple years worth high dose liposomal & mixed ascorbate Vitamin C and several months of liposomal glutathione for Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome... I heard this chelates metals and it seemed to be very cleansing & detoxifying... is this enough?

I don't think have obvious symptoms of metal toxicity. I've looked at symptom lists for lead and mercury and I don't say "BINGO!" The only time I usually and typically feel malaise is on the full moon.. the other times are identifiable due to exertion, emotions, diet or supplement changes, etc.
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Senior Member
The moon acts on water (high tides being worse at full moons, etc.), and we are what...? Like 90% water? So yes, I think it's entirely possible.

I've heard the same thing that @ahmo has, too, about parasites being more active. Possibly because our parasites live in our water bodies.

I've tried but never succeeded in finding a firm correlation/pattern between my personal moods and symptoms and the full moon.

However, when I was tending bar, I noticed BIG correlations in the full moons and other peoples behavior. :eek::D Friday and Saturday nights on the full moon were nearly always busier and rowdier than typical Friday and Saturday nights. In general, people are a little more "weird" during full moon, regardless of the day of the week.

Are you treating yourself for parasites or doing any kind of metal detox?

Various professions notice an increase in activity during full moons. For example, Emergency Departments in hospitals, also Labour & Delivery Departments are two I remember hearing about. You'll hear a lot of discussions of increased symptoms during full/new moons on many Lyme health groups as well.


Senior Member
@Sherpa: YOW. Giardia. Nasty, nasty stuff. Do you know how you picked it up? Do you keep birds, by any chance?

How did you treat it?

I have to be brief but would like to opine that a round of chelation probably wouldn't go amiss for you at some point, regardless of any acute metal problem you may have. Most of us are carrying more toxic metals than we should be, just because of the way we live.

We get lead and too much copper from water run through old pipes (could be municipal pipes, not necessarily home plumbing), we get mercury from our food (fish or plant matter, mercury is in the atmosphere from various industrial emissions and falls to the earth when it rains), we can get exposed to nickel and cadmium in various ways, etc. You see what I mean.

I didn't have any acute symptoms of metal toxicity, either, but a couple of rounds of chelation helped me A LOT a few years back. I some research and wound up my own variation of the Cutler protocol for mercury, with some other stuff thrown in.

If you decide to do it, just be careful with it. There can be pitfalls, especially for people with snps. For example, to chelate effectively I think you need to have a good level of glutathione. But direct supplementation with that (I used transdermal glutathione when I was chelating), or even supplementing with combos of stuff that promote glutathione (like glutamine + glycine + something else I was using that I can't remember right now, LOL) can cause some folks around here a lot of trouble.

Also, you may not want to load up on yourself by chelating right now. It can be a lot of work mentally as well as for your eliminatory organs, and you're already doing some other things to help yourself. It's up to you. Do your research before you decide. But if you can do it at some point, it could potentially be very helpful. I consider chelation a foundation for what I've been able to accomplish with @Freddd's protocol since I hit this board.
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Senior Member
The moon acts on water (high tides being worse at full moons, etc.), and we are what...? Like 90% water? So yes, I think it's entirely possible.
I had thought about that but if gravity was the reason then we would have symptoms starting, growing and tapering off over the lunar cycle rather than abrupt spiky patterns. You would find increased symptoms say the few days before and after a full moon rather than right on the day.
I treated Lyme, parasites and viruses, as far as I'm concerned it's got nothing to do with either pathogens, detox or metals (did chelation a la Cutler as well).
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Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
@whodathunkit I spent a year living in the Himalayas. I filtered my own water but I guess not good enough, so I got giardia and had it for a long time. A stool test showed it, took antibiotics, symptoms went away and re-test was clean.

The chelation sounds like a good thing to test for and try at some point. Right now I am responding to methylation so I may wait until that is stabilized. It's about all the dose tweaking & symptom deciphering I can handle.

thanks for the insights!


Senior Member
I had thought about that but if gravity was the reason then we would have symptoms starting, growing and tapering off over the lunar cycle rather than abrupt spiky patterns. You would find increased symptoms say the few days before and after a full moon rather than right on the day.

High tide can be very abrupt.

For the past couple of years I have noticed that I get worse on the full moon.

There is a local full moon party on the beach and usually, almost every time I don't want to go due to symptoms flaring up on that specific day or afternoon. There were only a couple exceptions.

Tonight is the full moon and I feel moderate malaise, brain fog, chills, flu-like feeling. This morning I felt wonderful to be alive.

What's going on?

Are they possibly detox symptoms... possibly a good sign that methylation or healing is taking place?
Often wondered about this too. In agony at the moment. I first, "What did I eat?" What did I do lately to cause this
For the past couple of years I have noticed that I get worse on the full moon.

There is a local full moon party on the beach and usually, almost every time I don't want to go due to symptoms flaring up on that specific day or afternoon. There were only a couple exceptions.

Tonight is the full moon and I feel moderate malaise, brain fog, chills, flu-like feeling. This morning I felt wonderful to be alive.

What's going on?

Are they possibly detox symptoms... possibly a good sign that methylation or healing is taking place?
For the past couple of years I have noticed that I get worse on the full moon.

There is a local full moon party on the beach and usually, almost every time I don't want to go due to symptoms flaring up on that specific day or afternoon. There were only a couple exceptions.

Tonight is the full moon and I feel moderate malaise, brain fog, chills, flu-like feeling. This morning I felt wonderful to be alive.

What's going on?

Are they possibly detox symptoms... possibly a good sign that methylation or healing is taking place?
I feel worse around full moons. Not my imagination either. I have mentioned this to non ME people and they give me that "ya right" look. Glad to read here its not just me.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I knew someone who worked at a psychiatric hospital, and he said that for whatever reason, many of their patients became more agitated and manic during a full moon.


Senior Member
In one of the above links I posted, it said that because everyone is aware of a supposed link between the lunar phase and mental state, doctors may be more keenly on the lookout for psychological disruptions in patients around the full moon time, so it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Though it seems that while the evidence is slim, there are some studies that do show a lunar effect.

In terms of a possible mechanism, the moon's gravitational pull has no way to affect the brain, but the lunar orbit does have an effect on the Earth's magnetic field (geomagnetic field), causing variations in the activity of this geomagnetic field as the moon circles around the Earth. Such variations in geomagnetic activity are known to elicit mental effects.
Why animals respond to the full moon: Magnetic hypothesis
"Geomagnetic activity generally decreases by about 4% for the seven days leading up to a full moon, and increases by about 4% after the full moon, lasting for seven days."
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