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Does Particulate Matter Make Histamine Worse?


Senior Member
Hi -

I'm just learning about Histamine problems, DAO, and Mast Cell problems... Environmental triggers make me feel lousy, including any kind of particulate matter (pollution, pollen, mold spores, dust) and humidity... I feel allergic (fatigue, swollen sinuses, terrible brain fog), but test negative for all allergies. My allergist said that I'm just sensitive to particulate matter, so it's not an allergy per se... I'm wondering if this could be a histamine or mast cell problem. Any idea if this is true, or do histamine/mast cell problems get triggered by food only?

ps Humidity makes me MISERABLE and I'm wondering if it's the mold spores - even though I test negative for an allergy. Thoughts?



Senior Member
@acrosstheveil - what do you take that helps? (if anything..) How do you know it's histamines? Do you test positive for mold? I don't, so I'm not sure why humidity bothers me so much..



Senior Member
i don't test positive for mold. all my doctors have no idea why its happening, self-diagnosed myself. i even saw an allergist/immunologist and he was no help whatsoever. i even saw he wrote a paper on mast cells but refused to even listen to me about mast cells.

the only thing that slighly helps are massive doses of antihistamines and lots of vitamin c. like 30 grams + vitamin c when reactions are occuring. one of my most powerful things i use is mirtazapine. it knocks me out and is one of the most powerful antihistamines on the market besides doxepin. i also rotate hydroxizine and benadryl. i also take zyrtec on a daily basis. i found allegra and claritin not nearly as effective.

bentonite clay also helps. but you gotta take it far apart from anything else because it absorbs pretty much everything.


Senior Member
oh and i also use essential oils. i rub them all over my body and it seems to help a lot. they are pricey though. makes me smell heavenly although i haven't worked up the courage to do that at work...


Senior Member
it's an antihistamine with antidepressant properties. yes, it is mainly prescribed as an antidepressant but also one of the strongest antihistamines available. It has a very high affinity towards H1 receptors (antagonist).


Senior Member
Hi -

I'm just learning about Histamine problems, DAO, and Mast Cell problems... Environmental triggers make me feel lousy, including any kind of particulate matter (pollution, pollen, mold spores, dust) and humidity... I feel allergic (fatigue, swollen sinuses, terrible brain fog), but test negative for all allergies. My allergist said that I'm just sensitive to particulate matter, so it's not an allergy per se... I'm wondering if this could be a histamine or mast cell problem. Any idea if this is true, or do histamine/mast cell problems get triggered by food only?

ps Humidity makes me MISERABLE and I'm wondering if it's the mold spores - even though I test negative for an allergy. Thoughts?


Sounds like a Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, which has alot of similarities from a Mast Cell Disorder.


Senior Member
Dr. Rea tells on that site that MCS reactions usually trigger the mast cell response.
More about MCAD and MCS; http://www.evilmastcells.com/MCAD-MCS-Comparison.html

Usually MCS contains most of the following symptoms:
    • Amplified and distorted smell.
    • A terrible aversion to certain smells.
    • Tired, confused or ill odors, gases or vapors.
    • Food allergies or intolerances.
    • Allergies or sensitivities to pollen, pets, dust, medicines, nickel, leather and / or a variety of other substances.
    • Hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields.
    • ME / CFS, burnout, fibromyalgia.
The more symptoms from above list you have the more change you got MCS.

See for more information http://planetthrive.com/environmental-illness/chemical-sensitivity/