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Solve MC/CFS Initiative -Update webinar from July 2014


Senior Member
outside of NYC
I know that many here have a problem with this organization and my apologies if this has already been posted.

But if any are interested. Here is the youtube video to their lastest webinar-update.



senior member
Concord, NH
They might be better in the future, time will tell. Probably a good thing they are going to focus more (only?) on research and not advocating for us! (M.E.)!!


PS Still need to listen to this, they talk about getting a blood sample in, I think. How do I go about this, if I wanted to? Don't think my Drs office would do it, would a blood drawing lab do it?

I have an appt with a new Dr in Sept, wonder if they would do it, for cheap!


Senior Member
outside of NYC
They might be better in the future, time will tell. Probably a good thing they are going to focus more (only?) on research and not advocating for us! (M.E.)!!


PS Still need to listen to this, they talk about getting a blood sample in, I think. How do I go about this, if I wanted to? Don't think my Drs office would do it, would a blood drawing lab do it?

I have an appt with a new Dr in Sept, wonder if they would do it, for cheap!

At GG. They do say in the video that there are multiple ways to give blood. Through your MD, one of the major labs in the US (e.g. Quest, which has drawing stations all over) and for some that can not get out they have a contract with a lab that will do home blood draws. I thought this was good. I don't know what the cost would be??? Didn't even think of that.

The thing is I signed up for the biobank (you can do so through their website), I think close to a year ago and haven't heard anything from them.


senior member
Concord, NH
At GG. They do say in the video that there are multiple ways to give blood. Through your MD, one of the major labs in the US (e.g. Quest, which has drawing stations all over) and for some that can not get out they have a contract with a lab that will do home blood draws. I thought this was good. I don't know what the cost would be??? Didn't even think of that.

The thing is I signed up for the biobank (you can do so through their website), I think close to a year ago and haven't heard anything from them.

Cool, thanks for the information. I have attempted to sign up in the past, but I think the emails get buried in my emails, but I do recall seeing emails from Gloria E. Smith at biobank@solvercfs.org