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Methylation and inflammation

I also am homozygous for MTHFS, BHMT 02 and 08, MTHFD1 C105T. I always felt bad when I would start on veg protein shakes in the morning, I thought it was my body detoxing. But I don't believe that to be the case after reading about MTHFS mutations and unable to convert veg folate to methyl folate.
I am also homocygous für MTHFS, but I did not find much info about that. Can You give me a link or info, please!? That's why we should be careful with vegs?? (vegs contining folic acid like beans and peas?)

Violeta, yes I took a lot of chlorella in the last two years because of the metals. But without methylation I did not get out the toxic stuff of cells and brain where it combines with borrelia and viruses.

Now I am still buzy with getting sulfur out of my body, before I try to continue with methyl-donors. I dicided to have supplemets tested with bioresonance now to get a clue when to take how much. And about B12 at the moment it gives the feedback: not to take at all!

Inflammation issue got better meanwhile, taking quercetin, and also using a bioresonance programme regarding the th1/th2 shift.
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Senior Member
Methylation issues here too. I didn't even make it as far as you folks. I couldn't even tolerate the basic supports (like multi-vitamin and fish oil) that I needed before attempting the specific methylation supplements. All kinds of food intolerances (down to 3 foods) and can't take supplements. :(

I am now focusing on the gut. I am taking, and tolerating, several probiotics and one prebiotic (a fiber). Each time I add something, or increase the dose, I get a temporary increase in symptoms. The most noticeable are headache, tinnitus, sore glands, sore throat, hot/cold, brainfog.

I'm just getting started with this so not sure how much it will help, but I haven't had a bad migraine since starting (a miracle!!) although I have resorted to my triptans a few times. It is something you might consider.

I should mention, I am on probiotics that do not have the usual lactobacillus strains. they are the ones most health food stores carry and are kept in the fridge. I don't tolerate those at all.

I am taking Aline (b. infantis), Florastor (s. boulardii) and Mutaflor (e. coli Nissle 1917) and the prebiotic is called FiberAid (Swanson's brand of arabinogalactan).


Senior Member
one thing i noticed that really has helped my tinnitus (and inflammation in general) is strictly limiting carb intake and increasing saturated fats (for me, that means lots of unrefined coconut oil). I'm starting to think i'm dealing with some weird neurological strain of candida that is not in my digestive system but in my brain. Probably due to a weaked immuned system from lyme and coinfections.
I am also homocygous für MTHFS, but I did not find much info about that. Can You give me a link or info, please!? That's why we should be careful with vegs?? (vegs contining folic acid like beans and peas?)

Hi Prema, most of what I've read has been from this forum. Richvank talks about with regard to fredd's issues with veg. There are a few google searches that lead to more technical paper but below is a good start.


Do a google search for methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase
I also started with more coconut fat and I am wondering about the systemic candida, how to get it out. I am taking probiotics and will start with the saccharomyces b. to help with the candida issue.

Hi Danny, thanks for the link. Now I've got something more to study. I am trying to start my day with a smoothie with Greens (lettice), carrot and fruit. Now this is the wrong way to go again!? I cannot believe it...


Senior Member
I've been taking probiotics for a very long time and they never seemed to help much with the candida besides in the gut of course. My gut seems perfect but the candida seems to be elsewhere at this point. I think coconut oil makes sense that it is helping since the brain is made up of mostly fat.
Hi Danny, thanks for the link. Now I've got something more to study. I am trying to start my day with a smoothie with Greens (lettice), carrot and fruit. Now this is the wrong way to go again!? I cannot believe it...

I don't know if it's wrong for you. I didn't feel well when I was doing kale, blueberry, avocado and almond milk shakes in the morning. I also threw in a few tablespoons of high quality fish oil with 3-5 cups of kale in mine.

Might be worth doing 23andme to see where your week points are.


Senior Member
I have read that a lot of people get over candida by dealing with biounavailable/toxic stoes of copper. Candida can be a protective mechanism of the body to protect you from the metals, which are actually more harmful.


Senior Member
I have read that a lot of people get over candida by dealing with biounavailable/toxic stoes of copper. Candida can be a protective mechanism of the body to protect you from the metals, which are actually more harmful.

Violeta it's like you're reading my mind. This is exactly why I don't take copper with all the zinc I take. I found when I took it I would get severe Candida like symptoms. I don't even know if I have Candida, but that copper was not my friend.

Have you been able to find how people get this biounavailable copper out?



Senior Member
Phred, Ann Louise Gittleman has a book about copper. There are a couple of good sites with a lot of information. There are a couple of ways to do it, some requiring a lot of hair mineral analyses and supplements, some simply reducing high copper foods and making sure to eat foods with zinc and enough protein. Part of it can be that the adrenals are fatigued and the body is short on metallothionein and ceruloplasmin, two things that handle copper correctly.

I prefer to try to reduce copper intake so that the copper and zinc balance out better. Someone clued me into carnosine, a copper handler so effective that the Japanese have made a supplement, zinc carnosine, that cures h pylori. (H pylori is attached to the stomach epithelial cells through copper, somehow. I took zinc citrate for a couple of days, but for me the jury is still out about taking metal supplements besides magnesium.

Notice how the adrenals are involved! Mast cells once again. Everything is tied together. Copper is not being used correctly and not available for production of DAO, thus histamine intolerance.

One of the probably most controversial thoughts about copper toxicity, and the least seen on the web is found in the thread B2 I Love You here at Phoenix Rising. This thread has meant so much to me because I doubt that I will ever see this information anywhere else. I have to watch my wording because there are some people that take offense, but the author said that B2 mobilizes copper and iron removal from the liver and other glands and organs. I would recommend thinking about this to anyone considering trying to deal with possible copper toxicity. I very quickly saw the proof that what the author of the most important information in the thread said with respect to dogs. My dog had one of the symptoms, and giving it B2 cleared it up in just a couple of weeks.

It's complicated, and my brain is still fuzzy, so if you find anything interesting, let me know.

PS: When I first started reading about it this time around I found some messages by Laredo 7 at curezone who was able to get it out and recuperate.